Maeil UI 2

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 10 Apr 2010 21:06

Avatar lupz
Posts: 2
tabusos wrote:
tabusos wrote:how do you edit so that the name is above the percent and hp?
like this Image

nvm found out how to :p

how to ? im trying to and i cant find out.

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 12 Apr 2010 11:55

Avatar Jakkemaster
Posts: 27
Hey Maeil. Congratz on the LK 25HC first of all (alltho its some time ago)

I really admire your work with the UI, it is so nice, but I have been bussing around with pitbull ALOT. And I was quite interesting in which texture you were using ?
Is that any possible to know ? :D

Keep up the nice UI mate :P

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 12 Apr 2010 13:19

Avatar maeil
Posts: 109
Location: Finland
Hey, I am using the texture from Ora3 addon, it's named after the addon. Don't know if you can get the texture only somehow, but if you have ora3 enabled you can choose that texture.

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 12 Apr 2010 17:47

Avatar lupz
Posts: 2
Hey Maeil can u aswor my question?

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 12 Apr 2010 18:32

Avatar maeil
Posts: 109
Location: Finland
lupz wrote:Hey Maeil can u aswor my question?

Attach to UnitFrame -> Location: Inside, Top

Attach to UnitFrame -> Location: Inside, Middle

with diffrent size unitframes the texts might look diffrent, even the font plays a big role.

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 13 Apr 2010 12:14

Avatar Peligrosas
Posts: 4
I am using this UI : ... 31841.jpg/
(btw this screenshot is some months ago)

I would like to hear from experts like Maeil suggestions to improve it.

PS: A HUGE grats to paragon for your progression and skills. I am really impressed ppl.

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 18 Apr 2010 00:21

Avatar Søul
Posts: 4
Hello ! Maeil i look your movie for the 11/12 bosses, i love it and i want to know what is the addon for the lootroll please ? Thx ! ( sorry for my english, I'am French )

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 18 Apr 2010 07:27

Avatar maeil
Posts: 109
Location: Finland
The addon is Xloot group

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 18 Apr 2010 10:14

Avatar Søul
Posts: 4
Thank you very much and big GZ for your movies !

Re: Maeil UI 2

Post 18 Apr 2010 15:37

Avatar Kario
Posts: 2
I have a short question. In your ICC video, after you killed Rotface and turned in the weekly you can see a lot of lines right above the timer. What is that?

Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. Didn't know the aura goes that far.