Hunter discussion

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 29 Mar 2010 21:20

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
docktor wrote:I just put my toon through simulationcraft and see that my theoretical DPS should be at 9725, but I have never seen my DPS break 9k.

What kind of latency do you play with? Do you have all the needed buffs and debuffs in raids? While simulationcraft is by no means totally accurate, it does seem rather close.

docktor wrote:I'm pretty sure I'm not ready to gem ArP yet because that would only bring me up to a value of around 772 ArP, after gemming.

You should stay with agi gems, for sure. If you could get 900-1000 arpen total then I'd suggest checking if it seems like an upgrade, but with just 772 - stay with agi.

docktor wrote:I received my T10.5 pants from VoA 25 and am planning on holding on to them until I have enough emblems to buy the T10 hands and have a replacement for my pants.

The T10.5 legs are bad. No, wait, let me rephrase that. They're horrible. I'd stay with ilevel 245 T9, especially since the 2T9 setbonus is very good, and get some other gloves instead (you want the T10 eventually, but they're not super awesome, so if you're not going for 4T10 you can use something else).

docktor wrote:Is there anything that you see gear wise that I can do differently to maximize my DPS other than waiting for drops?

I'd move one point from GftT to IHM, last I checked 2/2 GftT was worse than 1/3 IHM - even more true if you have more hunters in raid (and no one has 3/3 IHM). Also Wild Hunt is better pet talent than Shark Attack for the last point.

docktor wrote:Also, do you use an addon to see when your procs are up?

NeedToKnow works great for tracking your procs.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 29 Mar 2010 23:31

User avatardagobert
Posts: 3
good morning everyone!

i just recently switched from SV to MM. so my gear might not be that optimal.
here is the armory link:

maybe someone could gave me hints what I could do better. i know that my 2nd trinket is crap but deathbringer hates me :( and i hope for the belt from festergut25.
or should i take greatness or WFS in place of banner of victory?
but then i loss 84arp :l

other question, maybe only the 2p t10 and Logsplitters & Longstrider's Vest or do you think the 4p t10 is better than more arp (1316arp with 2pt10 and rdn)? but then i`ve only 3,42% hit (i must gem ~0,60 hit) & then i have 1296arp. so 4pt10/1216arp or 2pt10/1296arp.

i`m open for many hints. thanks.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 05:59

Avatar docktor
Posts: 3
Thanks for the info. I read in multiple places that T9 245 2 piece is better than 4 piece T10 until all your T10 are 264, is that true? My latency is usually around 100-115ms. My computer is about 6 years old as well. I'm waiting until I switch jobs to buy a new one. Dunno if that has some to do with it. Thanks for your help though!

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 09:33

Avatar Férn
Posts: 3

I'm hunting away in our casual 10 man ICC group, we're only upto Putricide but my dps isn't the most fantastical ever! I know I need upgrades and we're doing the first 6 bosses every week so I'm just waiting for the Njordinar bow and Precious's collar to drop.. just a matter of time. But I was wondering if you could take a look at my armory an see if I've gone wrong anywhere, I average out at about 7-7.5k on fights, upto about 8.2 if it's stand and nuke, which I'm sure is probably still a bit low. I'm never above about 100ms but my fps is always 10 or less in ICC which might affect my dps a bit. I'll be getting a new graphics card soon as I can though.

I eat Hearty Rhino and am mostly using Elixir or ArP and Mighty Thoughts, occasionally I'll use a rage flask instead. We usually only have 1 pally with us so I'll be BoM'd with lesser BoK and we have either a warrior tank+druid tanks or 2 Warriors for debuff on the boss. I know my hit cap is slightly under but we always have a Draenei with us for their racial.

I did try using simulationcraft but my pc is dead-set against opening the file :/

I was really just wondering if you think I'm going wrong anywhere with my gear, I have the usual MM shot rotation, maybe going back to agi might be better at this stage? I'm not sure. With regards to trinkets, I do have the NES but it rarely/never seems to proc and my dps is slightly better with the static 80ArP fromt he banner than the chance of the NES proccing!

I know we're hardly Pro! But any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time :)

Forgot to add armory link!: ... =F%C3%A9rn

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 10:53

Avatar Arnetz
Posts: 1
Should i use Hellion Glaive or Distant land?

Hellion Glaive
Distant land

Hellion glave got Arp when distant land got haste but distant land got 2 sockets while hellion got 1


Re: Hunter discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 14:13

Avatar Radioskpup
Posts: 2
Kruf wrote:300ms is enough that it might start hurting your dps, I think - haven't actually tested, since I never have that high latency unless the server is acting up.

I'm not all that certain orc is actually any better with the current setups, as pet damage is relatively little of the total damage and Berserking is pretty good racial for our arpen builds.

That's Australian WoW playing for you, using the TCPAckFrequency latency fix and I went from 500ms to 300ms, my only other option is to start using tunnels, and lately they've been nothing but troublesome for my guildies who use them.

Yeah, I know Orc's superiority over Trolls is debateable depending on fight, but on the average standstill encounter they will still come out on top, but I love my troll too much to worry about min-maxing that aspect of my character.

Kruf wrote:As stated in the other posts, the reason why I use Chimera glyph is that it gives me higher chance of not losing my Serpent Sting on the boss on fights where I have to switch to adds. If you have enough latency that it's hard to keep the sting up even with the glyph, it most likely makes sense to go with Kill Shot anyway, as it's not a bad choice by any means even with low latency.

I might try your method of carrying stacks of either glyph for different fights, but first I'll have to give Chimera Shot's glyph a trial run, the argument of latency is the main reason I've avoided it thus far but I've never personally tried it myself.

Kruf wrote:I'm not sure how much advice I can give without actually seeing a video of you playing, given you have all the basics right already.

