Nice. I did check out the elitistgroup add on and I have to say that I like it, it gave very detailed information about characters and such.
It also eases to determine how loot should be shared if there is progress arguments etc.
And what I also found very bad with GS is that it gives some weird values aparently based on ilevel and not just stats, so wrongly enchanted/gemmed gear would still give score etc...
From now on I think that I will move to use elitistgroup addon only since it gives so good detailed information I want to use.
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 14
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 357
Yeah that is the biggest problem with GS: I does not take your enchants / gems into account and also has no "intelligence" to measure if your gear makes sense for your spec.
Either use a more sophisticated addon like Elitistgroups or take the GS value but have a proper look at the persons gear / gems / spec for final evalution.
Either use a more sophisticated addon like Elitistgroups or take the GS value but have a proper look at the persons gear / gems / spec for final evalution.
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 58 is quite good, but not perfect.
For example 20 Haste really sucks as a Warlock, but the program doesn't count it as a wrong gem because it's a caster gem, and it also doesn't rate the specc/glyphs which is the biggest dps/hps/tps loss (in the majority of cases).
It also makes no difference between a Haste+Crit item and a Spirit/Crit items (Yeah i know dropluck, but some people just don't care about stats), it only differentiates between PvE and PvP items (for mage/priest and warlocks, don't know bout the other classes)
For example 20 Haste really sucks as a Warlock, but the program doesn't count it as a wrong gem because it's a caster gem, and it also doesn't rate the specc/glyphs which is the biggest dps/hps/tps loss (in the majority of cases).
It also makes no difference between a Haste+Crit item and a Spirit/Crit items (Yeah i know dropluck, but some people just don't care about stats), it only differentiates between PvE and PvP items (for mage/priest and warlocks, don't know bout the other classes)
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 405
Well tbh, it's not like the +spirit items are any bad for a warlock. Especially in Demonology spec - some of the items are significantly better in terms of RDPS if we're to assume a "normal" amount of casters in the group.
I do know what you mean though. I checked some DK stuff with it too. I wasn't impressed when my "for fun" UH spec with corpse explosions etc passed with flying colors, or when my hit was 0.3 under the cap (which gives a full -1% for the ghoul) and it was perfectly A-OK. You can get away with a lot of stuff that's very sub-optimal for raids.
It's not bad for viewing someone's stuff at a very quick glance, but it's definitely not giving enough red flashing neon lights when someone has done something stupid.
I do know what you mean though. I checked some DK stuff with it too. I wasn't impressed when my "for fun" UH spec with corpse explosions etc passed with flying colors, or when my hit was 0.3 under the cap (which gives a full -1% for the ghoul) and it was perfectly A-OK. You can get away with a lot of stuff that's very sub-optimal for raids.
It's not bad for viewing someone's stuff at a very quick glance, but it's definitely not giving enough red flashing neon lights when someone has done something stupid.
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 58
Well, it's not that I didn't know what gear to take as Demo (especially because my second specc is demo and I have to play demo all the time because our main demo is sick and tired of grinding the same raid for months), just was an example and for the other speccs +Spirit items really suck (as demo you also want Spirit+Haste instead of Spirit+Crit).
Just to clearify that ;-)
I also didn't want to blame the program, because it is a lot of work to program it that way that it rates each gem/enchant/item perfectly for each class/specc, especially because the importance of the different stats are changing with each item you are swapping.
Just to clearify that ;-)
I also didn't want to blame the program, because it is a lot of work to program it that way that it rates each gem/enchant/item perfectly for each class/specc, especially because the importance of the different stats are changing with each item you are swapping.
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 10
zYN wrote:... I checked some DK stuff with it too. I wasn't impressed when my "for fun" UH spec with corpse explosions etc passed with flying colors...
Whaaaaat????!!? I tought the corpse explosion was THE shit in DK dps. I'm sure it helps in blood council cause i heard that boss corpses explode exponentially bigger than normal ones. (lulz srlsy)
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 405
Ashgoz wrote:Well, it's not that I didn't know what gear to take as Demo (especially because my second specc is demo and I have to play demo all the time because our main demo is sick and tired of grinding the same raid for months), just was an example and for the other speccs +Spirit items really suck (as demo you also want Spirit+Haste instead of Spirit+Crit).
Just to clearify that ;-)
I also didn't want to blame the program, because it is a lot of work to program it that way that it rates each gem/enchant/item perfectly for each class/specc, especially because the importance of the different stats are changing with each item you are swapping.
Yeah. Would you rather that it red-flagged every lock who has +spirit items but not in demonology spec though? There's bound to be plenty of cases where someone has a lower tier SP+Haste piece, then upgrades it to higher tier Spirit piece. Overall DPS gain, but the program would flash red?
I'd let it pass anyway. There's bunch of other stuff that could be improved however. 8]
Re: Gearscore
- Posts: 4
Ashgoz wrote:Well, it's not that I didn't know what gear to take as Demo (especially because my second specc is demo and I have to play demo all the time because our main demo is sick and tired of grinding the same raid for months), just was an example and for the other speccs +Spirit items really suck (as demo you also want Spirit+Haste instead of Spirit+Crit).
Just to clearify that ;-)
I also didn't want to blame the program, because it is a lot of work to program it that way that it rates each gem/enchant/item perfectly for each class/specc, especially because the importance of the different stats are changing with each item you are swapping.
Sorry for resurrecting old threads here, but I always like to hear top guilds opinions on the gear score fail-nomenon, and just had to comment.
I look at GS as a tool, like a ruler. It is capable of providing a measurement of something if used as it was designed. But, like a ruler, you can also slap your buddies (or random people) around the head with it. The main problem with it is that it has been taken so far out of context as to not really be relevant anymore.
It shouldn't be very difficult to re-write the addon so that it gives an accurate rating of someones gear/gems/chants based on what class/spec they are. There are BiS lists for each class and spec, as well as programs that have ranked each piece of gear available for each slot from best to worst. The same is done with gems and enchants. Using these pieces of information, it is a relatively simple matter to assign a maximum value for absolute BiS everything with proper gems and enchants and having any player not meeting these standards be assigned a percentage of that maximum number. This method wouldn't even have to take into account things like hit cap or exp cap as any guild wouldn't recruit a member based solely on their GS (although if it was off by a stupidly large amount like >3% it could be easily flagged). The only problem with this hypothetical program is that it is a rather large amount of information to process in real time. It could perhaps be done as a function of the armory that updates only the rank and flags in-game. Anyway, just food for thought. Hmm, maybe I should finish school now...I seem to spend a lot of creative energy working out problems like this.
Also, I read somewhere that EG only works on players who use the addon, as it requires them to upload their information. That's the only real upside to GS, is that you get to see EVERYONE.