Team work question?

Team work question?

Post 18 Aug 2010 19:07

Avatar Alesandro
Posts: 5
Hello Paladins of Paragon,

I have a mind-set question for you folks and this could apply to both healing and DPS as well as the paladin officer.

In my guild I am a bit low on the healing meters. Now my target does not die and i use all my cooldowns as well as a mana pot and i also finish close to empty when a fight is over (maybe having 2 to 3 percent). I still find myself lower on the totem healing wise but i think i do the best i can. Now i dont call for an intervate (sp) from a druid because we typically reserve it for the shaman in the raid.

Question: Is it wrong to NOT call for an intervate or would that be considered a borrowed cooldown? Also, from a mind-set standpoint would it be considered bad to not be at the top or are the officers "tunnel-visioning" the meters.

The problem stems from myself not being at the top and the other paladin in the raid being at the top but has to use a intervate or two during fights and then brags about being at the top. I enjoy being competitive but i dont like to brag.

Help set me straight here please and Yes flame me if you want i am curious to hear from all types of guilds on this one but Paragon pallies in particular.

Thanks for your time and great job leading the way in PVE well deserved and look forward to seeing more news from you folks.


Alesandro -- US -- Burning Legion

Re: Team work question?

Post 18 Aug 2010 20:19

Avatar killzonia
Posts: 45

I may not be from Paragon, but just thought I'd let you know how we use innervate in our raids.

Usually, if innverate is needed (which it isnt usually except for longer fights like LK), it goes to the first person to oom. We see the situation as 'What's the point in reserving it for X when Y is oom NOW?'. Dunno if this shammy goes oom before you, but if so this would make sense as a method.

Alternatively, if healers become oom round about the same time, the innervate goes to the shammy or the person that we feel needs it most. The officers in your guild may feel that the person doing higher healing deserves the innervate.

In relation to calling for the innervate: try it, and see what happens. If they flame you, you know not to do it again. The worst they can do is deny you, otherwise you'll get the innervate.

Anyway, that's my view on things, sorry about the long read :P.


Re: Team work question?

Post 18 Aug 2010 20:33

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551
If the boss fight isn't tight we'll just throw innervates around to people who shout for them on ventrilo. I usually get one (or 2 at the same second!) every time I ask for it, even hunters have been able to get them once in a while. Also, Baltha (our mage), has been reserving some innervates and making agreements with different people before the fights.

On tighter encounters we plan innervates and get them "rolling" as fast as possible so you can possibly have 2 during the fight, these times the innervates go mainly to healers. As we run with at least 3 druids in each raid, we might even end up with extra ones for dps (mages).

I'm not a paladin healer but from my point of view it would be fair if you got at least one if you are performing equally to the other paladin (you losing on meters just because of your tighter mana situation).

Re: Team work question?

Post 18 Aug 2010 23:12

User avatarzYN
Posts: 405
If the guy who you're MT healing with gets several innervates, he obviously will heal significantly more than you.

Staring at healing meters is one of the most meaningless things to do when trying to gauge a healer's performance, unless there's two healers of the same class and spec assigned to the same duty. Even then it hardly ever will produce any meaningful data.

You should be a tank healer as a paladin. If the tank didn't die, you did a f'ing brilliant job. Feel free to hog the innervates and blast Holy Lights 24/7 too and brag about it - it's just pretty pointless, it's not like you played any better.

DPS and Healing meters are completely different beasts and shouldn't be compared.

Re: Team work question?

Post 19 Aug 2010 00:26

Avatar Ashgoz
Posts: 58
zYN wrote:If the guy who you're MT healing with gets several innervates, he obviously will heal significantly more than you.

Staring at healing meters is one of the most meaningless things to do when trying to gauge a healer's performance, unless there's two healers of the same class and spec assigned to the same duty. Even then it hardly ever will produce any meaningful data.

You should be a tank healer as a paladin. If the tank didn't die, you did a f'ing brilliant job. Feel free to hog the innervates and blast Holy Lights 24/7 too and brag about it - it's just pretty pointless, it's not like you played any better.

DPS and Healing meters are completely different beasts and shouldn't be compared.

I love you for writing that, may I link it to anyone who cares 'bout Healing meters?