Hunter discussion

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 12:48

Avatar arkadin
Posts: 17
Astrodancer wrote:Just wondering got like 60 Frost badges, got the Linked scourge vertebrae and no T10 items, should i get The leather belt vengeful noose or should i save up for some T10?

T10 shoulders.

Astrodancer wrote:Here's my Armory link, don't have my own pc at the minute so i can't play. ... strodancer

Thus i know i just got the Njordnar Bone Bow but had to leave urgently and could get arrows and put it on. And i know I dont have any really useful Proffs. but i don't have any money at the minute, i will get either JC and Ench or JC and BS or some other profs. Choose your favorites or best if u want :)

JC and BS

Astrodancer wrote:By the way i have yet never seen an hunter or even a dps with both DBW normal and Heroic is it even possible? Would it double the chance of the Proc? Or even have two of em at a time..?

Thanks on forward.

Blizzard said before releasing ICC that they will not allow you to stack the normal/heroic versions of ICC trinkets.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 17:35

Avatar Arrowabyss
Posts: 1
Hi :)
I need some help, atm i have gem'd ARP but im thinking about switiching to Agil :\
i have put my stats into a simulator and i should be doing arund 8k over a 5 min fight, but im only achiving around 6-7k. so i was wondering can u take a look at my spec and gyphs as your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Also i dont really have any macros or a real rotaions i usally open with, SS, CM, AiS, Silencing shot when its off CD, Steady shot untill somthings open again, then KS when i can.

Ps, dissregard my BM spec its just there so to speak :) ... Arrowabyss

thanks alot Arrowabyss

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 18:46

Avatar Astrodancer
Posts: 9
Thank You Arkadin
Just got my pc back ^^

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 23:32

Avatar Grizz28
Posts: 4
Hi there Kruf, I had a question about if I am ready to gem arp. I have about 756 arp from my gear alone and I tend to see alot of hunters gemming alot sooner then that. Here is my armory link.

I've been sort of anxious to try out arp gems but i'm not sure if i should wait for a couple more pieces, or go for it.

Thanks for answering all these questions to btw.


Re: Hunter discussion

Post 10 Apr 2010 01:25

Avatar aNoob
Posts: 1
I got 2 ?s, im a MM ArP hunter atm with ~1000 arp, i use NeS atm and mark of supremecy (i know :( i fail) hoping for WFS next week and i have Banner of victory in my bank atm. out of the 4 trinkets which should i use.

Also what should i use, potion of speed or potion of wild magic. Crit is ~60% buffed
i prepot then later repot at hero or something

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 10 Apr 2010 09:04

Avatar Nahash
Posts: 1
Hi there.

This is a question for Kruf, Shaylee and Ussoß.
What are your first impressions about the changes of the class in the Cataclysm?
Thanks for answering our questions in this great forum.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 12 Apr 2010 02:30

Avatar Glimli
Posts: 7

I was just curious to see if you have any suggestions to help me increase my Hunter DPS.

I generally pull about 8.5k-9k DPS Single Target as Survival, and follow a rotation of Kill Shot > Explosive Shot > Aimed Shot > Black Arrow > Serpent Sting > Steady Shot.

Here is my Armory Link: ... cn=Ashanam

Disregarding my professions, (As I need to work up the courage to get JC to 450 and then switch mining to Enchanting) and the fact that I am 4 frost badges from my tier 10 bonus, are there any suggestions you can make to my Spec, gemming style, rotation, or anything else you can think of? I will greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks.


Re: Hunter discussion

Post 12 Apr 2010 06:34

Avatar Effina
Posts: 1

Just a simple question. I am currently using 2 set T10 2 set T9(shoulders/chest T10, and helm/pants T9). Just got the 264 T10 and Im wondering if it is worth breaking the 2 set bonus of the T9(both are ilvl245). Marksman spec and here is my armory. ... &cn=Effina

Anything else you feel inclined to comment on would be great. Just waiting on some hit raiting(and a new belt...) to go full arp. Thanks in advance!

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 12 Apr 2010 08:58

Avatar Deepfriedegg
Posts: 1
Kruf wrote:
Using some old stats from Saurfang, I have these average damages for abilities:
Steady Shot: 5922
Chimera Shot - Serpent: 5320
Serpent Sting (tick): 987

We don't need to consider any other abilities, since you won't be trading off a high damage ability for a sting anyway.

