Im playing as a holy paladin in my current guild (Inevitably on TH-EU) and i have some questions for you:)
First of all about trinkets: i currently have Talisman of Resurgence and Althors Abacus/Tears of the Vanquished. I wanna ask which of them is the best combo though i go for ToR and AA most of the times.Also i would like to ask if its worth getting the hc version of AA over Solace and 226 from algalon along with the ToR.
Thats about trinkets and i move on to the case weapon:currently i got the crappy 251 from Battered Hilt though i suppose i can easily get one since we farm every boss except for LK who is our progression boss atm.So heres the question: which one should i go for(Normal mode):Is rigormortis worth it on normal 264 ?Trauma isnt for paladins so whats left? i suppose LK is the solution to this but till we get him down what could be a good solution?Oh i also forgot about lockjaw hc mode:P
Lastly here is my armory link ... oodvalor.. .
Just tell me if i should change anything glyph and speccwise(i also use the specc with Divine sacrifice but dropped it till we get to ICC HMs) BTW i prefer using SoL glyph due to the 5% bonus healz since i almost never go OOM with some good DP usage :).
PS: What u guyz think bout FoL build?I used it for some time but it didnt work well for me...:P Looking forward to hearing from u guyz :)
Bloodvalor of Inevitably Twilight's Hammer