Diivil wrote:Also worth noting is that phylactery seems to proc from hellfire (according to wowhead comments). Everyone can decide if it's a bad thing or not, but you are probably going to use muradin's as your second trinket and you will want to have it fully stacked before combat, that way you can get phylactery too but at the same time you are going to lose time from the proc..
There's a way to get around this by simply not having the phylactery equipped until after you've finished building up your spyglass stacks with hellfire. I use a combo potion/lifetap/trinket equip macro at the last second before combat is initiated:
#showtooltip Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
/use Life Tap(Rank 1)
/equipslot 14 Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
/equipslot 15 Frostbinder's Shredded Cape
/use Potion of Wild Magic
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
You can even cheat a little bit and have another stacking trinket (think eye of the broodmother or iotds) equipped in slot 14 (bottom trinket slot) while you're hellfiring - the stacks won't disappear when the trinket is unequipped, and you'll likely still have the spellpower bonus on your first demonic pact application... just make sure you hit the button BEFORE combat starts or you'll be stuck with what you were wearing before.
This also dodges having to proc Lightweave Embroidery ~44s before combat starts, which cuts down on all the 'oh hey can you guys wait a minute to pull? I need sync all my cooldowns' and keeps everyone else in the raid happier :D