Hello again, I have a question for all the main raiding shamans as well as pvpers in Dream Paragon.
Come Mists of Pandaria we shall see a increase in cooldowns as most of these do not provide adequate increases to dps output which should you choose in the talent tree's? As well elemental shaman has a decent amount of cooldowns to rotate as it is and even more in pandaria how long will it be before we can correctly time these cooldowns? I have not yet played the beta but I have done research and have been following Binkenstein for a long time and one of my shaman mentours on my realm helped him with research and is conducting more at the momment but for the most part I believe that elemental shamans will face many gastly GCD mess at the start for many shamans who have not played beta.
IE: Ascendance has a 3 minute CD, Elemental Mastery will have a 2 minute CD, Fire and Earth elemental will have 10 Minute CD's and a 15 second CD for unleashed fury (which at the current date is 10% better than the other 2 lvl 90 tier choices). Coupled with the normal searing totems expiration period as well as lava burst CD's. As well as the other 3 CD tier talents you should be choosing (from my knowledge I may be wrong on that claim) and of course hero/bloodlust.
So my question for Elemental is, are there too many CD's at this time?
For restoration the CD's are all usable when needed we all understand that don't pop them until in circumstances that would require them to be used, however I have heard of many restoration shamans moving towards haste and not mastery for pandaria and crit as well, with mana being of more importance is it safe to say that crit will be more important than mastery and mastery will fall second? I myself am not a huge fan of haste after the soft cap.
Just wondering what your thoughts on all this were I know it is a lot to read but I feel like it should have been asked so I could better understand the way shaman is going for next expansion so far.
Hope you all are doing well and I cannot wait to see you get world first for the 25 mans in MoP Good luck and have fun :)
MoP Shaman
MoP Shaman
- Posts: 8
It is not our abilities that make us who we are, it is our choices.
Re: MoP Shaman
- Posts: 158
Recent change on Unleashed Fury drops it under Primal Elementalist dps wise while Elemental Blast still seems to be the worst out of the 3 choices for Ele. As for cooldowns, I haven´t been doing that much math on shaman yet but last time i checked passive Echo of the Elements was better optio dps. Ofc that can chance if fight has burn phases.
Cant say much about resto for the time being, as I haven´t tried shaman on beta yet.
But I try to post something bit more informative soon as I get my shaman to 90 and have a chance to try it in raid. As shaman still feels like the class I´d like to play the most in MOP
Cant say much about resto for the time being, as I haven´t tried shaman on beta yet.
But I try to post something bit more informative soon as I get my shaman to 90 and have a chance to try it in raid. As shaman still feels like the class I´d like to play the most in MOP
Hating with passion
Re: MoP Shaman
- Posts: 8
Thank-you for the reply Kyylol, I would love to know your thoughts on MoP shamans when you have the information. I shall check up again and repost on this thread if I hear of anything new from bink about his math on elemental shamans. As I am currently switching to resto for MoP, the only way that Ele will remain my MS is if they make a huge change in the DPS/gear ratio's vs other classes as well as haste and mastery ratio's.
It is not our abilities that make us who we are, it is our choices.
7 posts -