Priest discussion

Re: Priest discussion

Post 04 Jul 2010 12:30

Avatar Oldwhitejoe
Posts: 2
Hello Shadowpriests!

I'm wondering if I am doing alright with my DPS, I got 5.8k GS (Kinda pointless indicator, I know) and 4240 psuedoPower.

In ICC 25 with the 25% buff I'm managing numbers between 11 and 12k dps, is that accepted with my high GS and PP?

Thanks alot!

Re: Priest discussion

Post 07 Jul 2010 03:43

Avatar Sickness
Posts: 1
Hey Jhaz,

I have been reading the forums and your comments for awhile now, wanted to make sure the questions asked not going to be re-asked by myself.

I have healed, 12/12 ICC25 and 11/12 ICC25 Hc, and i have kept an eye on your healing performance compared to my own.

I do use PoM and CoH on CD... with 5-6 renews between, i notice ya use dyine hymn aswell... i guess i slack in using that :) - Keeping that rotation in mind, CoH seems to heal alot more then my renews, the renews are generally second.

My eff heals are high enough with my overheals under 50% (depends on boss ofc).

However my issue is my HPS, its seem far to low compared to yours, ofc there is some slight gear differences, im 5 heroic items away from being the same or closed geared is you, however my active uptime is above 100%.

Reasoning why im asking for help is my raid leader, keeps saying that we (priests) are slacking and not healing as much as the other healers. I agree my heals seems weaker compared to others.

So i have a few questions for you if you do not mind.

1. Im going to change (If not done already by the time you look) all my gems to SP just like your self and Ande, and dropping the haste and spi for the throughput. Would you agree this is a good move for me?

2. When PoM and CoH is on cooldown, and spamming those renews, i generally put renews on the tanks and ranged/healers and leave out the melee, because they are normally being spammed by the shaman's chain heals. Who do you focus on? I know its a stupid question, however for the heals to be effective they need to be on the correct players, and fights like Marrowgar (Bone Storm), Fester, BQL, Sindra (Phase 2) the whole raid is taking damage, and it would be impossible to cast renew on every raid member in 6 seconds :) or 9 seconds when the first renew ends.

Please take a look at my character here:

Heres also my raid logs from 2 weeks ago, wasnt able to raid last week, work /yawn

Thank you for ya time in reading and look forward to your response.


Re: Priest discussion

Post 07 Jul 2010 13:12

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Sugarkills wrote:Hello I have a few questions regarding disc in 25 man primerily shield spamming. I understand that for the most part I should be aiming for the most possible spell power but I am still unsure about other aspects.

Providing I maintain 450 haste for 1.0 second GCD with borrowed time should I be aiming to favour crit? I also am not sure sure how to value spirit.

I have a few gear choice questions If you could help,

1. Chest: a) Flowing Robes of Ascent (245) b) T9 Chest (245) c) Merlins Robe d) Royal Moonshrould Robe

2. Legs: a) Leggings of Woven Death or b) Lightweave Leggings

3. 1 of the following trinkets: a) Tears of the Vanquished b) 150 sp Battlemasters c) i245 int badge trinket.

And finaly which race is better for disc: Troll or Blood Elf?


Shieldspam being your main duty, both spirit and crit are not so useful stats. But ofcourse keep in mind that spirit provides more manaregen.

1) I am sure that you will soon or already have been able to upgrade from ilvl245 chest to ilvl264 Meteor Chaser's Raiment which is purchasable with Emblems of Frost. So basically just take the ilvl245 chest which is easiest to obtain.

2) Leggings of Woven Death

3) i245 int badge trinket.

Troll provides faster casting with berserking and bloodelf provides mana with arcane torrent. I find myself not running out of mana, so i chose troll.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 07 Jul 2010 13:35

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Visions wrote:Hi Jhazrun,
Thanks for the frequent updates. I rely on this thread as much if not more than whats found on EJ and PlusHeal because of your availability, knowledge and experience. That said, I'm playing a Disc (main spec) and Holy (offspec), and trying to come to grips with my gear. Currently my guild is 9/12 Hardmodes and working hard at knocking out Prof. Putricide.

In terms of gear, what should I be looking to upgrade to best maximize my ability to contribute?

What is your opinion on the i264 Trauma vs. the LK mace

What is the viability of Holy as a Hardmode ICC 25 raiding spec? (I ask because of there poor showing on logs and meters)

And finally, if you could humor me and assess my current gemming choices, I'd be greatly indebted to you!

I ask, because I really feel like there is something lacking in my priesting.


my armory: ... cn=Visions

I'm not Jhazrun, but I'll help him out a littlebit. :-)

Things to upgrade, 1. Wand 2. Off-hand 3. Belt 4. Wrists

1. Wand choices are 10man hc wand from Bloodqueen and 25man hc rotface/valithria. Aim for the ones that have spirit, that way you'll can contribute as holy and disc.

