Greetings paragon druids!
I was hoping you could give me some advice with what your dps ferals do for H-LK. I took a short hiatus right before LK-normal was unlocked and now I'm coming back for the summer. My guild is currently working on H-LK and I will be brought in to help after I get a bit more gear. I'm familiar with the mechanics of the fight from watching videos and reading strats but I was wondering if I could get an overview from a feral's perspective (whether you used swipe on valks or tab ripped or focused on one or stunned, when you used cooldowns, etc). If you just want to link a parse I could probably just check based on that.
If you want an armory link its ... =Cyclowned I'm at the passive arpen cap with cryptmaker, but I have a 277 distant land to swap with when I can get the arpen from other sources. When I can get ~1360 without crypt I plan on making the swap. If you have any obvious gear suggestions let me know, but right now I'm limited to gear that the rogues and warriors don't want. I am planning on swapping two +20arpen gems to +34/20 agi gems and using hearty rhino, I just happened to have arpen when the gear dropped.
I do have some questions about specs:
1 - Is it worth speccing into nurturing instinct? I could drop two points from FA pretty easily.
2 - Is brutal impact worth speccing?