Speshuled wrote:Here is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Gul%27dan&cn=Speshuled
I feel like I'm in pretty good shape at the moment. I'm just curious if anyone sees anything that needs to change. I currently raid as both MM and SV, depending on which spec the other hunter is, so I'm reluctant to switch to full ArPen gems. Any advice/critiques would be appreciated.
Why do you have Improved Arcane Shot? Dropping it shows as definite dps win both in SimulationCraft and femaledwarf. Also, why do you need to have a SV hunter in raids? In 25mans it should be easy enough to get 2x Replenishment from classes that don't lose almost anything for it, and it's even worse having to have multiple people make their gear a huge compromise between two specs. If you really want to run with a SV hunter then designate someone who has nearly 100% attendance and have everyone else gear for optimal DPS (read: MM).
Most of your gearing choices are held back by the need to be able to go SV without major dps loss - for example the ICC10 boots are better than what you have for MM since you can just spec into Focused Aim and dump the hit rating for something more useful, but as SV you don't really have any spare talent points. Of course you could keep two different gear sets, but even then you'll end up suffering from not being able to gem optimally.