I have been a long time follower of you and other top stamina bears and have had no issues tanking as a stamina bear. It's always been said to ignore the agility haters that think the elitist jerks bear compendium is the only way. It made greater sense to take stamina when there is more elemental damage than there is physical and DS has plenty of that. The bigger shields are a plus.
Sejta, I am curious why you changed to full agility when, in the past, you have been a big time advocate for stamina. Your reasoning was that "stamina is the more dependable stat and that you would rather have more hp than a little more dodge." Has something changed to make you feel that stamina is no longer the way to go? Perhaps you just have so much hp that you are testing it out?
Stamina bears get no love as it is. So, if even the top stamina druids no longer believe in there being a greater benefit in gemming stamina, could you please shed some light on as to why? I appreciate your time.
@Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
@Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 1
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 18
I'm no Druid but quickly thought...
Agi gives more damage and more crit chance which equals in greater savage defense ''shields''.
It includes more dodge too.
It might be a quick answer, but I'm pretty sure those are not the only reasons
Agi gives more damage and more crit chance which equals in greater savage defense ''shields''.
It includes more dodge too.
It might be a quick answer, but I'm pretty sure those are not the only reasons
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 1
For progress stamina is very good for a bear due to there is alot of magic fights, and untill healers is adapted to the incomming damage there is and aware of the spikes there will, stamina is a very good thing. Have myselve been stamina bear due to we are progressing on hc mode, but decided to go agi few weeks ago due to i wanted to make more dps while not tanking and being in cat and put out more dps as tank, key for it, if the dps is lacking the last few k on like ultra, yor or so..
lost around 35-40k hp raid buffed but my dps increase was around 4k in bear and 7-9k when i'm doing kitty.
Hope this helped abit out..
lost around 35-40k hp raid buffed but my dps increase was around 4k in bear and 7-9k when i'm doing kitty.
Hope this helped abit out..
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 137
With the 10% nerf to boss damage and nearly bis gear I just want to kill the bosses faster, if my main/only goal would be to stay alive I would prefer stamina over agility for all bosses except spine.
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 57
Besides, give the healers something to do so they don't fall asleep and the raid wipes when the Ferals are out of 4-sets.
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 2
Hello Sejta
I wanna ask question about blood tanking in spine hc
We did spine hc with warrior and dk tank before and I was resto that fight but now our warrior tank offline and I must be tank in Bloods.
I need u guide me little about my Reforge and Sockets and gears :P
our set up in raid is :
Healers : Shaman - Pala - Disc
DPSers : Mage (arcane) - DK (Frost) - Hunter (beast) - SPriest - Warrior (furry)
Tanks : DK blood and Me(druid Feral)
I read ur post that u told better socket for feral tanking is Stamina for get more absorb dmg with savage defense , but u told spine in other thing , I think in Spine if i use agility sockets or Dodge is better that take bloods but need more guide on it and i wanna u guide me mate.
I have problem on 3rd plate for 2nd time , Bloods are alot and i couldn't stay and dps them i must kite , but druid kitting is little hard cause need alot heal , I hit alot dmg from bloods and i don't have shockwave or HW for stun them only 1 time pala holy can HW and other times i must use my Defencive Cds and run :D
Thanks for Ur reading !
I wanna ask question about blood tanking in spine hc
We did spine hc with warrior and dk tank before and I was resto that fight but now our warrior tank offline and I must be tank in Bloods.
I need u guide me little about my Reforge and Sockets and gears :P
our set up in raid is :
Healers : Shaman - Pala - Disc
DPSers : Mage (arcane) - DK (Frost) - Hunter (beast) - SPriest - Warrior (furry)
Tanks : DK blood and Me(druid Feral)
I read ur post that u told better socket for feral tanking is Stamina for get more absorb dmg with savage defense , but u told spine in other thing , I think in Spine if i use agility sockets or Dodge is better that take bloods but need more guide on it and i wanna u guide me mate.
I have problem on 3rd plate for 2nd time , Bloods are alot and i couldn't stay and dps them i must kite , but druid kitting is little hard cause need alot heal , I hit alot dmg from bloods and i don't have shockwave or HW for stun them only 1 time pala holy can HW and other times i must use my Defencive Cds and run :D
Thanks for Ur reading !
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 137
For spine blood tanking:
Reforge: mastery > dodge > exp(before 26) > crit > hit = exp(after 26) > haste
Gems/trinkets/enchants: agi > sta (meta gem: stamina&armor)
The encounter is so nerfed that you shouldnt need to kite, just use your every gcd pressing one of the three buttons: swipe, trash, mangle and of course keep maul on cooldown 100% of the time - no need for lacerate/pulverize when tanking&picking so many mobs.
If you actually need to kite, this is how I did it on our first kill: ask your holy paladin to use holy wrath to stun the mobs when you are near the plate and when you are near the tail charge from an good angle to the corruption or ask the other tank to keep the amalgation in a good position for you to charge.
Reforge: mastery > dodge > exp(before 26) > crit > hit = exp(after 26) > haste
Gems/trinkets/enchants: agi > sta (meta gem: stamina&armor)
The encounter is so nerfed that you shouldnt need to kite, just use your every gcd pressing one of the three buttons: swipe, trash, mangle and of course keep maul on cooldown 100% of the time - no need for lacerate/pulverize when tanking&picking so many mobs.
If you actually need to kite, this is how I did it on our first kill: ask your holy paladin to use holy wrath to stun the mobs when you are near the plate and when you are near the tail charge from an good angle to the corruption or ask the other tank to keep the amalgation in a good position for you to charge.
Re: @Sejta- Agility instead of stamina?
- Posts: 2
Thanks mate
I'm going try ur guide and cange my reforges and sockets and see it's work or not :P
i hope work
bye mate and thanks !
I'm going try ur guide and cange my reforges and sockets and see it's work or not :P
i hope work
bye mate and thanks !
8 posts -