Hey Kruf i have 2 questions
1-how are u using Rapid Fire and Readiness (for ex im using like this HM-Sps-Rapid Fire-CS-AM-Readiness and continue with my rotation then use rapid fire again after first expire ) im not sure if this is the perfect way to use it :)
2-Speed potion how to u use it mine its in macro with Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Auryon wrote:Hey Kruf i have 2 questions
1-how are u using Rapid Fire and Readiness (for ex im using like this HM-Sps-Rapid Fire-CS-AM-Readiness and continue with my rotation then use rapid fire again after first expire ) im not sure if this is the perfect way to use it :)
You should wait with the Readiness until RF has run out, wasting a GCD on it during RF is not very optimal, however this is somewhat situational since you might need a faster double MD or better burst damage (or timing might be tight enough that you can't get second Readiness if you wait with it).
Auryon wrote:2-Speed potion how to u use it mine its in macro with Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild
Stacking haste with haste is sub-optimal, best time to use haste potion is when you have a trinket/setbonus proc up and RF is on cooldown. Not that the difference is huge or anything.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 12
Hello Kruf, I am a very large fan of yours, I started off listening to your Hunter pod cast with Shaylee and I just recently listened to your live podcast that you talked about some things in Cataclysm, there was some very good information in there. Thankyou!
Here is my armory http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... n&cn=Tonno
Here is world of logs for may so far for our guild.
I feel that I could be doing way more dps from what I have seen other hunters doing. I know I don't have Death Bringers Will yet because it never drops but I still think I can pull as much dps as alot of other hunters. I pull around 8-11k usually.
It sucks that the live raid didnt really work because of connection problems
It would be great if you can help me out. If not, thanks anyway!
Here is my armory http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... n&cn=Tonno
Here is world of logs for may so far for our guild.
I feel that I could be doing way more dps from what I have seen other hunters doing. I know I don't have Death Bringers Will yet because it never drops but I still think I can pull as much dps as alot of other hunters. I pull around 8-11k usually.
It sucks that the live raid didnt really work because of connection problems
It would be great if you can help me out. If not, thanks anyway!
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Hey Kruff,and other hunters!
Here is my question - Why so many ''top end'' guild hunters are race changing to troll`s?
Is that mainly because of troll racials? Or there is other reason beside of that? I have heard some rummors about DBW trinket,that its ''bugging'' some how for orc`s etc..
However ,thanks for ur time
Here is my question - Why so many ''top end'' guild hunters are race changing to troll`s?
Is that mainly because of troll racials? Or there is other reason beside of that? I have heard some rummors about DBW trinket,that its ''bugging'' some how for orc`s etc..
However ,thanks for ur time
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Hey everyone.
First of all, this is a very nice thread, learned a lot from it.
My guild is currently progressing at LK25hc.
I'm doing the best I can to help but I stumble on a few small things. My overall dmg on boss suffers because I loose time tranq-ing the adds. Mouseover macro doesnt help because when 2nd horros spawns, they often stack on each other. Do you focus on MD-ing (are you using any MD macro btw?) + Volley small adds on OT or just let rogues ToT+FoK and rest push dps on boss?
I understand haste is worst stat to have. Why do you think so? Is it worthless even for SV? There are some procs triggered by autoshot like the T10x2 set bonus, Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Master Tactician and also reduces SS cast time. (as a side note in Cata, haste will affect dots so they probably noticed that haste is a really bad stat for hunters right now and tried to fix it)
One more thing: Is DBW worth spending dkp on it as survival? Because I consider Crit much better than arpen for this spec. Atm I sit at ~65% crit UB, should I Consider droping some crit for ar pen?
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... n=Allgreen
I apreciate any sugestion. Thanks in advance.
First of all, this is a very nice thread, learned a lot from it.
My guild is currently progressing at LK25hc.
I'm doing the best I can to help but I stumble on a few small things. My overall dmg on boss suffers because I loose time tranq-ing the adds. Mouseover macro doesnt help because when 2nd horros spawns, they often stack on each other. Do you focus on MD-ing (are you using any MD macro btw?) + Volley small adds on OT or just let rogues ToT+FoK and rest push dps on boss?