Hehe sorry, I couldn't really provide any more data beyond what I gave you, maybe me letting you see my logs for fights such as Putri and Sindragosa will give you a better look at my overall performance on a dynamic fight?

Kruf wrote:Generally, when movement is needed, I try to not break a steady shot cast, especially if it's past the halfway mark. If possible, I use Disengage, however on some fights it makes sense to save the cooldown for possible emergency situations. If you can wait before moving it makes sense to wait until one of your instant shots is ready so you have something to do while moving. I do stop to fire an auto shot while moving if there's time when moving, but generally only once during the move, if I'm going far enough that I'd need to stop more than once I try to use Disengage instead.

Thanks for the hints, a couple of minor things in there that I wasn't completely thinking about yet! :P

Kruf wrote:I noticed you don't have any points in Rapid Recuperation - do you ever have to switch to Aspect of the Viper? If you can get a little more hit from gear and use 2/3 in Focused Aim you can have a point in Rapid Recuperation which helps a bunch with mana, which obviously helps with dps.

I usually don't have to swap to viper, unless it's Valithira, Sindragosa (Iceblock phases are great for this), Putricide (I try to use it during tear gas, but HMs will be a different story), Funship or LK (bleargh). I do have a secondary spec which sacrifices a personal TSA for a point in Rapid Recup, which I use whenever I'm in a raid group with a Blood DK / Enh Shammy / Another hunter, though I'm thinking about adopting the Hawk Eye spec as secondary for certain fights after running out of range every now and then (Putri on the odd occasion, Marrowgar, LK bleargh, potentially Saurfang HM, Valithira Dreamwalker). For now I am able to sustain mana as long as I have a stable source of JoW, which is why I tend to run out on fights like LK with valkyr swaps, ice spheres and general tomfoolery. ;0

Kruf wrote:After all this, however, the most important thing and the reason why I think I'm on World First kills is not absolutely maximal dps (I'm sure there are people who micromanage better for slightly more dps) but rather playing well - not making mistakes, doing your best to fix up mistakes made by others and not panicing if something goes wrong. Patience also helps on those long nights of beating your head to a wall repeatedly for hours and hours... ;)

Yeah, I like to think I'm fairly calm and concentrated during boss fights, and able to handle emergencies by doing things such as handing out emergency MDs, Frost Traps, Distracts (Vile Spirits) and the like. I do sometimes panic when something goes wrong though, typically when it was something stupid (melee going, "Lol let's stack right before Defile is gonna come!") that caused the emergency. I can keep my patience on a long night if we are making progress, but when we wipe to elements the raid has already learnt (Defile and Raging Spirit aggro are our worst scenarios for these types of wipes) I tend to get a little hot-headed in vent... hehe.

Thanks for the tips Kruf, I know I probably didn't need much help other than really deep play philosophies and such, but I love to discuss mechanics with other players and who better to discuss mechanics with than someone who is part of one of the most well performing guilds in the world! ;)

New Hunter (MM)

Post 30 Mar 2010 18:38

Avatar dawnmender
Posts: 3
Hey first off - GRATS to Paragon on LK25HM.

At any rate, I've included my profile at the bottom of the page and I wanted to see if you could provide me, like others with some guidance on hitting this dps simcqt provides. (8075 currently) I know i have some bad pieces on but am working to switch them out. Example being the box of horrors for greatness or LDW drops etc. The reason why im asking is i can't seem to pull these numbers I usually tank about about 4-6k depending on encounter and whatnot. ... Dawnmender

Thanks so much for your time and grats again on your kill!


Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 10:11

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
Arnetz wrote:Should i use Hellion Glaive or Distant land?

Hellion Glaive
Distant land

Hellion glave got Arp when distant land got haste but distant land got 2 sockets while hellion got 1

Hellion Glaive. Haste is utter rubbish compared to arpen, one socket does not change that.

Re: New Hunter (MM)

Post 31 Mar 2010 10:40

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
dawnmender wrote:At any rate, I've included my profile at the bottom of the page and I wanted to see if you could provide me, like others with some guidance on hitting this dps simcqt provides. (8075 currently) I know i have some bad pieces on but am working to switch them out. Example being the box of horrors for greatness or LDW drops etc. The reason why im asking is i can't seem to pull these numbers I usually tank about about 4-6k depending on encounter and whatnot.

If you're that far below the dps simulationcraft suggests you might want to check that you aren't moving unnecessarily and are always casting something. Also note that the number given by simulationcraft is for optimal situation where you have all raid buffs and all useful debuffs are up on the target you're shooting.

Here's what I'd recommend getting ASAP:

  • T9 head & legs
  • T10 shoulders & chest
  • Greatness

I see you haven't gemmed/enchanted all of your gear but I suppose that's somewhat understandable given how quickly you'll replace most of it. I'd recommend enchanting the wrists though, they're good, and swap the enchant on gloves to agi instead. You should also make sure you're hitcapped - but not much over the cap. You don't seem to have a level 80 wolf with raiding pet spec, fix that. I'd also put that one point from Efficiency into IHM, or in fact rather try to get rid of some hit in gear and get 1/3 Focused Aim.

Re: Hunter discussion

Post 31 Mar 2010 10:49

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
docktor wrote:Thanks for the info. I read in multiple places that T9 245 2 piece is better than 4 piece T10 until all your T10 are 264, is that true?

It's a little more complicated than that, but as general advice that is quite sound. I'd take T9 head & legs and T10 shoulders & chest, I think.

docktor wrote:My latency is usually around 100-115ms. My computer is about 6 years old as well. I'm waiting until I switch jobs to buy a new one.

Latency seems fine, but if your computer is that old you might be playing with quite low fps and that will start hurting your dps at some point.