Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Allgreen wrote:Hey everyone.
My guild is currently progressing at LK25hc.
I'm doing the best I can to help but I stumble on a few small things. My overall dmg on boss suffers because I loose time tranq-ing the adds. Mouseover macro doesnt help because when 2nd horros spawns, they often stack on each other. Do you focus on MD-ing (are you using any MD macro btw?) + Volley small adds on OT or just let rogues ToT+FoK and rest push dps on boss?
Focus tranq shambler, single nuke boss. Volleying is a waste of dps, paladin tank can get the ghouls himself easily enough.
Allgreen wrote:I understand haste is worst stat to have. Why do you think so?
Because every theorycrafting tool agrees on it being bad stat.
Allgreen wrote:Is it worthless even for SV?
It's not worthless for any spec, it's just not a good stat.
Allgreen wrote:There are some procs triggered by autoshot like the T10x2 set bonus, Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Master Tactician and also reduces SS cast time.
Yes, but it's still a low value stat. You're GCD locked most of the time, so it only increases white dps, which especially for SV is not such a huge part of the total damage output.
Allgreen wrote:One more thing: Is DBW worth spending dkp on it as survival? Because I consider Crit much better than arpen for this spec.
However arpen shows as better stat in both SimulationCraft and femaledward for you - as I expected.
DBW is far better than WFS for SV, and the best combo is 258 DC + 277 DBW.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
rlz wrote:Kruf wrote:you want to use Readiness after the first Rapid Fire has ended and you have the longest possible cooldowns remaining on Chimera and Aimed.
Sorry but that doesn't make much sense. How exactly is your approach better than the one commonly used:
1. apply serpent sting
2. silencing shot
3. chimera shot
4. aimed shot
5. rapid fire & readiness macro
6. chimera shot
7. aimed shot
8. rapid fire as soon as the first one expires / after on-pull-Bloodlust expires
You're wasting a GCD on a non-shot with your cooldowns running, so theoretically you're losing a little dps compared to using the non-shot GCD without cooldowns up. The difference is small enough that I don't understand why people get stuck on it, though. (In fact, the difference is less than 0.2sec on a Steady Shot cast, which over the 3min cooldown isn't very much...)
rlz wrote:If you do it like this, you will actually get readiness 15s sooner than you would if you used it after your first rapid fire expires (as you suggested), you are using it with truly the longest possible cooldown on both CS&AS.
Getting it earlier does not matter unless that means you can use it one extra time in the fight.
rlz wrote:Furthermore, you imply that using the coolodowns straight after the pull is somehow a waste - how exactly?
Where exactly do I imply this?
The standard rules still apply, you use your Rapid Fire when some good procs (trinkets, 2T10, 4T10) are up, no other haste effect is up - but never delay so much to lose one round of cooldowns completely due to fight ending too early.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
konstantinos wrote:Here is my question - Why so many ''top end'' guild hunters are race changing to troll`s?
Has someone racechanged to Troll?-O Haven't noticed such a trend.
konstantinos wrote:Is that mainly because of troll racials? Or there is other reason beside of that? I have heard some rummors about DBW trinket,that its ''bugging'' some how for orc`s etc..
DBW bugging? Never heard of that.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 12
Hey Kruf, just a few questions here. What do you think the biggest thing is in doing the dps you do. And having that raid spot in Paragon, what makes you fulfill that spot. Do you see yourself different from other hunters and why? Also what is best add0n that helps you for raiding?
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
So Kruf, I'm having internet problems and I'll change the service to a better one, but until this I have to play with 500-600ms, I want to know what's my DPS loss due to this. I have always read guides and stuff, to be a better player, I've followed all the useful tips and priority lists, also checked at femaledwarf if it was right, and it was, but I feel that I could do more DPS then I'm doing now, even with my bad connection. What I ask from you is:
1. Please analyze my performance at raids (note that my average crits for Auto-Shots and Steady Shots are about 7k, but I've seen at WoL a hunter that hits around 9.1k) and say what I can improve, what I'm doing wrong and everything that can help me.
2. I'd like to hear some tips about positioning. I feel that sometimes I'm moving more than I need to, so it's a DPS loss, I'd like to learn how to move with more efficiency.
3. Links to guides that teach us different things that are really useful, not those guides that only talk about builds and priority lists, something that talks about a behavior that hunters must have.
