Kruf, thank u very much for your help and for concept..
take care..
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 5
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
biza wrote:hi, im a basic MM hunter ... ng&cn=Biza
have you ever tried to be a MM hunter, agility gemed and putting arcane shot on priority skills and talent also ?
Where would you get the talent points for it?
Without the talent it simulates as a major dps loss even with pure agi gems.
Going agi instead of arpen is around 200dps loss in my gear.
Adding arcane shot to rotation is another 350dps lost.
femaledwarf estimates steady hitting for 8442 on average, and arcane for 6072. From that you can easily enough calculate that even with full Improved Arcane Shot it will still hit for considerably less than a steady, so the whole excercise would just be a major overall dps loss.
And there's still no way to get the talent points for it without losing something else.
biza wrote:and i was wondering why +15 damage on weapon isnt better than 40 crit however our shots are weapon damage based ?
Because first of all, our weapons being around 3.0 speed +15 damage is only +5.0 dps which isn't that much, and more importantly it isn't applied to Steady Shot which uses unmodified weapon damage. End result being, it scales rather badly, crit scope is easily more overall dps.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Find the nearest trashcan, dump the T10 legs into that, get the crafted ones (or the ones from Lady Deathwhisper if you're lucky bastard). Then go get T10 chest.
After that's done, replace some of your arpen gems with agi, you're above softcap with NES.
Get lucky and get a proper 2h weapon with arpen instead of haste.
Replace the neck with arpen one from ToC10 or ICC10 (or ICC25 if you have Sindragosa on farm).
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
laurieloo3 wrote:Okay, I've been searching through this thread for ages now, and although I have found some usefull info, Im still lost as to why my dps is so horrifically low as a surv hunter-raiding ToC 10(normal) Im only pew pewing about 4k...:(
4k might be anything between horribly low or pretty okay number, depending on what buffs/debuffs do you have in the raid setup (and whether people are actually using them).
As an example, simulationcraft gives 4.7k as totally-unbuffed dps to a totally-undebuffed target, and over 8k for a situation with every buff and debuff available.
I'd say get 2 pieces (not the leggings though!) of T10 as fast as possible, the setbonus is very good.
Going to ICC just to farm the first trash for example would be a good idea to get the first reputation ring, it's a very high ilevel item so even though the stats on it aren't optimal there's a lot of them.
Do keep 2 pieces of T9 on though, as that setbonus is also very good.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Solklarlol wrote:Right now, my gems are abit mixed up, because I dont know what to do. I regemmed from full arp gems to full agility, but it feels like I still do more dmg as full arp gemmed, but im still not so sure :S
There's absolutely no way full arpen gemming would make any sense since it would bring you far above the softcap with that NES you're using. Gemming optimally for NES arpen softcap does show a slight dps advantage over full agi gemming - but the difference is ~10dps, and full agi gemming is much more versatile when you have to shoot something that does not have sunder/expose up.
Note that "full agi" means agi gems in red sockets and agi/crit in yellow if the socketbonus is any good (and almost all of them are).
For best results, check the exact gemming you want to use with the tools available.
Solklarlol wrote:Here's my armory, I hope im wearing pve gear when u see this! ... Solklarlol
You could also give me some tips overall if u see something I do wrong.
First big no-no: you're wearing the T10 leggings. They're horribly bad. Off with them, on with the crafteds or Deathwhisper ones.
Secondly, you're incredibly far above hitcap, might want to look into some pieces to get rid of that. The arpen boots from ICC10 would be a good replacement for the ToC boots you have now, for example. Also the arpen neck from ToC10 or ICC10 instead of that hit neck.
I don't agree with your spec either; Efficiency is really not a good talent. Really. If you need mana, take 2/2 Rapid Recuperation and make sure your raid uses proper judgements and so. Obviously in 10man with only one paladin it's not always possible to have JoW up, though.
Stam/agi gem is forbidden, use Nightmare Tear to activate meta instead.
Solklarlol wrote:And could you like gimme a link to the Simulation and Spreadsheet thing? Cus I would like to know what dps I should be on :o
online version of spreadsheet
Solklarlol wrote:And btw, any possible way you could link your UI? :)
See this post in the UI forum.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Here is my armory:
I feel like I'm in pretty good shape at the moment. I'm just curious if anyone sees anything that needs to change. I currently raid as both MM and SV, depending on which spec the other hunter is, so I'm reluctant to switch to full ArPen gems. Any advice/critiques would be appreciated.
