Mage discussion
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 100
I wouldn't even consider putting any points in MA, except perhaps LK. Though even that might be a waste now, with the 15% buff. (much bigger absorbs etc.)
I play mostly fire in 10mans, but arcane if the 3% buff is required.
I play mostly fire in 10mans, but arcane if the 3% buff is required.
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 4
Thank Baltha and i guess things will be different now that we have a 15% buff :>
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 4
Which trinket would u recommend for fire specc in addition to Abyssal Rune: Nevermelting Ice Crystal, Sundial of the Exiled, Purified Lunar Dust, Talisman of Resurgance (not having mana problems at all..). And if i decided not to get Purified Lunar Dust, which one of the remaining 3 is best?
Thx in advance!
Thx in advance!
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 3
Hey Baltha ,are you willing to write a mage guide of fighting in the 25HICC?I think it must be very helpful for us all~~~TKS:)
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 100
Boffil: Don't rly remember what those trinkets are, except ToR, which was pretty good.
Balthas ICC guide:
Take a nice spot -> cast spells to the boss -> blink away from danger (if needed) -> back to the beginning
Balthas ICC guide:
Take a nice spot -> cast spells to the boss -> blink away from danger (if needed) -> back to the beginning
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 1
Hello Paragon mages,
This is url to my armory:
My character has 1185 haste in fire (I regemmed my yellow sockets from 12sp10haste to 12sp10crit), was it a good choice? switching haste gems to crit ones? Or sp/haste gems are still better even with low crit rate?
The second question is - I currently use DFO and Muradin's Spyglass normal versions, but I also have Reign of the Dead normal. What combination of trinkets would you recommend for fire? DFO/MS, DFO/Reign, MS/Reign?
P.S. Please don't look at hit, i'm getting tier pants tomorrow so i'll be hit capped with raid buffs ;)
Thanks in advance,
This is url to my armory:
My character has 1185 haste in fire (I regemmed my yellow sockets from 12sp10haste to 12sp10crit), was it a good choice? switching haste gems to crit ones? Or sp/haste gems are still better even with low crit rate?
The second question is - I currently use DFO and Muradin's Spyglass normal versions, but I also have Reign of the Dead normal. What combination of trinkets would you recommend for fire? DFO/MS, DFO/Reign, MS/Reign?
P.S. Please don't look at hit, i'm getting tier pants tomorrow so i'll be hit capped with raid buffs ;)
Thanks in advance,
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 1
Hi, i have some question for all fire mages that will read what i will i write.
First let me introduce my self: Mage ( arcane ) <3 fire
but i have some problems and alot of questions and if any one would please answer me i would be happy :
1. Whats the haste cap for arcane mage
2. if i wanted to go fire what gems should i change
3. whats the crit cap/hit cap for fire mage
4. Does fire mage have more dps than arcane
5. in the rotation of the fire do i use scorch as start or LB and when i was watching some of ure vidoes i didn see any mage renew his scorch so thats mean i only spam Fb and hs pyro then renew the LB... etc
i will be pleased if you answerd and i forgot to say gratz for kicking LK hc 25 ass..
i will be waiting =3
First let me introduce my self: Mage ( arcane ) <3 fire
but i have some problems and alot of questions and if any one would please answer me i would be happy :
1. Whats the haste cap for arcane mage
2. if i wanted to go fire what gems should i change
3. whats the crit cap/hit cap for fire mage
4. Does fire mage have more dps than arcane
5. in the rotation of the fire do i use scorch as start or LB and when i was watching some of ure vidoes i didn see any mage renew his scorch so thats mean i only spam Fb and hs pyro then renew the LB... etc
i will be pleased if you answerd and i forgot to say gratz for kicking LK hc 25 ass..
i will be waiting =3
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 1
In answer to the scorch part... if there is a demonlogy warlock in the raid they provide the 5% crit, so no need to renew however i think it apply's at the end of there rotation so to open up with LB > scorch is a good idea you probaly wont need to renew with a demonolgy lock.
Re: Mage discussion
- Posts: 4
Hullo Paragon Mages Good Day,
I've just recently went fire here is my link: ... el&cn=Aryu
Now my question for you is more of an overview, an evaluation if you will.
Looking at my mage, can you see any flaws in my gear choice or gem choice.
If so what, and I was wondering if you could tell me what the BiS trinkets you think are for fire and why. Thanks Friend :)
Oh Yes One More thing I am unable to get Hard Mode gear in my current guild at least unable to get 277, would you say Sanc Chest with fester pants/crafted, or meteor's chest(one I have) with sanc legs. This would really help me in my gearing decision as well as saving emblems.
I've just recently went fire here is my link: ... el&cn=Aryu
Now my question for you is more of an overview, an evaluation if you will.
Looking at my mage, can you see any flaws in my gear choice or gem choice.
If so what, and I was wondering if you could tell me what the BiS trinkets you think are for fire and why. Thanks Friend :)
Oh Yes One More thing I am unable to get Hard Mode gear in my current guild at least unable to get 277, would you say Sanc Chest with fester pants/crafted, or meteor's chest(one I have) with sanc legs. This would really help me in my gearing decision as well as saving emblems.