Now, we can see that the extra damage on Chimera is nearly as much as the one Steady Shot lost (in fact we lose slightly less than one Steady, unless some haste effect is up), so it's always beneficial to apply the sting if you will have Chimera ready before the add dies and the sting can tick at least once.

Kruf, I think you forgot about Piercing Shots talent, which deals 30% (39% with debuff on target) additional damage over 8 seconds of Chimera, Aimed and Steady shot, if that shot have critted. This talent doesnt affect the Serpent portion of chimera so in fact you would need more ticks - on average 2 or 3. Exact number depends on: 1) Has Steady Shot critted (very likely it had) 2) How many times Piercing Shots will tick before the target dies. 3) How many times will Serpent tick before target dies

This leaves us with so much variables that before you would find out what shot to use, you would have lost your GCD anyway :) To be honest, I would go with Steady.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 12 Apr 2010 20:49

Avatar Badkarma
Posts: 6
Hi Kruf,

First a late congratulations to you guys on heroic Lich King. Awesome to see how intense this fight is and seeing your guys guide and how cleverly you dealt with mechanics such as using ret paly's to have aggro on the valk's and prot paly taunting all 3 off immediately.

Secondly I, like many others, was hoping you might be able to help me improve my damage a bit. Last month I switched from Holy Paladin to Hunter due to our raid having 0 hunters and having 3 consistent holy paladins. I feel I do fairly well and each week I am improving, I see somethings I'm doing wrong and am working on fixing those but was hoping you might also be able to spot some things I need to improve that I don't see. My gear is actually very good for only doing any serious raiding on it for a month now.

I mostly have questions on two fights as I feel they are the only ones that are somewhat of a challenge to pull off top DPS as a hunter; the heroic versions of Putricide 25 and Sindragosa 25. We have beaten both but I'm pretty sure I'm missing things that I could be doing to improve damage.

My armory is here: ... n=Badkarma

Per your recommendations earlier in the thread I will be buying the badge trinket in place of NES this week, femaledwarf indicates it's a 90dps upgrade which I definitely did not expect. I am also not gemmed ArP yet since even at 661 unbuffed the spreadsheet is telling me it's like a ~20 dps loss which translates into even more of a loss on add fights that don't have sunder / mangle.

Anyways onto the main point of me posting. For Putricide 25 heroic here are the web stats of our two kills:
1st: ... 57&e=16883
2nd: ... 664&e=1108
Fraps of first kill which may aid you in finding more of my mistakes:

I think I did a good bit better in the 2nd kill than I did in the 1st, got 1k more dps but part of that was also like 3 gear upgrades (finally got 4pc t10 264 when was using 2pc 2pc). Here's the mistakes I noticed on my first kill and worked to improve on the second: I should be using chimera glyph to keep SrS rolling instead of hawk (didn't actually do this, just noting I should), and and didn't line my rapid CotW up properly with my WFS. I see other hunter videos where they pull over 10k without the 10% buff so there has to be more than these two things I'm missing. The kill video I also spaced out and didn't attack the red blob once but if anything that probably upped my DPS, though in a bad way for the raid.

Sindragosa 25H we just killed the first time this week, I don't think there was too much I messed up but again I'm sure there are things I should improve on. I was @ ~9700 dps when I died around 2%.

Here's the parse: ... 28&e=14273
And the kill video again if it helps at all:

Also had one more question regarding lich king. We just started a few heroic attempts this week (only like 5) and will be casually doing progress on him. I feel most of it is very straightforward DPS wise except for DPSing the Valkyr's as a hunter. I have to run into the stack, sit there for a bit when they start coming until I find they don't pick me, then get back out like 10 yards due to their big hit boxes. Is there a more efficient method to doing DPS on them than this as a hunter? Do you know if feigning when they are about to pick targets take you off the list to be picked up / would it be worth it if so?

Sorry for the very long post, just really would like to continue improving each week and be more competitive with other top hunters but I lack the experience of most of them to know certain things I may be doing wrong. Any help you may be able to give me I'd greatly appreciate.