2. Off-hand choices haste/crit off-hand from bloodprinces and spirit off-hand from sindra. Again personally I would aim for the one with spirit.

3. Circle of Ossus which is purchasable with emblems of frost, or 25man hc festergut Lingering Illness

4. Wrists from rotface 25man hc.

As a sidenote i expect that as disc your primary duty is shieldspamming.

ilvl264 trauma vs lk mace, as disc i would take the lk mace and as holy i would go with trauma.

Holy is a lot more viable than disc. There are only few bosses where disc is actually useful. And ofcourse it depends alot on your healing lineup. Lets say that youre running with 6 healers. Bosses where i would go disc are. Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Rotface, Bloodprinces and Lich King. If you're running with 7 or more healers I would prolly use disc in all other bosses except Valithria and Sindra. If you have 5 or less healers, having a disc is really questionable and depends totally on your healing lineup but atleast you NEED one at Lich King, maybe also on Lady Deathwhisper, Putricide and Rotface.

About your gemming, it's fine as it is :-)

Re: Priest discussion

Post 07 Jul 2010 13:40

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Raskol wrote:First and foremost, a much-deserved THANK YOU Jhaz! The interest and spontaneousness with which you respond us less-informed priests is very satisfying. It is delightful to recieve answers from someone so charismatic and smart, and who definately knows what it mean to PRIEST.

Now, to the meaqt of the deal:

I am the current Holy Priest in my guild, even though as of late ive been playing shadow more and more - we are currently 10/12 HMs, with Putricide on the brink of extinction and the LK wipe fest on the horizon. Ill probably play each spec equally for this fight.

With this in mind, what are your thoughts on using Shadow tier for healing? The deliciously itemized Sanguine Silk Robes refuse to drop for my guild week after week, thus leaving me with little option as to what to use in the typically non-tier piece chest slot. I have considered using the similarly itemized gloves, but found an option which just might be effective, considering my more and more frequent use of the shadowy side of things: using the shadow chest piece. I am getting very close to making myself with a heroic token, even if the Conqueror version is close to the already mentioned robes in rarity for our cloth-hating RNG god. (I bet hes a paladin, since oh does that much-maligned spell plate drop) However, when the stars finally align, it seems i might get it, which has brought up the idea of using it for the Shadow tier chest. Ill benefit my two specs, and grant me a whole lot of throughtput. however, my other option is to simply upgrade another highly budgeted piece, like the shoulders, and continue waiting for the chest - this will grant me a higher level of spirit, and probably benefit my healing in the long run. What are your thoughts on this matter? Also, 277 Trauma/264 Spindle or 277 BQ staff? I haven't been able to draw a definite conclusion.

Heres a link to my armory - I might be in shadow gear, but ill try to remember to log out in holy gear. ... &cn=Raskol

With my most sincere gratitude,

Personally If I were to play both Holy and Shadow, I would get the shadow t10 heroic chest now and get sanguine robes later when you can.

Go with trauma+spindle and try to upgrade from spindle to the sindragosa offhand.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 07 Jul 2010 13:43

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Daedra wrote:What are your thoughts on the Ruby Sanctum Healing trinket for a Discipline priest, I recently got the normal version and am quite happy with it. Curious though on your thoughts on it (Jhazrun or any other Disc priests).

My thoughts are that it is awesome. As I have gotten to the point where I pretty much never run out of mana, I can finally say goodbye to Purified Lunar Dust and hope for the Ruby Sanctum trinket to drop. About the cooldown, after going through some logs it seems that with correct use it's like having another divine hymn with smaller cooldown.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 10 Jul 2010 17:50

User avatarJhazrun
Posts: 390
M'sorry, Sugarkills, Visions, Raskol, Daedra, and Sickness, that summer brings not me here half as often as you'd deserve. I should have this thread regularly attended to soon enough.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 11 Jul 2010 12:24

Avatar Håkon
Posts: 3
Hi, I am currently playing holy priest pve, and I have some question concerning "the new priest" in holy.

Classic priest used to be about haste+spirit, now it seems holy priest is mostly about aoe healing. I have followed up with the new priest, having spirit+crit as my main stats, and little haste. I never enchant or gem crit, I just make sure most the gear items I get have that stat on them. My main focus in enchanting/gemming, is having most spirit, but still filling all socket bonuses

Yellow Socketspots - 10 Intellect + 10 Spirit (Seer's Eye of Zul)
I focus alot on mana, therefore spirit, and I dont like gemming crit or haste, so I consider that gem in yellow socketspots the best for me when having socketbonus aswell.

Red Socketspots - 12 Spell Power + 10 Spirit (Purified Dreadstone)
Best for me when having socketbonus.

