Fury problems

Fury problems

Post 10 Apr 2012 16:39

Avatar Krashak
Posts: 4
Location: NORWAY
Hi, uhm, I'm an ilvl 391 Fury warrior and I have a DPS on 30 in raids if I really push my self or else I'm on 25k-28k on bosses and on mobs normally on 17k-19k+... I've seen many other warriors do like 26k on mobs and like 30k + on bosses and some with lower ilvl than me, could you help me with it?
Here's my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/grim-batol/Krashak/simple

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Re: Fury problems

Post 10 Apr 2012 17:46

Avatar Machalphelp
Posts: 23

I dont know that much about warriors but i know a little.

My first tip is to get the right enchants you can find them on elitejerks.com

My second tip is try to get 4set bonus since it helps

hope this can help and sorry i can help you most since my warrior isnt 85 yet and therefor i havent put time into the class yet

Re: Fury problems

Post 10 Apr 2012 18:17

Avatar Krashak
Posts: 4
Location: NORWAY
Thanks! I will look for enchants

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Re: Fury problems

Post 10 Apr 2012 21:18

Avatar killzonia
Posts: 45
I know nothing about warrs either, but you have WAY too much exp/hit reforged for a melee class, research stat priorities on top of enchants (+AP on weapon wont be the best).

Re: Fury problems

Post 10 Apr 2012 23:11

Avatar Fireslave
Posts: 57
Location: England
Shoulders: GET ONE. 50str/35mastery from Therezane.
Chest: 20 stats
Cloak: 65 crit
Gloves: 50 str
Weapons: 2x Landslide. The current enchants frankly suck.


Expertise: You only need 26. The value for this is 781 at level 85.

After this though i can;t really help much, I play TG fury not SMF, sorry.
Last edited by Fireslave on 12 Apr 2012 13:30, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Fury problems

Post 11 Apr 2012 06:16

Avatar Éowym
Posts: 27

I can't see your armory link atm due to maintenance but I would still like to contribute with what I think you should check on your toon. :)

Enchants are almost like the ones Fireslave linked although I would like to note you, that if you are not rich in-game theres a few other options - keep in mind that I can't tell if you already have these as I haven't been checking your link.

Shoulders: You get these enchants from the Therazane reputation vendor located at Therazanes Throne (I think thats the name - it's all north on the map) in Deepholm. You can get one when honered, and one even greater when exalted.
Cloak: Theres also a 50 crit option much cheaper on some servers, this is not a huge dps loss and might be a good option if u have a cloak upgrade coming in the future.
Gloves: Same as above, theres a 35 str version for gloves if the 50 one seems insanely overpriced compared to the gain to you.
Weapons: 2x LANDSLIDE I believe he meant (?) - can be pricy but its a wonderful gain of attack power.

Reforging in priority:
Make sure you have 8% inc hit chance
Make sure you have 26 expertise
Make sure you reforge as much Crit rating you can after passing the two above
Then reforge Mastery rating after that.

Reforge away expertise and hit IF YOU HAVE 8% hit and 26 exp - reforge it into crit rating if you can, else mastery.
Reforge haste into crit or mastery, same as above - haste is the worst secondary stat for fury warrs.
Reforge mastery into crit but always keep the 8% hit and 26 exp as the no. 1 goal, then crit, then mastery.

All this is most likely written much better on Elitist Jerks, the link that Machalphelp posted. In the fury warr forum post I'm sure you can also find a bit about skill priorities and how to manage your rage.

Good luck maxing them numbers :)

Re: Fury problems

Post 11 Apr 2012 14:59

Avatar Krashak
Posts: 4
Location: NORWAY
Thanks everyone, I'm gonna reforg and do some more enchanting today, thanks a lot :)!

If the link don't work I'm Krashak on Grim Batol if you search on armory

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Re: Fury problems

Post 12 Apr 2012 08:28

Avatar zleeck
Posts: 2
Hi, I've seen your armory, and you have alot things that not are BIS, The hands is an example, You got Mastery and haste on it(without reforging) the worst stats you probably can have. You got not landslide on your weapons (that's an huge dps loss) Also 36/39 expertise, you can reforge much expertise , to 26/29. (because you are getting expertise with mace as human) . That i've expertienced in 4.2 , and 4.3 that hit count's much for getting rage all the time, so my opinion it's that you should reforge from mastery to hit/crit. Go for like 15% hit , but you need also good crit, so try to mix it a little bit. And have you tried arms?, That's the best specc for low geared people. And it's much better in aoe fight's like yor'sahj the unsleeping (with rend specc and bladestorm) . Hagara when people get iced you get the cleave, and Warmaster, so overall i mean Arms is the best specc in dragonsoul overall , because fury is all about burst only. And are you doing the rotation right?, poping cooldowns when trinket proccs etc?, Like i allways started to stack 3x sunder armour if we did not have a warrior tank. Right after i popped a BT,CS > deathwish reck > and started to burst at the start. Your priority is to hold BT and CS on GCD and not use to much heroic strikes to not ragestarve you. So reply if this helps:)

Re: Fury problems

Post 12 Apr 2012 18:49

Avatar Krashak
Posts: 4
Location: NORWAY
Thanks a lot! I had like 19% hit but people adviced me to get more mastery and keep hit at 8-9%. Anyways thanks for the tip, I've reforged back to like 15% hit and 26/29 expertise (last time I searched I found out that I needed 36/36 at least, but then I was Worgen). My ilvl is 391 so that's why I needed aid here, because my dps was low, I have a good rotation, and I start every boss fights with DW and Reck + trinket, and often I use DW and trinket when I can, reck has 4min cd so that one am I saving. My rotation for fights is CS->BT->RB(if ready, if not BT)->slam(if it's free) and so on I keep going, when I'm at 70+ rage I might use HS if I can. Also I use Berserker rage to get enraged, thanks for the tip anyways, and I'll post here after I'm doing DS this weekend to see if it works better :)

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