( A question to Liha and Synti )
Determined by the length of time I have been playing WOW, not that long really ICC has become the first raid instance I have really gotten into. I started as blood dps, decided to drop this for claims of unholy superiority, and now am working with a 0/53/18 spec mostly, but still have 0/17/54 if I decide to use it, I feel I'm pulling more single target damage in frost currently over 10k comfortably on static fights, and cant seem to decide on some gear choices, mainly concerning gemming at the moment. I have noticed Liha is strength & crit/strength gemed, and Synti is arm-pen & haste/strength gemed, currently me and my guild are 8/12 25 heroic so I am aiming for the obvious gear upgrades for me once my dkp is up a bit more, and to quickly level an alt also so I can drop mining and take BS for +2 sockets.
Here is my armoury link:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... =Supasilva
It would be greatly appreciated if one or both of you could take a look at my gear/spec and offer me some advice for me gemming/ spec or anything you feel I may have missed/or done incorrectly.
As for my rotation ( if you can call a priority system that, though I understand it is not a rotation) PS-IT- if KM up FS, if no KM OB,BS, when rime is up HB, and refresh diseases with pest, I like to on bloodlust if possible, Blood Tap, Racial, Speed potion , Unbreakable armour, this seems to boost my dps but if you can offer advice on bettering this please do.
Thanks very much for your time, keep up the amazing work,
R.E: Changing to Frost DPS
R.E: Changing to Frost DPS
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