Hey there lappe!
hey there ive seen that you're using macro for dot's is there any chanse you can show the macro, im quite interrested in what it does.
Its the one who have Sun/moon- fire in it .
Also have a question about talents " [Heart of the Wild] & [Nature's Vigil]"
what bosses do you like to use these on, i can't quite fiugure out what's best.
one last question
Windsong Vs Jade Spirit Weapon enchant. ?
Hope to hear from you!
- Greetings Avtive
"Question for Lappé"
"Question for Lappé"
- Posts: 3
Re: "Question for Lappé"
- Posts: 254
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Moonfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Moonfire
Nature's vigil on pretty much all of them
Re: "Question for Lappé"
- Posts: 3
When i use:
#showtooltip Moonfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Moonfire
Then it only cast moonfire? yours cast both moon/sun fire right?
tnx for the help ;)
#showtooltip Moonfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Moonfire
Then it only cast moonfire? yours cast both moon/sun fire right?
tnx for the help ;)
Re: "Question for Lappé"
- Posts: 3
/castsequence reset=2 Moonfire, Sunfire
This is useless, you will sometimes cast moonfire first and sometimes cast sunfire first.
Lappé uses one macro for Moonfire :
#showtooltip Moonfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Moonfire
And one for Sunfire:
#showtooltip Sunfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Sunfire
But he linked you just one so you can see the macro and adapt it to both spells.
(watch the videos, he has moonfire on the bottom bar, and sunfire on the rigth bottom bar)
This macro will make you cast the spell on the target, or on target's target if you have selected a friendly target.
e.i: Lappé targets Sejta, casts moonfire. The spell will be cast on Sejta's Target.
Hope I'm right ! ;)
Telumendil - Elune (UE)
5 posts -