where can I download elb's Tuk UI?
Melee dps UI discussion
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 1
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 17
Lyycos wrote:Hi,
where can I download elb's Tuk UI?
Google is your friend.
Standing in fire is like jumping off an airborne airplane. Either way, you die. The only difference is, the airplane has parachutes.
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 3
- Location: Russia
Hello there)
Is there any chance Iiris could update his UI? I think it changed since LK)
Is there any chance Iiris could update his UI? I think it changed since LK)
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 2
Hello Paragon. First of all gzzzzz for you worlds first place in tier 11 :).
My question is what pachage of tukui devah used with his dk in wotlk
I hope you can give me some info :) tnx for your time :) Keep the good work
My question is what pachage of tukui devah used with his dk in wotlk
I hope you can give me some info :) tnx for your time :) Keep the good work
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 1
Just wanted to ask, Synti what kind of unitframes are you using? Really like the way you've made them look.
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 2
Hey Diaha/Rakez, I have some questions about your UI, the one you were using back in ICC when this video was taken :
My questions is, Whats the addon called that pops up with how many combo points you have? ( In the middle of the screen and the one above your UI that I believe is Shadowed Unitframes).
Your UI? Is that Shadowed Unit frames , if so how do you configure it to look like that, I have been playing around abit with it but I cant figure out how to.
And whats is the CD timer addon called?
I did search around on the forums and I found you saying which addons youre using. But Im not sure if thats the same addons you were using back then. Thank you.
Also if that UI is shadowframes and you still have something similar like that( Or even if its goodlooking), Go to /Shadowuf --> General --> Advanced ---> Layout Manger ---> Export. At export there will be a code of exactly what youre using. If you just copy paste all that and send it I will be able to copy paste it and I will have the exact same layout as you do. and from there I can customize to what I prefer. I just love the layout on the vid though.
My questions is, Whats the addon called that pops up with how many combo points you have? ( In the middle of the screen and the one above your UI that I believe is Shadowed Unitframes).
Your UI? Is that Shadowed Unit frames , if so how do you configure it to look like that, I have been playing around abit with it but I cant figure out how to.
And whats is the CD timer addon called?
I did search around on the forums and I found you saying which addons youre using. But Im not sure if thats the same addons you were using back then. Thank you.
Also if that UI is shadowframes and you still have something similar like that( Or even if its goodlooking), Go to /Shadowuf --> General --> Advanced ---> Layout Manger ---> Export. At export there will be a code of exactly what youre using. If you just copy paste all that and send it I will be able to copy paste it and I will have the exact same layout as you do. and from there I can customize to what I prefer. I just love the layout on the vid though.
Re: Melee dps UI discussion
- Posts: 2
I found a similar one to the one showing numbers in the middle of the screen called Basiccombopoints but Its not the same one.