Hi paragons.Congratulations about your progress.I won a bet because of u with a friend about who gonna kill first LK 25hm.I am nick and i play a warlock at eu-sunstrider named:Shadowpanic.
I am THE ONLY one that i play destruction as pve.(As i see from all forums everyone speak about demon/affli)I play as destro from tbc and i can't accept tha destro is not good enough.Yesterday, at Lich King normal i understood that might this is the time to change my talent build.I want, if u have some time to see my talent spec and gear, to tell me what spec to play my lock.I mean what is the best now with the item i wear.Also , if it easy for u to make a topic to say all the rotation of locks.
(With my guild we reach on Lick king normal.In one day we did 26 tries all wipes :).We did some good tries at 36,38,40,36% our problem most of times was that we coudn't kill at phase 2 valkyrs so quick,we need better dps. So plz help me to do the best dps to help my guild because i am main dps at raids)
My rotation now is:life tap--CoE--Immolate--conflagrate--trinket--chaos bolt--incinerate(until cd of conflagrate)--conflagrate--incinerate(until cd of chaos bolt)--chaos bolt.then i do immolate 1sec before it expire and life tap to have the buff all time.
My armory link :
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... hadowpanic
Thx for listening me.
Best PVE lock?????
Best PVE lock?????
- Posts: 3
Last edited by Shadowpanic on 07 Apr 2010 00:32, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Best PVE lock?????
- Posts: 1
then i do immolate 1sec before it expire and life tap to have the buff all time.
I'm not from paragon but i do play a lock(main) in general. Anyways that's your problem there if your going to wait 1 sec before reapplying then you might as well do it at 3secs left since it takes 3secs per tick. With the new buff to immolate where it crits now you losing 1300 damage to 4000 damage if it crits and since your destruction I'm sure it crits for more.
I'm also noticing that you're not applying corruption in your rotation. In my opinion that no matter what spec you are you still have to apply corruption as well as with the glyph that reduces the time it ticks based on your haste this is a great plus for your dps. On average most locks in 10man HM and 25man gear they have around 800-1100+ haste which does quicken the ticks boosting your dps/damage done.
Re: Best PVE lock?????
- Posts: 1
Corruption is nothing but a dps loss if it is being used in your normal rotation. Although, if you move for some reason corruption should be cast if you don't need to life tap.
On a sidenote this is probably one of the best posts on the topic:
http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t38033-mage ... n_warlock/
On a sidenote this is probably one of the best posts on the topic:
http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t38033-mage ... n_warlock/
Re: Best PVE lock?????
- Posts: 3
Erayo wrote:Corruption is nothing but a dps loss if it is being used in your normal rotation. Although, if you move for some reason corruption should be cast if you don't need to life tap.
On a sidenote this is probably one of the best posts on the topic:
http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t38033-mage ... n_warlock/
Thx for your help guys.The link of the site is pretty well thank you.
Diabolist corruption is loss of damage because u lose on global cooldown.Also corruption until it expires it does as damge as one incinerate,is no worth.
But cant understand until now which is the best dps.I have changed my second talent spec so many times from affli to demon and the opposite but i cant do the same dps as destro because i lose the rotation.It needs good practise and i dont know the ratation so well.I want the advise of someone which is the best and the rotaion plz.
Thank you all guys!!!
5 posts -