Hi all,
First off, grats on your success.
I just wanted to ask whose NPC's voice is in the beginning of your LK video? Right after LK engages and where can I locate the MPQ file?
Thanks, and good luck in cataclysm.
Concerning your LKHM World First video
Re: Concerning your LKHM World First video
- Posts: 9
It's Highlord Tirion Fordring who speaks just before lich king. Sorry but cant find those MPQ files for ya:S
Re: Concerning your LKHM World First video
- Posts: 7
Nah, he don't mean Tirion, he means Uthar the Lightbringer, and i've looked, but i can't find his files either :/
Re: Concerning your LKHM World First video
- Posts: 109
- Location: Finland
- Code: Select all
World of Warcraft\Data\enGB\patch-enGB-2.MPQ
Type *uther*.wav to filter line at WinMPQ or some other MPQ extractor.
The sounds from the actual LK-fight are located in the newer patch-enGB-3.MPQ.
Re: Concerning your LKHM World First video
- Posts: 4
Yeah, thanks guys. I found out by googling what Uther was saying in the Paragon video and found out it was uther, then I just checked in every folder and extracted almost all of uther's clips to find it.
Could have saved me trouble by remembering I asked here. lulz
Video is all done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UqqG8pgp4
Could have saved me trouble by remembering I asked here. lulz
Video is all done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UqqG8pgp4
Re: Concerning your LKHM World First video
- Posts: 551
The video looks really nice. Now I just have to find those 2 songs from Ashley Wallbridge feat.Meighan Nealon from somewhere, preferably the whole album!
6 posts -