You have the latest version of ElvUI?
You mean the borderlining or? cause your minimap is exactly like mine (except the borderlining which is pink).
You can configure your chat, by remove the "guild, raid and whisper" tabs and modify general tab to add all those tabs together.You can do this by going on the general tab options and checking values in from there.
That C and > was on previous version, they don't exist anymore. You can just move your recount by going in to the options -> windows -> lock window, by doing this it allows you to scale it too. Dont you have data text there and chat removed, it surely looks like that you removed the right chat and added recount there. In the new version you need to check something called backdrop(or something) from general tab... Can't check it out cause BANNED LOL.
Devai Hunter UI
Re: Devai Hunter UI
- Posts: 222
- Location: Seinäjoki
Mess with the best, die like the rest!
Re: Devai Hunter UI
- Posts: 1
the sizes are messed up for me, the AB3 and AB5 or w.e they are arent straight and i cant fix them and the tooltip doesnt show after i restart wow for some reason and i also cant seem to move the castbars around...
help plz, ty.
help plz, ty.
Re: Devai Hunter UI
- Posts: 3
Lol I just updated to the 3.07 today and I see the new option but now my right chat frame and data text panel are both missing :/ I was so close!!
Re: Devai Hunter UI
- Posts: 1
Hey Devai, first of all thank you for staying so active on this particular post. Secondly, I'd love to know if there is an option to make the raid frames you have "bouncy." I don't know if that makes all that much sense, but I'd love to see the health frame literally moving up and down as you gain and lose health.
Re: Devai Hunter UI
- Posts: 2
What addon do you use to announce debuffs on chat ?
Like when you say " Parasite on me!" on Madness of Deathwing.
Like when you say " Parasite on me!" on Madness of Deathwing.