Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 10 Jun 2010 17:35

Avatar Suppa
Posts: 26
How about you uploading your ui? Or would that be rude aswell? Its nice :D

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 11 Jun 2010 15:35

Avatar Rein
Posts: 88
Suppa wrote:How about you uploading your ui? Or would that be rude aswell? Its nice :D

I wont sorry, to have a solid UI you have to teach yourself. I can give advice but thats about all.

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 24 Jun 2010 10:37

Avatar Ivanoize
Posts: 33
What is best for a holy priest, VuhDo or Grid?

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 24 Jun 2010 12:31

Avatar Jakkemaster
Posts: 27
Ivanoize wrote:What is best for a holy priest, VuhDo or Grid?

That goes down to preferences :P

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 25 Jun 2010 14:18

Avatar Draketh
Posts: 9
Hello, i play a Holy/Disc Priest and i was wondering after reading all of this Grid topics, do any of you healers use Healbot Continued still :D? or am i missing on something ?

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 26 Jun 2010 18:42

User avatarUnshakable
Posts: 34
Draketh wrote:Hello, i play a Holy/Disc Priest and i was wondering after reading all of this Grid topics, do any of you healers use Healbot Continued still :D? or am i missing on something ?

I never really liked Healbot. I have used Grid for a couple years now. All that matters is what you are comfortable with.

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 27 Jun 2010 04:15

Avatar Rein
Posts: 88
Draketh wrote:Hello, i play a Holy/Disc Priest and i was wondering after reading all of this Grid topics, do any of you healers use Healbot Continued still :D? or am i missing on something ?

I could be wrong and please correct me if I am but I remember a huge movement away from healbot after it was found out that in larger raids the healbot bars were the slowest to update. I know I moved away from it because it was just too bulky.

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 27 Jun 2010 18:09

Avatar Draketh
Posts: 9
Yeah okay, thanks for the answears, thinking of changing to grid and see how it works;D

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 28 Jun 2010 04:50

Avatar Ivanoize
Posts: 33
In discussion about Grid x VuhDO, is VuhDo best than grid in aspect as refresh of health bars, or tracking on HoT times or they are equal?

Re: Healer UI discussion - The mastery of Grid tunneling

Post 02 Jul 2010 23:00

Avatar Puppetry
Posts: 1