Smirk holy paladin
Smirk holy paladin
- Posts: 1
Hello Smirk! Best holydin in the world! Now when progress is over and u got some time over, Cant u make a download package of your Ui that would have been awsome! Beging ya mate! I really wanna try what u use because u are doing so well with it! Please make one! beging you.
Re: Smirk holy paladin
- Posts: 28
Seriously make your own, all this ass kissing is just terrible to witness ...
If he used standard UI would that make you the same player if u did to ?
So what if he has weakauras or some other addon, would that make you the same good healer ? .. NO
This might sound like a harsh and unfair answer to your post, but dude, make your own so it fits ur playstyle. This way you know exactly why and what advantage u get from the addons you have chosen to highten ur game.
Peace out
If he used standard UI would that make you the same player if u did to ?
So what if he has weakauras or some other addon, would that make you the same good healer ? .. NO
This might sound like a harsh and unfair answer to your post, but dude, make your own so it fits ur playstyle. This way you know exactly why and what advantage u get from the addons you have chosen to highten ur game.
Peace out
2 posts -