Hey, I just started playing again and realized i have over 160 frost badges in my bags and I'm wondering what to get....here's my armory.com.. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Falsar
I can't just get a tier token thing anytime soon because I just started up again, and I'm wondering whether I'd gain more bonus going for, say, the Longstrider's Chest and the frost badge hands, or, getting 4/5 251 itmlevl tier 10. Is it worth having the four piece set bonus? Or would my dps be higher with the other non set frost badge items? Thanks...
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 6
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 7
Falsar wrote:Hey, I just started playing again and realized i have over 160 frost badges in my bags and I'm wondering what to get....here's my armory.com.. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Falsar
I can't just get a tier token thing anytime soon because I just started up again, and I'm wondering whether I'd gain more bonus going for, say, the Longstrider's Chest and the frost badge hands, or, getting 4/5 251 itmlevl tier 10. Is it worth having the four piece set bonus? Or would my dps be higher with the other non set frost badge items? Thanks...
I would advise getting 4/5 ASAP. Also, you should really re-think your gemming choices; for example, move your prismatic into a slot where it gives a socket bonus for being blue (I would suggest putting it in the tier 10 chest's blue slot or the Rock-Steady Tread's slot), and rather than using a straight yellow +20 hit gem, opt to use two orange +10 agility +10 hit gems (put one in your belt and one in your neck)
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Hey Kruf (or anyone else who is able/willing to answer)
My guild has recently started working on H-LK 25 man, and I have a few questions that I haven't been able to find answers to, mainly regarding hawk eye.
I noticed the 7/56/8 spec, and was curious to whether that was exclusively for Putricide (as mentioned on this forum), or if that would be helpful for LK as well? Also what other fights would Hawk Eye be ideal for? I can imagine it would be useful for many of the ICC encounters, but I'm curious as to what other fights you actually use it for.
Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
My guild has recently started working on H-LK 25 man, and I have a few questions that I haven't been able to find answers to, mainly regarding hawk eye.
I noticed the 7/56/8 spec, and was curious to whether that was exclusively for Putricide (as mentioned on this forum), or if that would be helpful for LK as well? Also what other fights would Hawk Eye be ideal for? I can imagine it would be useful for many of the ICC encounters, but I'm curious as to what other fights you actually use it for.
Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
pebbiez wrote:I noticed the 7/56/8 spec, and was curious to whether that was exclusively for Putricide (as mentioned on this forum), or if that would be helpful for LK as well?
It's there exclusively for LK these days.
pebbiez wrote:Also what other fights would Hawk Eye be ideal for? I can imagine it would be useful for many of the ICC encounters, but I'm curious as to what other fights you actually use it for.
It could be useful for Putricide (depending slightly on tactics) and definitely useful for Valithria, but both are so easy these days that I don't bother to switch specs for them anymore.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 4
Hey there Kruf, I was wondering....do you have a hunter alt? Most people find it odd or maybe it's just my guild.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 357
I don't want to take the answer away from Kruf, but in an interview with the Hunting Party Podcast he once stated that he had a Hunter ALT that even was in another guild where he helped some friends with their LK25 HC.
No clue about the current situation of course. I guess that's up for him to answer.
No clue about the current situation of course. I guess that's up for him to answer.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Grizz28 wrote:Hey there Kruf, I was wondering....do you have a hunter alt? Most people find it odd or maybe it's just my guild.
Kruf @ Ravencrest
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 12
Hey Kruf :) Its been a while since I picked your brain and I have a bit of a dilemma that Im hoping your hunter expertise can help me out with.
First off, here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... cn=Lailyne
I have equipped the Zod's Repeating Longbow (regular, sadly we havent down 25m LK yet, but we are getting there!), but just last week in 10m, I got the Windrunner's Heartseeker off LK (again - regular mode). Now - Im a bit confused on what I should do, cause I know the equip on Zod's is definitely nice but Im not quite ArP capped yet (at 1329 with food buff), and the Windrunner's does have 32 ArP on it which will help push me to the cap. Should I stick with Zod's or go with Windrunner's in your opinion? I did do the spreadsheet and Zod's was slightly out dpsing it by only about 10dps (a friend ran the sheet for me and thats what he got, so he may have missed a few things when inputting), so I was wondering what you thought best for me dps wise.
Thanks for your help :)
First off, here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... cn=Lailyne
I have equipped the Zod's Repeating Longbow (regular, sadly we havent down 25m LK yet, but we are getting there!), but just last week in 10m, I got the Windrunner's Heartseeker off LK (again - regular mode). Now - Im a bit confused on what I should do, cause I know the equip on Zod's is definitely nice but Im not quite ArP capped yet (at 1329 with food buff), and the Windrunner's does have 32 ArP on it which will help push me to the cap. Should I stick with Zod's or go with Windrunner's in your opinion? I did do the spreadsheet and Zod's was slightly out dpsing it by only about 10dps (a friend ran the sheet for me and thats what he got, so he may have missed a few things when inputting), so I was wondering what you thought best for me dps wise.
Thanks for your help :)
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Lailyne wrote:First off, here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... cn=Lailyne
Might want to use agi (or runspeed/stam) enchant on boots with your current setup, as you're pretty far above hitcap. Or gem for 7% hit from gear and change your talents accordingly. Also you should switch that Nightmare Tear around so you get a blue socket bonus with it.
I'd recommend replacing that neck with something that has arp as soon as possible.
Lailyne wrote:I have equipped the Zod's Repeating Longbow (regular, sadly we havent down 25m LK yet, but we are getting there!), but just last week in 10m, I got the Windrunner's Heartseeker off LK (again - regular mode). Now - Im a bit confused on what I should do, cause I know the equip on Zod's is definitely nice but Im not quite ArP capped yet (at 1329 with food buff), and the Windrunner's does have 32 ArP on it which will help push me to the cap. Should I stick with Zod's or go with Windrunner's in your opinion? I did do the spreadsheet and Zod's was slightly out dpsing it by only about 10dps (a friend ran the sheet for me and thats what he got, so he may have missed a few things when inputting), so I was wondering what you thought best for me dps wise.
If we're talking about the heroic version of Windrunner's Heartseeker vs normal Zod's I'd take the Heartseeker, but if it's normal Heartseeker vs normal Zod's I'd go for Zod's for the higher base dps.