I feel like I'm in pretty good shape at the moment. I'm just curious if anyone sees anything that needs to change. I currently raid as both MM and SV, depending on which spec the other hunter is, so I'm reluctant to switch to full ArPen gems. Any advice/critiques would be appreciated.
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
my name is Leviataan I from Ragnaros US server.
Well first of all tell you that this is the best guild XD
The reason for this post is that I want to know the gear I bring this well and if there something in my talents or glyphs there something wrong.
Also in that I can improve and if there best loot you can get consistent with my progress.
On the other hand, if the chest and bring gloves are better than the T10 251 LVL
or expect to have the Lvl 264?
Here is my armory: ... =Leviataan
Thanks for your attention and I hope it was not a nuisance =D
my name is Leviataan I from Ragnaros US server.
Well first of all tell you that this is the best guild XD
The reason for this post is that I want to know the gear I bring this well and if there something in my talents or glyphs there something wrong.
Also in that I can improve and if there best loot you can get consistent with my progress.
On the other hand, if the chest and bring gloves are better than the T10 251 LVL
or expect to have the Lvl 264?
Here is my armory: ... =Leviataan
Thanks for your attention and I hope it was not a nuisance =D
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Hello kruf,
I was wondering which glyphs you use on each fight in heroic icc.. I've seen a lot of hunters switching in between killshot,hawk, chimera.. Which glyphs are the best for which bosses? I know earlier in the thread you talked about ks being better for putricide/sindragosa and chimera for fights where you had multiple stings rolling on targets but what about glyph of the hawk is it even feasible to consider using?
Thank you for your time :)
I was wondering which glyphs you use on each fight in heroic icc.. I've seen a lot of hunters switching in between killshot,hawk, chimera.. Which glyphs are the best for which bosses? I know earlier in the thread you talked about ks being better for putricide/sindragosa and chimera for fights where you had multiple stings rolling on targets but what about glyph of the hawk is it even feasible to consider using?
Thank you for your time :)
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
Hey, so i posted here about 2 months ago before i stacked ARP.
So i just recently did so, and i don't think i'm doing back in DPS but i know i can do better, it might just be the way i play, but i'd like to post some things to see if you can see anything wrong.
My new name is Åwake from Proudmoore ally side. ALT+ 143 for the A.
Okay so here is the log from last 25 ICC i hope the link works.
I was on kenetic bombs for princes, so my dps sucks, i know i could have done better in fester idk why i didn't... and for saurfang... laying traps and switching targets effs me up a lot for some reason.
This is my armory link... ... %C3%85wake
if you see anything wrong let me know, because on femaledwarf i should be ending up with 11k+ but my best was rotface...which is 10500ish?
Thanks!!! =]
So i just recently did so, and i don't think i'm doing back in DPS but i know i can do better, it might just be the way i play, but i'd like to post some things to see if you can see anything wrong.
My new name is Åwake from Proudmoore ally side. ALT+ 143 for the A.
Okay so here is the log from last 25 ICC i hope the link works.
I was on kenetic bombs for princes, so my dps sucks, i know i could have done better in fester idk why i didn't... and for saurfang... laying traps and switching targets effs me up a lot for some reason.
This is my armory link... ... %C3%85wake
if you see anything wrong let me know, because on femaledwarf i should be ending up with 11k+ but my best was rotface...which is 10500ish?
Thanks!!! =]
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 2
Hi Kruf,
I got a few questions and if you can find the time to give me your opinion it will be awesome :P
First here is my armory link: ... DaarkSTorM
I'm about to drop the t10 legs and get the crafted one and would like to know if you think it would be a good idea to replace my NES with my old Greatness trinket(until I find something better) and fully regem with ArP gem with the current gear I have(btw my current 2h is Hersir's Greatspear, not the fishing pole, my armory didn't update :P)
Thanks in advance for your response! :)
I got a few questions and if you can find the time to give me your opinion it will be awesome :P
First here is my armory link: ... DaarkSTorM
I'm about to drop the t10 legs and get the crafted one and would like to know if you think it would be a good idea to replace my NES with my old Greatness trinket(until I find something better) and fully regem with ArP gem with the current gear I have(btw my current 2h is Hersir's Greatspear, not the fishing pole, my armory didn't update :P)
Thanks in advance for your response! :)