/s Warning.

/s Warning.

Post 11 Apr 2010 16:34

Avatar Tranceformer
Posts: 3
Hey. I got a quetion and it's: Ive seen some videos and i saw when they get a debuff or something on them it says lets say professor it would say: Unbound Plague on Me! - Can anyone tell me what addon who does that?

- Thanks.



Re: /s Warning.

Post 11 Apr 2010 16:41

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Tranceformer wrote:Hey. I got a quetion and it's: Ive seen some videos and i saw when they get a debuff or something on them it says lets say professor it would say: Unbound Plague on Me! - Can anyone tell me what addon who does that?

Probably every decent bossmod addon out there. BigWigs, for example.

Re: /s Warning.

Post 12 Apr 2010 03:42

Avatar Athena
Posts: 3
Hi. I was using DBM and could not find option to enable /s warnings so i installed BigWigs and still cant find any option for it. I saw it in your LK25HC kill when Lazei had defile he said "Defile on me".

Re: /s Warning.

Post 12 Apr 2010 08:52

Avatar arkadin
Posts: 17
BigWigs does it by default I'm pretty sure, and DBM has an option for it. DBM utilizes /y however.

Edit: Don't forget to actually see it you need to have Chat Bubbles enabled on your own ui.

Re: /s Warning.

Post 12 Apr 2010 21:11

Avatar Tumleren
Posts: 3
I know for sure that Deus Vox Encounters does it - On top of that it's easily the prettiest raid encounter addon as well

Re: /s Warning.

Post 12 Apr 2010 22:02

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
In BigWigs:

Type /bw to open the configuration.
Click "Icecrown Citadel" under "Big Wigs Encounters".
Choose the boss from the dropdown in top right corner.
Click on the ">>" button of whatever ability you want /say warning on.
Make sure the checkbox for "Say" is enabled.

This, of course, only works on things they have /say warnings added for. We run a customized version of BigWigs that has things we've deemed necessary added so YMMV with the standard one.