I was wondering if I could get your opinion on a few things if possible :)
1) Is it better to pop a Potion of Speed or a Potion of Wild Magic with your cooldowns (or does this depend on your crit/haste stats?)
2) Should I pop Rapid Fire & Berserking at the same time? (Also with a Potion of Speed usually)
3) Should I pop Rapid Fire & Berserking with a Blood Lust? (Again most likely with a Potion of Speed)
Thanks in advance for any answers you give :)
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Amerant wrote:1) Is it better to pop a Potion of Speed or a Potion of Wild Magic with your cooldowns (or does this depend on your crit/haste stats?)
2) Should I pop Rapid Fire & Berserking at the same time? (Also with a Potion of Speed usually)
3) Should I pop Rapid Fire & Berserking with a Blood Lust? (Again most likely with a Potion of Speed)
This has already been answered multiple times in this thread, try this post for example.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Wkd wrote:Also I'm speaking from experience when I say that Oathbinder is a dps increase over H-Distand Land. I had H-Distant Land but when I got Oathbinder, I was able to hard cap ArP with an ArP elixir + food buff and I saw a significant dps increase on every fight in ICC (11/12 HM).
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... ullcrusher
I doubt you actually saw the difference, as it should be a few hundred dps or so, which is all in the noise for data on fights as short as most of ICC25 is these days.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Pullarn wrote:I know my gear isn't that good, but I would like to know if I should use Agi or ArP gems.
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Pullarn
I know you don't want this as an answer, but I would like to point out that you should find it out yourself:
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
With the ruby sanctum instance comming out soon that drops this set of shoulders
Do you think its going to be worth picking these up along with the T-10 crappy pants (to keep the 4 piece set) or just hang on to what you have and ignore the new shoulders?
Do you think its going to be worth picking these up along with the T-10 crappy pants (to keep the 4 piece set) or just hang on to what you have and ignore the new shoulders?
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 33
Torquen wrote:With the ruby sanctum instance comming out soon that drops this set of shoulders
Do you think its going to be worth picking these up along with the T-10 crappy pants (to keep the 4 piece set) or just hang on to what you have and ignore the new shoulders?
There's already better Arp/Haste shoulders in ICC that we don't use over t10 ( http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/51911/paul ... lost-hope/ )...
You gain a lot of haste (shoulders + t10 pants) and lose arp+crit. Definitely not worth picking up.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 10
I checked femaledwarf.com as you said, and when I had clicked "Update DPS" it said that I should do more than 15000 DPS oO How the hell?! I must have done something wrong, cus I don't do more than 10000. I've checked it twice and still the same... Can you look at my armory ( http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Pullarn ) and fill it in femaledwarf.com and see if I'm mistaken or anything please? Would appreciate it.
I checked femaledwarf.com as you said, and when I had clicked "Update DPS" it said that I should do more than 15000 DPS oO How the hell?! I must have done something wrong, cus I don't do more than 10000. I've checked it twice and still the same... Can you look at my armory ( http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Pullarn ) and fill it in femaledwarf.com and see if I'm mistaken or anything please? Would appreciate it.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 10
Yea, I don't know what it was, as I said I checked twice so :( No idea what I did wrong, cus I must have made something wrong apparently.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 10
I just got http://www.wowhead.com/item=50034 when I already had http://www.wowhead.com/item=51927 so my quiestion is: Which one of these is the best? I'm MM specced.
And btw, I just got my first http://www.wowhead.com/item=52026 :) And since I only have 4/5 Ahn'Kahar pieces I don't know which one I should upgrade. Could someone please give me a tip?
And btw, I just got my first http://www.wowhead.com/item=52026 :) And since I only have 4/5 Ahn'Kahar pieces I don't know which one I should upgrade. Could someone please give me a tip?