Priest discussion

Re: Priest discussion

Post 12 Jul 2010 12:02

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Håkon wrote:Hi, I am currently playing holy priest pve, and I have some question concerning "the new priest" in holy.

Classic priest used to be about haste+spirit, now it seems holy priest is mostly about aoe healing. I have followed up with the new priest, having spirit+crit as my main stats, and little haste. I never enchant or gem crit, I just make sure most the gear items I get have that stat on them. My main focus in enchanting/gemming, is having most spirit, but still filling all socket bonuses

Yellow Socketspots - 10 Intellect + 10 Spirit (Seer's Eye of Zul)
I focus alot on mana, therefore spirit, and I dont like gemming crit or haste, so I consider that gem in yellow socketspots the best for me when having socketbonus aswell.

Red Socketspots - 12 Spell Power + 10 Spirit (Purified Dreadstone)
Best for me when having socketbonus.

Blue Socketspots - 20 Spirit (Sparkling Majestic Zircon)

For my enchants I usually go with what gives best benefit to my mana, but where choosing Spirit/mp5/int means I am replacing a stat where I would usually benefit more from like having 10 + spirit on back instead of 23 haste and having 18spirit on Wrist instead of 30sp, then I think its better to go with the stat I benefit most from.

Glyphs - Glyph of Prayer of Healing, Glyph of Shadowfiend, Glyph of Circle of Healing, Glyph of Shadow Protection, Glyph of Flash Heal and Glyph of Levitate.

When Healing I mostly throw Aoe Spells - PoH, CoH, PoM and DoH!
So therefore in my talents I have choosen to spend talent points elsewhere then using them on Empowered Healing, many would think that is one of the most important of priest talents and avoiding it would be idiotic, but I dont think it fits for the new priest, which is mostly about AoE Healing.

I dont know whats the best for the new priest, and if this is correct. I am hoping you can reply to me with other suggestions for gear/talents/glyphs if you have any, so I can improve my healing, for me, this is the new priest I believe, but I am not sure, and I would want to know any way of improving if there is any.

This new priest have worked fine so far, I use Poh, Coh, PoM and renew most of the time, and there is always alot of overhealing from this, but still good healing, it works good, I can make good healing from it, but I would still like to improve more and learn how to build talent/gear/glyphs and learn more about rotation. There aint any main rotation for HP I know, but just come with any suggestions so I can improve!

Thanks for reading.
Håkon - EU Trollbane


Sup Håkon, I gotta be honest with you. I dont see any sense in your gemming + glyphs. Why do you gem spirit+int. I very much doubt that you'll ever run out of mana with your gear and the current icc buff.

About glyphs, as you stated above, you mostly throw out aoe heals, so why would you glyph for flash heal if it isnt your main heal. You should also consider switching glyph of prayer of healing out to renew/guardian spirit.

If your maingoal is to play efficiently, go and check out the gemming&spec&glyphs of me and Jhazrun. I understand that some people like playing to be more about fun than progress, which usually means that they will gem for haste, as 1sec flash heal and poh are pretty damn cool. But gemming spirit, I see no fun or efficient in doing so.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 12 Jul 2010 21:35

Avatar Håkon
Posts: 3
Sup Håkon, I gotta be honest with you. I dont see any sense in your gemming + glyphs. Why do you gem spirit+int. I very much doubt that you'll ever run out of mana with your gear and the current icc buff.

About glyphs, as you stated above, you mostly throw out aoe heals, so why would you glyph for flash heal if it isnt your main heal. You should also consider switching glyph of prayer of healing out to renew/guardian spirit.

If your maingoal is to play efficiently, go and check out the gemming&spec&glyphs of me and Jhazrun. I understand that some people like playing to be more about fun than progress, which usually means that they will gem for haste, as 1sec flash heal and poh are pretty damn cool. But gemming spirit, I see no fun or efficient in doing so.

Thank you, I will make sure to do so!
Thanks again for your time :-)

Re: Priest discussion

Post 13 Jul 2010 15:23

Avatar domtheskater
Posts: 10
hi there our guild currently runs with 2 resto druids in our 25 mans and 1 in 10 mans and i was wondering how many you usally run with and how it affects the healing you do.

Also if there is a better way to work with 2 resto druids is there any advice you could give me because atm my renew ticks are getting stolen by the druids hasted hots :P.


