Can anyone tell me what the Stat Priority is for Guardian Druids for 5.2?
I have looked at a lot of places (Elitist Jerks, Icy-Veins, Noxxic, Mr. Robot, Random Google Searches) and nothing seems to be up to date for 5.2.
Mr. Robot is saying that I should reforge everything for Mastery/Dodge.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 1
Re: Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 4
Like Setja said in the interview after they cleared 5.1, tanks are more reliant (in 10 mans at least) to do more dps. For that reason, you want to stick to the same priority as we had in 5.1 were agi>hit=exp>crit>stam>mastery. Our mastery buff in 5.2 did not do enough to change it's low priority. This rage build ensure also that while doing higher dps, you'll always have enough rage for a SD. In 25 mans, I assume we would stack dodge and mastery as the bosses hit quite a bit harder and tank dps isn't as important. If possible, after you get the 7.5% hit and exp base cap, try for the 15% exp hard cap. Although depending on your gear, it might be more beneficial to just get the soft cap.
This is just my take on it, and I am in no means as well versed in it as some of the more progressed and hardcore bears of the world. Hope it helps a little.
Laceration <No Fury> US- Antonidas
This is just my take on it, and I am in no means as well versed in it as some of the more progressed and hardcore bears of the world. Hope it helps a little.
Laceration <No Fury> US- Antonidas
Re: Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 137
Everything depends on your role and what kind of damage you take in a fight, the amount of Vengeance you get in the fight might also change what you want to go for.
I only raid 10hc with druid&paladin tank combo so that's the only scenario I have been theorycrafting. Ideally you want the paladin handle all the tanking and you will be just keeping your Vengeance up and tanking/taunting debuffs only when necessary. For this style you want to maximize your dps as tank dps is a big part of the raid dps in 10man.
Dps stat priority also has good rps which is the most wellrounded and best overall build to have. For dps: Crit > Hit = Exp > Haste > Mastery. If you want to cut dps for more rage then Crit > Haste > Hit = Exp, at some points Haste might be better than Crit in terms of pure rps but the dps loss is never worth it.
I only raid 10hc with druid&paladin tank combo so that's the only scenario I have been theorycrafting. Ideally you want the paladin handle all the tanking and you will be just keeping your Vengeance up and tanking/taunting debuffs only when necessary. For this style you want to maximize your dps as tank dps is a big part of the raid dps in 10man.
Dps stat priority also has good rps which is the most wellrounded and best overall build to have. For dps: Crit > Hit = Exp > Haste > Mastery. If you want to cut dps for more rage then Crit > Haste > Hit = Exp, at some points Haste might be better than Crit in terms of pure rps but the dps loss is never worth it.
Re: Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 10
Seita wrote:Everything depends on your role and what kind of damage you take in a fight, the amount of Vengeance you get in the fight might also change what you want to go for.
I only raid 10hc with druid&paladin tank combo so that's the only scenario I have been theorycrafting. Ideally you want the paladin handle all the tanking and you will be just keeping your Vengeance up and tanking/taunting debuffs only when necessary. For this style you want to maximize your dps as tank dps is a big part of the raid dps in 10man.
Dps stat priority also has good rps which is the most wellrounded and best overall build to have. For dps: Crit > Hit = Exp > Haste > Mastery. If you want to cut dps for more rage then Crit > Haste > Hit = Exp, at some points Haste might be better than Crit in terms of pure rps but the dps loss is never worth it.
If you are the main tank,which stat you prefer?Crit,dodge,or mastery?Not every guild has a paladin to handle all the tanking
Re: Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 137
You always want to start the fight with the dps setup, it is also very wellrounded and if you stay alive then its the best build for the fight.
If you are having survivability issues then you should change your setup accordingly depending on the fight(always change the metagem to 2% armor or 2% spell dmg). Now you have to think what is causing the survivability issue is it magic dmg? is it dodgeable? does armor affect it? do you need more rage for FR to just get more healing? is it just bad use of cooldowns? should you be using SD or FR? is it something healers can do? etc.
If the issue is magic dmg/dot/bleed/more FR, then you want the RPS build: Crit > Haste > Hit = Exp
If the issue is dodgeable/full physical which armor affects: Then you can experiment with dodge and mastery, on paper dodge reduces the damage the most if you are using SD accordingly but mastery is more reliable and not that far off from dodge. I tried full out Dodge for Sha, it was better survivability wise but not worth the dps loss in the end as I ended up just taunting the debuffs in the last phase and doing dps.
Overall easiest way would be to go with the dps setup and then just change metagem/RPS reforge/trinkets/flask/food if needed. Also if you are "forced" to maintank and at the "level" where you are raiding new heroics on release, then you should consider rerolling a paladin.
If you are having survivability issues then you should change your setup accordingly depending on the fight(always change the metagem to 2% armor or 2% spell dmg). Now you have to think what is causing the survivability issue is it magic dmg? is it dodgeable? does armor affect it? do you need more rage for FR to just get more healing? is it just bad use of cooldowns? should you be using SD or FR? is it something healers can do? etc.
If the issue is magic dmg/dot/bleed/more FR, then you want the RPS build: Crit > Haste > Hit = Exp
If the issue is dodgeable/full physical which armor affects: Then you can experiment with dodge and mastery, on paper dodge reduces the damage the most if you are using SD accordingly but mastery is more reliable and not that far off from dodge. I tried full out Dodge for Sha, it was better survivability wise but not worth the dps loss in the end as I ended up just taunting the debuffs in the last phase and doing dps.
Overall easiest way would be to go with the dps setup and then just change metagem/RPS reforge/trinkets/flask/food if needed. Also if you are "forced" to maintank and at the "level" where you are raiding new heroics on release, then you should consider rerolling a paladin.
Re: Guardian 5.2 Stat Priority
- Posts: 1
hi sejta im a druida tank from ragnaros im diying in tortoss, the healers tell me taht boss oneshots me im the main tank im following your reforge and geming guides but what else i can do... ill apreciate your wisdom here is mi oj, again thanks for your advice ... ner/simple ... ner/simple
6 posts -