Hi, I am a trial in a new guild and I am playing as moonkin, my guildmaster is an old Ensidia player that x-transfered from Tarren Mill, and my guildmaster says I have to shape up with my dps to pass trial, but I dont understand what I am doing wrong, he says its mostly when moving, but I am trying to not move to much, and refreshing dots and casting typhoon while moving. For an example the halion fight in second phase with the orb lazer's, I do stop when I have to run to cast a wrath just to keep my dps up a bit, I do over 9k dps when I move and I dont see why that can be to low. Because right after I stop again I get up to over 10k+ dps.
I am always in the top 7 on most fight's, and we got one other moonkin in the guild, that is raider, and I am almost always over him on dps/damage.
He is saying that it is big chance I wont pass trial because of this.
Sorry for my grammar and I hope I will get an answer soon:)
Really want to pass this trial.
Question for Lappe
Question for Lappe
- Posts: 10
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 357
The problem does not seem to be your DPS but the guild leader. Of course there might be the possibility to squeeze out some more DPS but given that you seem to make Top 7 or maybe even Top 5 quite often and are on eye-level or above a raider who plays the same class, makes me question the intention of the GM.
Being a trial makes it of course hard to debate or question GM decisions as it might lead to an immediate drop from the guild, but if he questions your DPS you should point out the facts that speak for you right now which is - your DPS and how it ranks to other, more seasoned members.
I know this ain't the advice you might have been looking for, but to me this is not really about that you play your class wrong.
Being a trial makes it of course hard to debate or question GM decisions as it might lead to an immediate drop from the guild, but if he questions your DPS you should point out the facts that speak for you right now which is - your DPS and how it ranks to other, more seasoned members.
I know this ain't the advice you might have been looking for, but to me this is not really about that you play your class wrong.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 10
hmm, that may be the problem, because I talk alot with some of the members in the guild and there is alot of people that doesen't like the GM's leading.
But then it seems I'll just have to wait for the officers and the guild masters decission.. and thanks for your answer:)
But then it seems I'll just have to wait for the officers and the guild masters decission.. and thanks for your answer:)
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 357
No problem. You can / should still maybe post your Armory or so if you feel that Lappe could give you supportive advise on your equipment etc. :)
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 10
I know I should regem my staff and some other piece's, dont need the hit gem on waist etc.
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... n=Toehater
And before saying anything on my hit raiting look at spec : )
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... n=Toehater
And before saying anything on my hit raiting look at spec : )
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 22
ur gear isnt the best for a boomkin if i was you id change my neck, cloak, braces and boots as there more healing based gear.
Also if you take the legs from festergut you get alot of haste and hit from it which means you can then take on the ring from lootship which is a bis i beleive.
As for halion fight in phase 2 its very hard to dps as a boomkin as its a known fact that moving cripples us but try to save ur starfall in phase 2 for wen the beams come and just cast 1 wrath wen u can etc.
Also if you take the legs from festergut you get alot of haste and hit from it which means you can then take on the ring from lootship which is a bis i beleive.
As for halion fight in phase 2 its very hard to dps as a boomkin as its a known fact that moving cripples us but try to save ur starfall in phase 2 for wen the beams come and just cast 1 wrath wen u can etc.
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 10
yes, but then it is the drops, and since I am trial I dont got any prio on any loot, and I aint any lucky on the loots.
And I do save my starfall for p2 when balls come:)
And I am trying to get Ring of Rapid Ascents hc, since I know it is BiS:)
And I do save my starfall for p2 when balls come:)
And I am trying to get Ring of Rapid Ascents hc, since I know it is BiS:)
Re: Question for Lappe
- Posts: 22
well untill u get that gear u cant really change ur dps if ur doing all ur rotation right so like some1 said above its clearly a GM issue nothing else.
9 posts -