Re: Priest discussion

Post 13 Jul 2010 18:50

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
domtheskater wrote:hi there our guild currently runs with 2 resto druids in our 25 mans and 1 in 10 mans and i was wondering how many you usally run with and how it affects the healing you do.

Also if there is a better way to work with 2 resto druids is there any advice you could give me because atm my renew ticks are getting stolen by the druids hasted hots :P.


We have 0-2 resto druids in our 25 man raids and 0-1 in 10 man raids. They indeed do have a high inpact in our healing, but its nothing you should be worrying about. You should concentrate more in "spot healing" when you have 2 resto druids blanketing the whole raid, use pom on cd, coh when enough players will benefit from it, throw a quick surge of light here or there if needed, maybe even use poh sometimes? And ofcourse use renew as a filler. It's only natural for you to lose to restodruids in the meters, so just focus on keeping the raid alive :)

Re: Priest discussion

Post 14 Jul 2010 22:12

Avatar Xeno
Posts: 1
The guild I am currently in is soon to start 25 H LK, we run with three shadow priests at the moment. Now I Know in 10 man the spirits in the shadowmourne room can be easily defeated by mind sear. Can this be accomplished in 25? How much health do they have?

Re: Priest discussion

Post 15 Jul 2010 07:15

Avatar AssassinGR
Posts: 3
Hey! First i have to congratz u about the effort u have putt in this website and ur recent achievs in wow^^

Anyway, my question is the following: im wondering if its better to use MB on cd ( i have 4pc t10 ) or use it once every 15sec to keep replenish up. Any further tips, help in my char will be appreciated

PS1: my armory linkh ttp:// ... thi%C3%A8n

PS2: sorry for my english:D

Re: Priest discussion

Post 15 Jul 2010 10:03

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551

I have already answered this question earlier in this thread viewtopic.php?f=18&t=418&start=10

Repeating myself: I'm using MB so that doesn't clip with other abilities or delay them which is usually ~around 5 seconds before replenishment drops. During bloodlust I use MB at the last possible moment so that I don't drop replenishment.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 16 Jul 2010 07:42

Avatar AssassinGR
Posts: 3
Thx alot^^ u really cleared my mind hehe:D

Re: Priest discussion

Post 19 Jul 2010 22:00

Avatar phyx
Posts: 3

few question for you.
we've just killed LK25 on normal and 4 bosses on 25hc mode.
this is my char ... &cn=Ignore

as u see i have 37%(42% holy spells) crit chance, 28k mana , 3200sp and 681 mp/5.
fully buffed i have 49%(holy) crit chance, 33k mana, 3500sp and 1033 mp/5.

since i thought disco should crit as much as possible i stacked sp/crit gems with sp/spi gems to not run out of mana.
i have no problems mana wise in any encounter. using pet only for LK25 normal cause of all the shielding. now i obtainwd few new items and was wondering should i continue socket like that or should i socket sp/int which will lead to much less crit chance , a lil bigger mana pool and weaker mp/5? or something else..

thank u in advance.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 20 Jul 2010 06:37

Avatar Daedra
Posts: 7
phyx wrote:hi!

few question for you.
we've just killed LK25 on normal and 4 bosses on 25hc mode.
this is my char ... &cn=Ignore

as u see i have 37%(42% holy spells) crit chance, 28k mana , 3200sp and 681 mp/5.
fully buffed i have 49%(holy) crit chance, 33k mana, 3500sp and 1033 mp/5.

since i thought disco should crit as much as possible i stacked sp/crit gems with sp/spi gems to not run out of mana.
i have no problems mana wise in any encounter. using pet only for LK25 normal cause of all the shielding. now i obtainwd few new items and was wondering should i continue socket like that or should i socket sp/int which will lead to much less crit chance , a lil bigger mana pool and weaker mp/5? or something else..

thank u in advance.

Generally Discipline priests should stack spellpower once you reach the point where mana is not a issue, the bigger your power word: shields are the better. This is really the best way to get maximum throughput, as im sure it has been said on these forums elsewhere your other stats will fall into place from obtaining gear (assuming you itemize properly). Imo stack spellpower gems. Spirit is not so good for Discipline by the way. I can link you WoL logs if you'd like to see how I preform with that gemming.