Rogue discussion
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 19
Hello rogues! i want to ask if its good to play with the 2 ArP trinket (DBW and Sharpened Twilight Scale) instead DBW and Harkumi..
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 3
is it possible for Wakozi to post a list of his addons used? since hes the only assassination rogue in paragon. Envenom, just wondering how u get the maximum damage.. just wanna know what u do.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 202
Can you think of a single reason why not to wear the trinket from ruby sanctum over herkuml?
Think any decent buff/debuff timer will be enough to play mutilate. Just don't let your energy cap and envenom as late as possible to maximize the uptime of the buff.
Think any decent buff/debuff timer will be enough to play mutilate. Just don't let your energy cap and envenom as late as possible to maximize the uptime of the buff.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 19
Hello! i want to ask if the enchant Minor Speed and 6agility is better from 12hit/critical (boots) for a combat rogue who doesnt got talent for movement speed like assasination..
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 202 ... ost1325309
There's some analysis on icewalker vs 6 agi and minor movement speed. Personally I'll manage with rocket boots and sprint.
There's some analysis on icewalker vs 6 agi and minor movement speed. Personally I'll manage with rocket boots and sprint.