5.2 Elemental shaman

5.2 Elemental shaman

Post 06 Mar 2013 11:01

Avatar tydesin
Posts: 1
Hi, just wanted to ask a few questions, from my understanding this tier of raiding looks to favor the primal ele talent. EM and EOTE both being argued over which is better. Do you think that it will be based on situation? or will one just clearly pull ahead as EOTE did in 1st tier. My 2nd question is about gemming, I've looked at a few sites now and from what I've seen is haste? I've been stacking int so far from 1st tier so whats changed that we need to stack haste? for faster casting and pet melee speed? Non tier peice legs or chest? This is also been argued,I'm leaning towards non tier legs myself. My last question/comment, ancestral guidance pretty much the goto now?
tyvm in advance if anyone can get back with me .