I understand haste is worst stat to have. Why do you think so? Is it worthless even for SV? There are some procs triggered by autoshot like the T10x2 set bonus, Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Master Tactician and also reduces SS cast time. (as a side note in Cata, haste will affect dots so they probably noticed that haste is a really bad stat for hunters right now and tried to fix it)
One more thing: Is DBW worth spending dkp on it as survival? Because I consider Crit much better than arpen for this spec. Atm I sit at ~65% crit UB, should I Consider droping some crit for ar pen?
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... n=Allgreen
I apreciate any sugestion. Thanks in advance.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 12
Saying that won't get you an answer. You have to wait, sometimes they don't have the time to get to your question. You can't expect them to answer all the questions, they simply don't have enough time. Even if they do, I don't think they would want to answer every single question because there is so many.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Hello Kruf.
You mentioned something about posting your macros if we would like it.
I would very much like to see them especially rapid fire macro ...
As it is right now I have macroed readiness into my rapid fire and my Orc racial so that it refreshes the rapid fire instantly, but then I read something about wasting 1 global cooldown doing that ... Never really thought about that before.
Ive been looking around for days now trying to find a topic that explains this but cant really find any, maybe because its a really minor detail.
But I want my cooldoowns to be optimal. I suppose you just click readiness instead of macroing it like I do atm ....
Atm my rotation is like this :
Hm, ss , cs, ai , rf , readiness , cs , as , steady steady steady ..... and then hitting rf when first one is done.
So please when you got time post your macroes it would be a great help.
And its nice to see a hunter that actually takes the time to answer peoples questions instead of just replying : femaledwarf.com ............
You mentioned something about posting your macros if we would like it.
I would very much like to see them especially rapid fire macro ...
As it is right now I have macroed readiness into my rapid fire and my Orc racial so that it refreshes the rapid fire instantly, but then I read something about wasting 1 global cooldown doing that ... Never really thought about that before.
Ive been looking around for days now trying to find a topic that explains this but cant really find any, maybe because its a really minor detail.
But I want my cooldoowns to be optimal. I suppose you just click readiness instead of macroing it like I do atm ....
Atm my rotation is like this :
Hm, ss , cs, ai , rf , readiness , cs , as , steady steady steady ..... and then hitting rf when first one is done.
So please when you got time post your macroes it would be a great help.
And its nice to see a hunter that actually takes the time to answer peoples questions instead of just replying : femaledwarf.com ............
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Inzer wrote:You mentioned something about posting your macros if we would like it.
I would very much like to see them especially rapid fire macro ...
Like this:
- Code: Select all
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Call of the Wild
Inzer wrote:As it is right now I have macroed readiness into my rapid fire and my Orc racial so that it refreshes the rapid fire instantly, but then I read something about wasting 1 global cooldown doing that ... Never really thought about that before.
Ive been looking around for days now trying to find a topic that explains this but cant really find any, maybe because its a really minor detail.
But I want my cooldoowns to be optimal. I suppose you just click readiness instead of macroing it like I do atm ....
Atm my rotation is like this :
Hm, ss , cs, ai , rf , readiness , cs , as , steady steady steady ..... and then hitting rf when first one is done.
It's been discussed a few times in this thread already, but anyway, you want to use Readiness after the first Rapid Fire has ended and you have the longest possible cooldowns remaining on Chimera and Aimed. Assuming there's no pressing need to get the Readiness used as early as possible (f. ex. double Misdirection being needed, or the fight duration being such that you won't get second Readiness if you delay the first even a little).
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Kruf wrote:you want to use Readiness after the first Rapid Fire has ended and you have the longest possible cooldowns remaining on Chimera and Aimed.
Sorry but that doesn't make much sense. How exactly is your approach better than the one commonly used:
1. apply serpent sting
2. silencing shot
3. chimera shot
4. aimed shot
5. rapid fire & readiness macro
6. chimera shot
7. aimed shot
8. rapid fire as soon as the first one expires / after on-pull-Bloodlust expires
If you do it like this, you will actually get readiness 15s sooner than you would if you used it after your first rapid fire expires (as you suggested), you are using it with truly the longest possible cooldown on both CS&AS.
Furthermore, you imply that using the coolodowns straight after the pull is somehow a waste - how exactly?