well, as a enhancement shaman i find it very hard to buttonmash in raids due to our extremely long rotation(priority list). i still do fine dps, usually 5th - 7th clicking. but i feel i could do so mutch more if i started using buttons.
my question is. is there anything you do to make it easier to buttonmash? or what is ur personal style for using attacks?
enhancement shaman question for Rhimz
Re: enhancement shaman question for Rhimz
- Posts: 2
im not Rhimz obviously :P but personally i use key binding macros easiest way to keep your rotation with 16 buttons which is enough to keep your rotation of any spells regardless of spec, but i like the num pad for mine easiest way is use ur most common spells at 4,5,6 and i have my trinket/eng/ect buffs at 0,.,enter use mainly cooldown spells at 7,8,9 and but anything else at 1,2,3 hope this helps :)
2 posts -