Please, say anything that you think that would help me to improve.
My armory: ... i&cn=Whinn
Thank you.
So Kruf, I'm having internet problems and I'll change the service to a better one, but until this I have to play with 500-600ms, I want to know what's my DPS loss due to this. I have always read guides and stuff, to be a better player, I've followed all the useful tips and priority lists, also checked at femaledwarf if it was right, and it was, but I feel that I could do more DPS then I'm doing now, even with my bad connection. What I ask from you is:
1. Please analyze my performance at raids (note that my average crits for Auto-Shots and Steady Shots are about 7k, but I've seen at WoL a hunter that hits around 9.1k) and say what I can improve, what I'm doing wrong and everything that can help me.
2. I'd like to hear some tips about positioning. I feel that sometimes I'm moving more than I need to, so it's a DPS loss, I'd like to learn how to move with more efficiency.
3. Links to guides that teach us different things that are really useful, not those guides that only talk about builds and priority lists, something that talks about a behavior that hunters must have.
Please, say anything that you think that would help me to improve.
My armory: ... i&cn=Whinn
Thank you.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
Femaledwarf puts my hunter at 11k with my current gear but i can sustain 13k dps on blood queen (without a bite obviously) for the full 4 minutes so i was just wondering what can i actually do to improve my dps? Put my link below. I know I can be doing better because i have 0 access to heroic runs because i have yet to kill LK on either 10 or 25 so really just wondering if there is anything else i can do to improve my dps without going into heroic runs. Really like my guild don't want leaving them for another to be my only option please help. ... %AD%C3%A1h
thanks for all your time i <3 you guys keep doing what you do ... %AD%C3%A1h
thanks for all your time i <3 you guys keep doing what you do
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
From your armory we have very similar gear (you have H Zod's, i do not). ... cn=Mantime
I'm curious as to the numbers you put up on heroic saurfang with the 15% buff. (The link to logs on the first couple pages does not work anymore.)
Are you on trap/add duty?
I also see a lot of people switching to glyph of chimera shot/glyph of the hawk
can you shed some light on the glyph of the hawk for me?
From your armory we have very similar gear (you have H Zod's, i do not). ... cn=Mantime
I'm curious as to the numbers you put up on heroic saurfang with the 15% buff. (The link to logs on the first couple pages does not work anymore.)
Are you on trap/add duty?
I also see a lot of people switching to glyph of chimera shot/glyph of the hawk
can you shed some light on the glyph of the hawk for me?
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 5
I was wondering wich items that would be best for me.
I have these:
Full 4 T10 set bonus. Shoulders (251) Helm (251) Legs (264) hands (264) I've never got any bagde in ICC. Im trying to get enought EoF to the 10 armor atm.
2 T10 set bonus with. Legs (264) Hands (264)
2 T10 and 2 T9. Legs (245) Head (245). Wich gives me 2 bonus's from T9 and T10.
Wich combinations would be best with these, incl. the T10 armory (251) that i will get soon. ... iskemanden btw, can u say if there is anything else wrong?
I was wondering wich items that would be best for me.
I have these:
Full 4 T10 set bonus. Shoulders (251) Helm (251) Legs (264) hands (264) I've never got any bagde in ICC. Im trying to get enought EoF to the 10 armor atm.
2 T10 set bonus with. Legs (264) Hands (264)
2 T10 and 2 T9. Legs (245) Head (245). Wich gives me 2 bonus's from T9 and T10.
Wich combinations would be best with these, incl. the T10 armory (251) that i will get soon. ... iskemanden btw, can u say if there is anything else wrong?
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 11
hi kruf i'm iwontshoot from barthilas.
below is my armory link : ... &gn=Ultima
Am currently using surv dps, my dps ranges from 7k-9k in icc25s, what should i do to further improve my dps considering changing spec as my last option? femaledwarf estimates my dps to be at 8.3 but i've clocked 8k+ to 9k in fights like voa and festergut before. thanks in advance! =]
below is my armory link : ... &gn=Ultima
Am currently using surv dps, my dps ranges from 7k-9k in icc25s, what should i do to further improve my dps considering changing spec as my last option? femaledwarf estimates my dps to be at 8.3 but i've clocked 8k+ to 9k in fights like voa and festergut before. thanks in advance! =]