Hey! Mastery or haste?? How mutch mastery should i have? Would be very happy if you answer me soon!
Here is my Armory link on my DK, and i would be glad if you could help me fix if its any kind of problems, gems / enchants ex; http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/o ... z/advanced
Also, im doig like 38k on ultraxion normal. I just wounder how good that is for my gear and if i can get it higher.And how do you think 2 souldrinkers (normal would work for a dw dk?).
FROST DK - STATS and rotation.
FROST DK - STATS and rotation.
- Posts: 1
Re: FROST DK - STATS and rotation.
- Posts: 54
okay i cant see your armory at school atm, but with 38k dps i assume everyone else is pulling around that amount? also i dont have experience with 2 souldrinkers but i think one with hc hand of morchok is nice. Okay more about the stats oin my dk i have aroun 17-18 mastery and 77% haste obviously in unholy presence, you should be stacking haste AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, cause more haste you have more runes you have more damage you do. so haste > mastery after the hit and exp cap. I have however tried stacking mastery over haste and it just doesnt compete, yeah you do a bit more damage per strike but you wont have as many runes, in my dps OFFSPEC that has ilvl of 386 or something i do 28k dps with haste, when i was stacking mastery it dropped to about 23k, so it shows that haste is defnitely the priority stat over others.
hope this helps
hope this helps
Re: FROST DK - STATS and rotation.
- Posts: 5
unless somethibg major happend inthe 12.9MB patchy that just came, as far as i can remember its hit(5%601 rating as DW)-exp 26(781 rating) haste- mastery-hit-crit.
yes, crit is that useless for a frost DK, i'd take the white hits for a chance to proc the rest of my talents any day.
yes, crit is that useless for a frost DK, i'd take the white hits for a chance to proc the rest of my talents any day.
3 posts -