Hey Kruf i was wondering if you could have a look at my gear . im hardcapped with an elixir and using a fishy feast atm . but still not pushing the dps that simcraft says .do you think i should replace any of my gear ? .
Was looking at other hunters . and most of them have gemmed fully for agil . was thinkin about doin it but not really 100% sure .
anyways . heres my armory if you got time to look at it :)
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 1
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 6
quick question i searched for a hunter response for this but couldnt find one i dropped lw for engineering should i do rockets macroed into every shot or haste to gloves an macro into every shot or reserve it for my for rapid fire or blood lust/rapid fire macro any tips would be appreciated thanks btw the spread sheet said haste is better but ive heard that it always favors haste http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Arthas&cn=Dev%C3%B4
oh 1 last question would i be better droping my nes for grim toll an losing the point in focus aim an putting it in IHM
oh 1 last question would i be better droping my nes for grim toll an losing the point in focus aim an putting it in IHM
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
just gettin back into my hunter after few alts any help or advice what i can b doin
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... st%C3%B3ff
basic sv rotation :D
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... st%C3%B3ff
basic sv rotation :D
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
What's up with the the hit gem and enchant when you're over 1% above hitcap? Also, don't use a stam/ap gem for activating meta, Nightmare Tear is better. Your wolf doesn't have the correct raiding spec. Wrong enchant on gloves, agi is better. Mining isn't exactly useful profession for a hunter, and you don't even have a second profession (then again, this is an alt, right?).
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
ye my alt is been awhile since ive played him , and were do i find radin spec for wolf , and ye i realy need to change gems but was waitin until i improved my gear alitte :D
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
keltoi wrote:quick question i searched for a hunter response for this but couldnt find one i dropped lw for engineering should i do rockets macroed into every shot or haste to gloves an macro into every shot or reserve it for my for rapid fire or blood lust/rapid fire macro any tips would be appreciated thanks
For the rockets, any ability with same cooldown would do, or if nothing is close enough then just macro it to everything or just press the button when the CD is ready - just make sure to use them as many times as possible in a fight.
For haste, just like any other haste ability, the very best time is when no other haste buff (including IAotH) is up and some +damage proc (setbonus, trinket, whatever) is up. Failing that, when your best trinket procs are up. You don't want to delay it too much in any case, since using it twice with less than optimal procs up is better than using it only once with optimal procs up.
keltoi wrote: btw the spread sheet said haste is better but ive heard that it always favors haste http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Arthas&cn=Dev%C3%B4
I don't know, engineering isn't exactly my top choice of profession for a hunter. Does the spreadsheet even model the rocket damage?
keltoi wrote:oh 1 last question would i be better droping my nes for grim toll an losing the point in focus aim an putting it in IHM
Well, you'd lose 114crit rating and gain 50ap (ignoring the procs for now) which doesn't sound like a good trade. Even if the proc is a bit better I doubt it's enough to offset this.
PS. It hurts my brain less when you use even semi-proper punctuation in your text...
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Nydith wrote:im hardcapped with an elixir and using a fishy feast atm .
Using fish feast is just slack, if you're arpen hardcapped without the food then you should be using agi food.
Nydith wrote:but still not pushing the dps that simcraft says .do you think i should replace any of my gear ? .
If you're not doing even nearly the dps simulationcraft suggests then either you or someone else in the raid are doing something wrong - simulationcraft takes your gear into account so it isn't a gear issue.
Nydith wrote:Was looking at other hunters . and most of them have gemmed fully for agil . was thinkin about doin it but not really 100% sure .
That's because gemming agi is better until you're more or less arpen hardcapped. Use simulationcraft or spreadsheet to check which gives higher dps numbers with your current gear.
It wouldn't hurt being hitcapped, for one. Icewalker on boots, hit/agi gems on yellow sockets if that isn't enough. Enchant agi, not ap on gloves. Your wolf shows a really weird spec in armory, but maybe that's a bug. Probably not worth mentioning that you really could use a higher ilevel ranged weapon...
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
kristóff wrote:ye my alt is been awhile since ive played him , and were do i find radin spec for wolf , and ye i realy need to change gems but was waitin until i improved my gear alitte :D
You can copy mine, for example: http://eu.wowarmory.com/talent-calc.xml ... 0003010101
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 3
YE already did thxs and changed my gems about , ill just try to upgrade my gear and get back then thxs for help ^^
Re: Hunter discussion
- Posts: 473
Hamm wrote:http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Bloodhoof&cn=Hammers
That is my charr, and I'm looking for ways to improve my DPS. I got probably somthing like 6.5k single target dps, give or take a few. Haven't got Recount running for a little while now. My guild is slowly progressing in ICC, at Putricine now, far from HCs.
6.5k sounds incredibly low for that gear, assuming full 25man buffs/debuffs up. Simulationcraft suggests something like 9.5k - without counting in the ICC zone buff. Assuming you're using the best crafted arrows, of course.
As for gear, Distant Land isn't all that great. Even for your SV spec arpen is nearly double the value per point of haste. Obviously enough you need a better bow/gun. Being hitcapped wouldn't be a bad idea, enchant Icewalker on boots, it's the best value enchant by far if the hit rating isn't wasted anyway.