Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 4
DBW hc is obvious choice but my question is about 2nd trinket WFS hc or DC hc and please don't say check ;]
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 5
Hello, just wanted to know if anyone had an comments, suggestions, tips or anything on my gear choices.. I personally think it's pretty good for what it available to me at this time.. but who knows? ... niightstar
PS. I know NES is awful, nothing better is available atm, my guild has terrible luck with trinkets >.< ... niightstar
PS. I know NES is awful, nothing better is available atm, my guild has terrible luck with trinkets >.<
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Ridiculously far above arpen softcap with NES.
I wouldn't socket that much hit either, rather spec into Focused Aim, but if you want to be the IHM bitch you don't have that much choice I suppose.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Kerbaroth wrote:I recently listened to your Interview @ warcrafthunterunion.
Depending your Statement to the GCD mechanics and buttonmashing, have you ever tried Snowfall Keypress?
I am not 100% certain, but I got the Impression that I don't have this problem when using this Addon.
The addon only moves the activation of abilities from key release to key press, it does not change anything else, you still can't use abilities when the game is not processing the events.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
projack wrote:DBW hc is obvious choice but my question is about 2nd trinket WFS hc or DC hc and please don't say check ;]
DC hc with my gear at least. For your gear, check femaledwarf or SimulationCraft...
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Noctus wrote:Hello Kruf! Firs of all gratz for world first kill on LK 25hc! (even if that was ages ago now)
This is my character: ... %C3%B3ctus
Atm I know I'm OC on hit, but just because I was thinking to remove Mark of Supremacy and change it with Herkuml War Token.
I see you got HWT already and are now just hitcapped but not above it, very good.
I have a couple of gripes about your gear though:
- Wrong enchant on gloves (agi is better)
- Over arpen softcap with NES
- Pure crit gem (use agi/crit instead for socket bonus)
- Debatably maybe wrong enchant on weapons (agi is perhaps marginally better)
Noctus wrote:Since we are just 10 man raiding guild, I usually (depends for raid setup) play as SURV hunter for mana replanish, but out of our raids I play as MM hunter. Tbh I'm not sure how much lower dps I have with ArP gems as SURV hunter.
This is somewhat tied to the comment above about NES arpen softcap - you should never gem above the softcap. Especially if you play SV. Beyond that it becomes a matter of priorities; personally I'm always optimizing for our guild raid setups on progress since that's by far the most important thing to me.
Noctus wrote:Also I'm not sure about Herkuml War Token, if that would be the best upgrade for me atm?
Yes, it was a good choice.
Noctus wrote:My DPS is thing I'm not sure about it also, usually on bosses it is around 7-8k DPS on 10 man raids, but I never test it on some spreadsheet, so I don't have a clue how high it should be.
With full buffs/debuffs, ~9.9k (without ICC buff) is what SimulationCraft suggests, however 10mans are another story since you won't have all buffs/debuffs available.
If you haven't used any spreadsheets I'd recommend going to femaledwarf and playing around with it - it's so easy to use that there's no excuse anymore for not testing different gemmings and gear setups yourself!
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
- Location: Norway
Hey Kruf!
Thank you for your help and time you spend for me.
I checked my DPS on femaledwarf and it is ~ 7.5k DPS with out raid setup. I will do changes you suggest. I know ArP cap is ~1300, but atm I don't have luck with any trinkets drop so I'm using NES more because of crit then ArP :/. Maybe i will regem few parts with AGI gems for now to get ArP soft cap.
And now new question. Is Glyph of Aimed Shot better than Glyph of Chimera Shot since Aimed Shot benefits more from ArP? And since Chimera Shot would be 1 sec more on CD, that mean that Serpent Sting would be 1 sec longer before it would be refreshed again with CS and do even more dmg?
Thx again!
Thank you for your help and time you spend for me.
I checked my DPS on femaledwarf and it is ~ 7.5k DPS with out raid setup. I will do changes you suggest. I know ArP cap is ~1300, but atm I don't have luck with any trinkets drop so I'm using NES more because of crit then ArP :/. Maybe i will regem few parts with AGI gems for now to get ArP soft cap.
And now new question. Is Glyph of Aimed Shot better than Glyph of Chimera Shot since Aimed Shot benefits more from ArP? And since Chimera Shot would be 1 sec more on CD, that mean that Serpent Sting would be 1 sec longer before it would be refreshed again with CS and do even more dmg?
Thx again!
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 5
Kruf wrote:
Ridiculously far above arpen softcap with NES.
I wouldn't socket that much hit either, rather spec into Focused Aim, but if you want to be the IHM bitch you don't have that much choice I suppose.
yeah you're right, they made me the IHM bitch, and we just got a new recruit, so we're gona have him go imp hm :D
Would it be worth all the gold to gem into agility until im down to the softcap ( till I get a hc DBW of course).. Cardinal rubies are around 130g a pop on my server
EDIT: So I ran a spreadsheet removing enough ArP to just be at the soft cap for NES, and It is showing an 11 dps loss, but when I run it through femaledwarf, it is showing a 26 dps INCREASE