Very quick info request for Lappé

Very quick info request for Lappé

Post 06 Mar 2013 12:22

Avatar Drivird
Posts: 9

I am learning to play the boomkin, so I feel that I'm pretty bad at DPS. Just to understand how bad, could you please give me a rough figure of DPS you would expect me to do on the first two boss of each Tier 14 raid, 10 man normal mode? You can find my armory here, is stil missing some purple pieces but really I was thinking that during the first tier of MV you were probably not geared in a much different way... I have tried looking to various World of Logs reports to find similar iLevel boomkins but couldn't find any that suited.

Thanks a lot for your support, and good luck for the 5.2 progress, always rooting for you guys!
