Rogue discussion
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 2
Hey, I was wondering about the rogue two piece you guys are currently using. I see you are Maeil and rakez are using Helm/Chest, which leaves you two at decently low hit.
Why do you choose to use Helm/Chest opposed to Helm/Shoulders?
Why do you choose to use Helm/Chest opposed to Helm/Shoulders?
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 202
About rupture vs eviscerate, rupture just scales better and does more dps than eviscerate even with 1400 arp. Don't think there's any requirement for "4800 ap" or anything as rupture is showing around 200 more dps. The general rule is that rupture just is better at the moment, no matter how good your gear is. (Low ilvl gear is probably heavier on ap than arp anyway)
About gear choices.. well, i've linked the sheet countless times here already. Chest and helmet are the best pieces of the set because they have arp on them. Shoulders are worse than the 264 ones I have now but become better if I can get the 4 piece bonus with them. There isn't any 277 chest with armor pen anyway and I'm already pretty much set with expertise, even more so when I get those t10 pants. As long as I can keep my hit over the poison hit cap I'm fine. Again, it's not game breaking to be under the poison hit cap either, but if you are then hit will be the best stat to go for until you reach it. DL the sheet.
On the muti starter question, It really doesn't make that much of a difference. We're talking about like a few thousand damage differential between different starting styles. I used to go for garrote,snd,hfb,muti,envenom. Start however you want.
And about LK cooldowns, you can probably see the video yourself. I didn't really save any of my cooldowns because the fight is so long that you might end up losing one in the long run if you wait for everything to come up at the same time. Of course it's better to have blade flurry etc. ready for valkyrs, but they come so often that you don't have to keep them off cooldown for too long. Currently I often blow my 2nd blade flurry on the transition phase beginning if there are any ghouls left as it comes up just as LK hits 70% or so. Our raging spirits die so fast that there are never more than 1 up before the end of the 2nd transition.
About gear choices.. well, i've linked the sheet countless times here already. Chest and helmet are the best pieces of the set because they have arp on them. Shoulders are worse than the 264 ones I have now but become better if I can get the 4 piece bonus with them. There isn't any 277 chest with armor pen anyway and I'm already pretty much set with expertise, even more so when I get those t10 pants. As long as I can keep my hit over the poison hit cap I'm fine. Again, it's not game breaking to be under the poison hit cap either, but if you are then hit will be the best stat to go for until you reach it. DL the sheet.
On the muti starter question, It really doesn't make that much of a difference. We're talking about like a few thousand damage differential between different starting styles. I used to go for garrote,snd,hfb,muti,envenom. Start however you want.
And about LK cooldowns, you can probably see the video yourself. I didn't really save any of my cooldowns because the fight is so long that you might end up losing one in the long run if you wait for everything to come up at the same time. Of course it's better to have blade flurry etc. ready for valkyrs, but they come so often that you don't have to keep them off cooldown for too long. Currently I often blow my 2nd blade flurry on the transition phase beginning if there are any ghouls left as it comes up just as LK hits 70% or so. Our raging spirits die so fast that there are never more than 1 up before the end of the 2nd transition.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 1
hello, Maeil and Rakez,I'm a rogue from China.
I was wondering about your choices,too.I saw another choices that just like Natoxz and Ohnoes using Helm/Shoulders + Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder ,and a arp ring instead of Seal of Many Mouths.
This choices supply more expertise and hit to raise the crit cap .How do you think about it?
I was wondering about your choices,too.I saw another choices that just like Natoxz and Ohnoes using Helm/Shoulders + Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder ,and a arp ring instead of Seal of Many Mouths.
This choices supply more expertise and hit to raise the crit cap .How do you think about it?
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 202
Hello, my current gear choices seem to give around 15 more dps than switching in the parts you mentioned. The gear choices most likely come down to what has dropped. Of course I would rather wear the arp ring than many mouths, but I don't have it. Don't think we have had a single Ikfirus' sack drop yet, nor have we seen the boots from marrowgar.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 2
hey guys
i raid with my rogue now since toc came out
now i raid icc10/25 with guild
i always played multi
now i collected combat gear and i gemmed it
i tried combat now some raids my dps is oke but a other rogue with lower gear does more dps then me maybe you can give me some tips about rotation or marcros dunno if you use anyone
now my rotation with tank and spank fights is (start with garotte-ss till 3 cp-snd-killing spree-pop cds -and just keep snd up and eviscerate with 5 cps
dunno if do something wrong
but would be great if i could get some tips
ty for now:)
i raid with my rogue now since toc came out
now i raid icc10/25 with guild
i always played multi
now i collected combat gear and i gemmed it
i tried combat now some raids my dps is oke but a other rogue with lower gear does more dps then me maybe you can give me some tips about rotation or marcros dunno if you use anyone
now my rotation with tank and spank fights is (start with garotte-ss till 3 cp-snd-killing spree-pop cds -and just keep snd up and eviscerate with 5 cps
dunno if do something wrong
but would be great if i could get some tips
ty for now:)
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 2
Hi, I noticed both you guys are using Herkuml War Totems with your Deathbringer's Wills. Is there a reason you're not using Heroic Whisering Fanged Skull instead?
I've tried both trinkets, but I haven't done enough testing to really notice a significant difference. I was mostly wondering because the calcualted EP of Heroic WFS is greater, at least for me.
I've tried both trinkets, but I haven't done enough testing to really notice a significant difference. I was mostly wondering because the calcualted EP of Heroic WFS is greater, at least for me.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 2
primadonna wrote:Using the trinket would push them past the crit cap.
If you go 3/5 Head-Chest-Legs, your hit will be so low that you crit cap no matter what. In a BiS setup, you crit cap even if you gem every yellow slot +20 hit and use Heroic Tiny Abom in a Jar.
I guess another question I have is why choose a setup where you will be way under crit cap no matter what trinket you use?
A lot of rogues use this setup, but a lot more rogues use a 2/5 Head-Shoulders with Ikfirus' Sack of Wonder. This minimizes crit capping in full BiS and also allows for the use of Heroic WFS, which in my opinion, is a VERY nice trinket.
I'm not trying to criticize anyone's gear choices, I'm just wondering what the reasoning is behind this setup.
Edit: I'm dumb, I failed to read previous posts on this topic. I'm still curious though which you think is better, H WFS or HWT.
Re: Rogue discussion
- Posts: 5
I need some help with the spreadcheet, i have been trying to change the value in cell b12 but there is no function under format that i can compere with "unhide". And i am using the Swedish verision. So if anyone here is familiar with the swe version of exel please explain