Hello, I am a blood specc'd death knight tank, what are some addons that are necessary? I know paragon doesn't have a death knight tank in the main raid, but you guys are the experts :D
The basic one i know if of course omen.
What is a good addon that can show the disease timer on mobs?
and what are some other ones that are good for death knight tanking?
thank you.
Death Knight tanking UI
Death Knight tanking UI
- Posts: 8
Re: Death Knight tanking UI
- Posts: 1
- Location: Russia
I am not using addons for IT and PS debuff time,but ... here is my UI
1) Anub 10 ppl combar interface

2)Not combat UI

What can you see here:
- aMinimap
My small minimap addon. Features: square, clean minimap with customizable background, can be moved and scaled. Tracking icon is transparent and moved to bottomleft corner. Right click on map opens calendar. Backdrop can be classcolored. Ingame options added.
- aSettings
My mod that adds some tweaks to interface: changes UI scale, adds some slash commands, adds "one-button" mount function, enables autorepair, autosell grey items, autogreen on greens in groups, auto decline duels and accept invites, hiding errors from UIErrorsFrame. Ingame options added.
- aTooltip
Tooltip mod that based on sTooltip by Shantalya. Features: backgound changed, unit names colored by class or reaction, customizable target line added, statusbar moved. Unwanted text removed (we don't need unit class text if we see class color on names, do we?). Also itemlevels and item icons added to tooltips. Ingame options added.
- BasicChatMods
Chat addon by Funkydude, edited a bit. Features added/changed: teeltarget function (/tt), chat made fully transparent, font changed.
- cargBags
Inventory framework by Cargor.
- cargBags_ Nivaya
Custom layout for cargBags by Luzzifus. More info: link.
Bossmod that shows everything that can be needed in raids.
- LynStats
Addon that provides time, latency, fps and memory info by Lyn. Some more user-friendly options to show/hide info added.
- OmniCC
Shows cooldowns for everything. Basic version by Rothar, edited a bit (options is basic.lua file).
- oUF
Unitframe framework by Haste.
Layout for oUF. Frames supported: player, target, tot, focus, focustarget, pet, party, raid, maintank, maintank targets. Plugins supported: oUF_RuneBar, oUF_Experience, oUF_ReadyCheck, oUF_Reputation, oUF_Swing, oUF_BarFader, oUF_DebuffHighlight, LibHealComm. Features: icons (raid target, combat, resting, leader), castbars (player, target, pet and focus), coloring (by class/reaction or custom color), player buff frames relpaced with oUF ones.
- oUF_DebuffHighlight
oUF plugin that makes easier looking at debuffs on units
- oUF_ReadyCheck
oUF plugin, adds readycheck info.
- rActionBarStyler
Actionbar mod by Rothar with some changes.
- rActionButtonStyler
Addon by Rothar, styles standart action buttons. Changed: textures, options (hotkey and name text are hidden, but can be enabled back).
- sFilter
Buff/debuff filter mod by Shantalya. You can manually add spells you want to track, they will be shown as icons. Only spells for warrior added! Functionality changes: alpha settings (and some other) removed, english description added, config mode improved a bit.
- SimpleRaidTargetIcons
Marking addons by Brodrick. Basic version - config removed. To set an icon simply double click player/mob.
- snt_rufix
Some fixes to ruRU locale. If you're playing with other locale - feel free to delete this addon.
- sThreatMeter2
Threat meter addon by Shantalya.
You can download it here http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/i ... LZAUI.html
(sorry for my bad english)
1) Anub 10 ppl combar interface

2)Not combat UI

What can you see here:
- aMinimap
My small minimap addon. Features: square, clean minimap with customizable background, can be moved and scaled. Tracking icon is transparent and moved to bottomleft corner. Right click on map opens calendar. Backdrop can be classcolored. Ingame options added.
- aSettings
My mod that adds some tweaks to interface: changes UI scale, adds some slash commands, adds "one-button" mount function, enables autorepair, autosell grey items, autogreen on greens in groups, auto decline duels and accept invites, hiding errors from UIErrorsFrame. Ingame options added.
- aTooltip
Tooltip mod that based on sTooltip by Shantalya. Features: backgound changed, unit names colored by class or reaction, customizable target line added, statusbar moved. Unwanted text removed (we don't need unit class text if we see class color on names, do we?). Also itemlevels and item icons added to tooltips. Ingame options added.
- BasicChatMods
Chat addon by Funkydude, edited a bit. Features added/changed: teeltarget function (/tt), chat made fully transparent, font changed.
- cargBags
Inventory framework by Cargor.
- cargBags_ Nivaya
Custom layout for cargBags by Luzzifus. More info: link.
Bossmod that shows everything that can be needed in raids.
- LynStats
Addon that provides time, latency, fps and memory info by Lyn. Some more user-friendly options to show/hide info added.
- OmniCC
Shows cooldowns for everything. Basic version by Rothar, edited a bit (options is basic.lua file).
- oUF
Unitframe framework by Haste.
Layout for oUF. Frames supported: player, target, tot, focus, focustarget, pet, party, raid, maintank, maintank targets. Plugins supported: oUF_RuneBar, oUF_Experience, oUF_ReadyCheck, oUF_Reputation, oUF_Swing, oUF_BarFader, oUF_DebuffHighlight, LibHealComm. Features: icons (raid target, combat, resting, leader), castbars (player, target, pet and focus), coloring (by class/reaction or custom color), player buff frames relpaced with oUF ones.
- oUF_DebuffHighlight
oUF plugin that makes easier looking at debuffs on units
- oUF_ReadyCheck
oUF plugin, adds readycheck info.
- rActionBarStyler
Actionbar mod by Rothar with some changes.
- rActionButtonStyler
Addon by Rothar, styles standart action buttons. Changed: textures, options (hotkey and name text are hidden, but can be enabled back).
- sFilter
Buff/debuff filter mod by Shantalya. You can manually add spells you want to track, they will be shown as icons. Only spells for warrior added! Functionality changes: alpha settings (and some other) removed, english description added, config mode improved a bit.
- SimpleRaidTargetIcons
Marking addons by Brodrick. Basic version - config removed. To set an icon simply double click player/mob.
- snt_rufix
Some fixes to ruRU locale. If you're playing with other locale - feel free to delete this addon.
- sThreatMeter2
Threat meter addon by Shantalya.
You can download it here http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/i ... LZAUI.html
(sorry for my bad english)
2 posts -