Hi Kruf.
Thank you very much for your advice and I think that captures well.
In the Heroic Dummy arrived at the 8.5 k dps and maintain peak on average 7.5k
and note the significant change in the dps.
If you check my armory again would be great =D
Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =Leviataan
Well Kruf many thanks for the advice and I repeat you're cool =P.
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Hey. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Zkinzor this is my hunter and im planing to regem to ArP. Atm im on 10/11 k dps on for example Festergut. How much will it prove to regem to ArP? I got Those legs. ,
This belt and
This chest to change with the t10 legs. If im going to regem to ArP
And Im wating for Deathbringer's Will. to drop.
If there is any fail etc on my char please tell me. I want to be on max dps all the time.
Thanks / Zkinzor.
This belt and
This chest to change with the t10 legs. If im going to regem to ArP
And Im wating for Deathbringer's Will. to drop.
If there is any fail etc on my char please tell me. I want to be on max dps all the time.
Thanks / Zkinzor.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Hello Kruf^^how are you?
i have a question please:i have a new arme, so like all hunters i try to come for hard cap arp...but how i miss a lot of hit,i calculate with femaledwarf my stats,with presence of dreneï.Firts i met x3xp talents in 'focused aim' and my gemstone of my ring'ashen band..exalted' it was +10agi+10hit,but when i calculate in more ways,i find this result:met x2 xp talent in focused aim+1xp in rapid recuperation and changed my gemstone of ring +20 hit &enchanting of my boots from +16 agi into icewalker give it to me the best dps...how it's better pls,i need you're opinion.Thank you.
i have a question please:i have a new arme, so like all hunters i try to come for hard cap arp...but how i miss a lot of hit,i calculate with femaledwarf my stats,with presence of dreneï.Firts i met x3xp talents in 'focused aim' and my gemstone of my ring'ashen band..exalted' it was +10agi+10hit,but when i calculate in more ways,i find this result:met x2 xp talent in focused aim+1xp in rapid recuperation and changed my gemstone of ring +20 hit &enchanting of my boots from +16 agi into icewalker give it to me the best dps...how it's better pls,i need you're opinion.Thank you.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
Hello Kruf!
Which weapon would u prefere - Stakethrower from bloodqueen 10hc or Zod's Repeating Longbow 25Normal?
Which weapon would u prefere - Stakethrower from bloodqueen 10hc or Zod's Repeating Longbow 25Normal?
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Solklarlol wrote:Which weapon would u prefere - Stakethrower from bloodqueen 10hc or Zod's Repeating Longbow 25Normal?
Depends on race, if you have any racial bonuses that only work with one of the weapons then that one is clearly the better choice, otherwise I'd be tempted to take Stakethrower over Zod's.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Mr. Awesome Kruf, can you pretty please post your all of your macros? I noticed you don't have silencing shot bound to all of your shots so I'm curious as to what exactly you use. I'm sure it would mean a lot to every hunter out there who look up to you, including myself. Keep up the good work!
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
hiyori wrote:Mr. Awesome Kruf
I'm not awesome or anything, but anyway...
hiyori wrote:can you pretty please post your all of your macros? I noticed you don't have silencing shot bound to all of your shots so I'm curious as to what exactly you use.
I have Silencing Shot macroed to Aimed Shot, since the cooldowns are 20sec and 10sec so Silencing is ready at the same time with every other Aimed.
The other macros I use regularly are something like:
Rapid Fire + Call of the Wild
Kill Command + Blood Fury
Tranquilizing Shot (focus)
Misdirection (focus)
Healthstone (with stopcasting)
Feign Death / Deterrence (depending on if a modifier key is down)
Master's Call (target if friendly, otherwise self)
Feed Pet (one button feed macro)
Call Pet / Dismiss Pet (depending if pet is out or not)
I can dig out the actual exact macros if necessary later, currently at work so can't go check ingame.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
crina wrote:i have a question please:i have a new arme, so like all hunters i try to come for hard cap arp...but how i miss a lot of hit,i calculate with femaledwarf my stats,with presence of dreneï.Firts i met x3xp talents in 'focused aim' and my gemstone of my ring'ashen band..exalted' it was +10agi+10hit,but when i calculate in more ways,i find this result:met x2 xp talent in focused aim+1xp in rapid recuperation and changed my gemstone of ring +20 hit &enchanting of my boots from +16 agi into icewalker give it to me the best dps...how it's better pls,i need you're opinion.Thank you.
Wow, that was hard to read. Without your armory link I can't say much, but generally without 1/2 Rapid Recuperation you are going to oom on long fights. Also, icewalker is by far the best value boots enchant if you can use the hit from it.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Zkinzor wrote:Hey. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=Zkinzor this is my hunter and im planing to regem to ArP. Atm im on 10/11 k dps on for example Festergut. How much will it prove to regem to ArP?
Feel free to use femaledwarf or SimulationCraft to check.
Zkinzor wrote:If there is any fail etc on my char please tell me. I want to be on max dps all the time.
- 3/3 Focused Aim with 7% hit from gear - hitcap is 8%
- Banner of Victory is terrible, HWT and Greatness both are better
- Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape is far better than Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak
- AP on gloves instead of agi
- No Glyph of Steady Shot
Swapping 2 points from Focused Aim to Rapid Recuperation and changing that belt to Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord is instant dps upgrade. Same with swapping either Chimera or Kill Shot glyph with Steady Shot.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Leviataan wrote:If you check my armory again would be great =D
Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =Leviataan
Your 2h weapon is kinda crummy, anything with arpen would probably be better. While TSA glyph is a dps win in singletarget fights I still think Chimera comes out as all-around winner since so many fights have adds and you can't really roll sting effectively on another target without it (unless, of course, you delay the Chimera instead of using it on the adds, but that can be risky since it lowers the dps on adds).