Blue Socketspots - 20 Spirit (Sparkling Majestic Zircon)

For my enchants I usually go with what gives best benefit to my mana, but where choosing Spirit/mp5/int means I am replacing a stat where I would usually benefit more from like having 10 + spirit on back instead of 23 haste and having 18spirit on Wrist instead of 30sp, then I think its better to go with the stat I benefit most from.

Glyphs - Glyph of Prayer of Healing, Glyph of Shadowfiend, Glyph of Circle of Healing, Glyph of Shadow Protection, Glyph of Flash Heal and Glyph of Levitate.

When Healing I mostly throw Aoe Spells - PoH, CoH, PoM and DoH!
So therefore in my talents I have choosen to spend talent points elsewhere then using them on Empowered Healing, many would think that is one of the most important of priest talents and avoiding it would be idiotic, but I dont think it fits for the new priest, which is mostly about AoE Healing.

I dont know whats the best for the new priest, and if this is correct. I am hoping you can reply to me with other suggestions for gear/talents/glyphs if you have any, so I can improve my healing, for me, this is the new priest I believe, but I am not sure, and I would want to know any way of improving if there is any.

This new priest have worked fine so far, I use Poh, Coh, PoM and renew most of the time, and there is always alot of overhealing from this, but still good healing, it works good, I can make good healing from it, but I would still like to improve more and learn how to build talent/gear/glyphs and learn more about rotation. There aint any main rotation for HP I know, but just come with any suggestions so I can improve!

Thanks for reading.
Håkon - EU Trollbane


Re: Priest discussion

Post 12 Jul 2010 09:56

Avatar Ande
Posts: 35
Sickness wrote:Hey Jhaz,

I have been reading the forums and your comments for awhile now, wanted to make sure the questions asked not going to be re-asked by myself.

I have healed, 12/12 ICC25 and 11/12 ICC25 Hc, and i have kept an eye on your healing performance compared to my own.

I do use PoM and CoH on CD... with 5-6 renews between, i notice ya use dyine hymn aswell... i guess i slack in using that :) - Keeping that rotation in mind, CoH seems to heal alot more then my renews, the renews are generally second.

My eff heals are high enough with my overheals under 50% (depends on boss ofc).

However my issue is my HPS, its seem far to low compared to yours, ofc there is some slight gear differences, im 5 heroic items away from being the same or closed geared is you, however my active uptime is above 100%.

Reasoning why im asking for help is my raid leader, keeps saying that we (priests) are slacking and not healing as much as the other healers. I agree my heals seems weaker compared to others.

So i have a few questions for you if you do not mind.

1. Im going to change (If not done already by the time you look) all my gems to SP just like your self and Ande, and dropping the haste and spi for the throughput. Would you agree this is a good move for me?

2. When PoM and CoH is on cooldown, and spamming those renews, i generally put renews on the tanks and ranged/healers and leave out the melee, because they are normally being spammed by the shaman's chain heals. Who do you focus on? I know its a stupid question, however for the heals to be effective they need to be on the correct players, and fights like Marrowgar (Bone Storm), Fester, BQL, Sindra (Phase 2) the whole raid is taking damage, and it would be impossible to cast renew on every raid member in 6 seconds :) or 9 seconds when the first renew ends.

Please take a look at my character here:

Heres also my raid logs from 2 weeks ago, wasnt able to raid last week, work /yawn

Thank you for ya time in reading and look forward to your response.


Hello Sickness, I have gone through your combatlog and compared it to our combatlogs. Your problem is that you infact are NOT using every possible gcd. If you compare the amount of renews, circle of healings and prayer of mendings landing on targets you can clearly see the difference. On some bosses your fight lasts 1minute longer and still you were not able to get more ticks on renews or more circle of healings&prayer of mendings landed than me or Jhazrun.

Sometimes in the heat of the battle it might feel like that youre using every possible gcd when in reality you are constantly missing few while moving/watching around you for things that might kill you like fire etc. I suggest you concentrate more on being able to cast constantly while you move and do other combat related stuff.

It might help getting somekind of addon which clearly tells you when gcd is over and you can cast again, that way you possibly could pickup a natural pace for it.

Ofcourse it is questionable whether it is useful to get your self the first place in the healing meters or should you only focus in keeping others alive, or maybe do both at the sametime?

Re: Priest discussion

Post 12 Jul 2010 10:25

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551
Oldwhitejoe wrote:Hello Shadowpriests!

I'm wondering if I am doing alright with my DPS, I got 5.8k GS (Kinda pointless indicator, I know) and 4240 psuedoPower.

In ICC 25 with the 25% buff I'm managing numbers between 11 and 12k dps, is that accepted with my high GS and PP?

Thanks alot!

Hello Oldwhitejoe.

I'm sorry I didn't notice your post before now. 11-12k dps sounds about fine to me, tho it would be easier to determine if you posted for example your armory link and some logs.