Best in slot for feral tanking.

Best in slot for feral tanking.

Post 27 May 2010 15:18

Avatar Rob
Posts: 2
I play druid, restoration being my main spec but i have started to gather feral loot, i understand the spec, glyphs, what to use etc
But... i'm still a bit un-sure on the best in slot items to have for feral.
If anyone or the feral tank himself from paragon wouldn't mind jotting them down here, would be a great help and more of an understanding to it.

Rob :)

Re: Best in slot for feral tanking.

Post 27 May 2010 21:33

Avatar Zylwa
Posts: 2
Cheeck Setja's gear, Think his gear is Feral MainTank and with a balanced gear.
Some feral druids will use the gear with most HP ( think they fail :D )
And some feral druids will use gear with most Dodge, but aswell have 50-65k HP raidbuffed.

Soo choose your playstyle either stamina freak, dodge freak or balanced freak ^^
( Keep yourself capped on hit and exp at all time )

This is my exp. as feraltank. I belive Setja etc know better so just correct me ;)

Re: Best in slot for feral tanking.

Post 29 May 2010 17:12

Avatar Lung
Posts: 1
Zylwa wrote:Cheeck Setja's gear, Think his gear is Feral MainTank and with a balanced gear...

Pretty much bad advice. You want to get gear based solely on stamina, gem only stamina with 1 agil/stam gem for the meta requirement. Glyph Growl so you need less hit for taunt, as hit is basically useless besides your taunt. Expertise is also basically useless in ICC. Threat is not an issue in this game with all of the misdirects (Hunters, Rogues) and threat-reducing abilities. Get as much stamina and armor as possible.

Re: Best in slot for feral tanking.

Post 30 May 2010 07:01

Avatar memske
Posts: 7
Growl is actually considered a spell so it’s based on the spell miss chance.. the glyph will give your growl ability hit cap if you are at the melee hit cap.