Hey guromin, great guides I really appreciate it. I just tried out your ignite stacking and it worked pretty well, had a solid ignite on heroic ultraxion going for a while but I just saw you post that the mage above should be doing 41k dps min on ultraxion and I struggle to do that.
My armory page is :
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... a/advanced
this is my WOL for my best attempt on heroic ultraxion, no kills cuz we had 5 mins at end of raid and a healer just gquit so it was a rough raid night on hagara with a comp of 2 holy pallies and 1 shaman but whatever. If you notice anything in my logs lemme know or any tips as well can be helpful.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-l ... 066&e=7270
4.3 Brief Fire Guide
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 4
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 4
keep in mind for these logs i had 397 lightning rod, just got the 410 from hagara right before.
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 2
This is my toon
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... car/simple
I can't seem to get the numbers I want consistently always around 30k..any glaring flaws?
I don't have any logs to link but if there is anything wrong with spec/reforge/ etc...
Also I have now acquired lfr version of tier pants as well as h morchok shoulder and gloves of liquid smoke (403ilvl) and wondering if I should equip any of these and keep my four piece..help please :)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... car/simple
I can't seem to get the numbers I want consistently always around 30k..any glaring flaws?
I don't have any logs to link but if there is anything wrong with spec/reforge/ etc...
Also I have now acquired lfr version of tier pants as well as h morchok shoulder and gloves of liquid smoke (403ilvl) and wondering if I should equip any of these and keep my four piece..help please :)
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 190
There is no question that you are capable of more damage, but I do want to mention that your raid is missing a buff or two like 3% spell damage from Ret Paladins and Arcane Mages. Congratulations on Heroic Ultraxion :)
The Heroic Flowform Choker with an Epic gem is currently BiS and better than the Valor vender neck. If you have it you should use it.
You mentioned the ignite stacking guide which is good. Keep working on that. My biggest concern on your damage is that Combustion didn't do 1 million damage. My best Combustion on Ultraxion did over 900k alone. In a 5 minute fight Combustion should do at least 1.5 million. I realize a lot of that depends on RNG and that a 900k combustion isn't possible every single time. Since your guild lusts at the start larger ignites are even more achievable so attempt to work on getting those. It seems you had some bad rng on the fight too because generally Pyroblast! damage and Living Bomb damage are close to equal. If they are equal I would consider that decent RNG or on Par. If Pyroblast damage is better than Living Bomb that is generally a sign of good RNG. This rule doesn't always apply, but I've found it to be fairly accurate.
Few general tips:
Avoid using Flame Orb while haste procs are active.
Macro Berserking with Combustion to gain extra combustion ticks.
Avoid using Flame Orb and Living Bomb while attempting to get ignite to stack for Combustion. One second of ignite ticking can cause a second crit to munch the value instead of stacking. If you are more than 24 yards away from the target it is okay to cast Scorch before launching Pyoblast! because the Scorch will hit the target before the fireball cast before (depending on haste).
Refresh Living Bomb before casting a Pyroblast! while not attempting to apply Combustion. More Living Bomb up time is a dps gain.
By the way, your reforging is perfect. I can tell you use Wowreforge.
Very sorry for slow responses this week. I'm not one to make excuses, but I feel providing an explination is in order. I've had a lot to attend to in my personal life and the guild. Also, my computer caught on fire and I had to buy a new one... sad day. Tomorrow I will get caught up and update both guides with new info.
P.S. I am considering holding a LFR run with anyone who is interested. I would temporarily add people on real ID for a scheduled run and provide life feed back. If you are interested let me know by sending me a private message or making a post here. I will likely run it this weekend, but I am not sure what time. Just to clarify this will only be open to US Horde players (I can't invite EU players or alliance to a raid). Let me know if you are interested!
There is no question that you are capable of more damage, but I do want to mention that your raid is missing a buff or two like 3% spell damage from Ret Paladins and Arcane Mages. Congratulations on Heroic Ultraxion :)
The Heroic Flowform Choker with an Epic gem is currently BiS and better than the Valor vender neck. If you have it you should use it.
You mentioned the ignite stacking guide which is good. Keep working on that. My biggest concern on your damage is that Combustion didn't do 1 million damage. My best Combustion on Ultraxion did over 900k alone. In a 5 minute fight Combustion should do at least 1.5 million. I realize a lot of that depends on RNG and that a 900k combustion isn't possible every single time. Since your guild lusts at the start larger ignites are even more achievable so attempt to work on getting those. It seems you had some bad rng on the fight too because generally Pyroblast! damage and Living Bomb damage are close to equal. If they are equal I would consider that decent RNG or on Par. If Pyroblast damage is better than Living Bomb that is generally a sign of good RNG. This rule doesn't always apply, but I've found it to be fairly accurate.
Few general tips:
Avoid using Flame Orb while haste procs are active.
Macro Berserking with Combustion to gain extra combustion ticks.
Avoid using Flame Orb and Living Bomb while attempting to get ignite to stack for Combustion. One second of ignite ticking can cause a second crit to munch the value instead of stacking. If you are more than 24 yards away from the target it is okay to cast Scorch before launching Pyoblast! because the Scorch will hit the target before the fireball cast before (depending on haste).
Refresh Living Bomb before casting a Pyroblast! while not attempting to apply Combustion. More Living Bomb up time is a dps gain.
By the way, your reforging is perfect. I can tell you use Wowreforge.
Very sorry for slow responses this week. I'm not one to make excuses, but I feel providing an explination is in order. I've had a lot to attend to in my personal life and the guild. Also, my computer caught on fire and I had to buy a new one... sad day. Tomorrow I will get caught up and update both guides with new info.
P.S. I am considering holding a LFR run with anyone who is interested. I would temporarily add people on real ID for a scheduled run and provide life feed back. If you are interested let me know by sending me a private message or making a post here. I will likely run it this weekend, but I am not sure what time. Just to clarify this will only be open to US Horde players (I can't invite EU players or alliance to a raid). Let me know if you are interested!
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 4
by the way guromin i was not talking about my first attempt there, that attempt tank died off pull and we just went as long as we could but he d/c again midway through fight, no pots there either. My 4rth attempt is more of a real attempt and my dps is roughly that each time, we killed the day after and i was at 37k. I wanted to know if u could take a look at my 4rth attempt and lemme know if u have any comments
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 190
Thanks for being patient! I'm a little confused why you want to download my UI before you've seen it, but here is a link. Let me know if it causes you any problems.
Here is a link to a picture of my current UI:
Here is a link to my addons folder (deleted DBM and Power Auras because they were too big). Link expires in 7 days. http://www.filefactory.com/file/c27a008/n/AddOns_(2).zip
Here is a link to my WTF folder. I only included the settings for my main character. Rename the file as your characters name. Also expires in 7 days.
Your reforging looks good except you should have at least 1505 haste. Change this one item to make it perfect.
Back : MasteryRating -> HasteRating
Here is a link to a website that tracks your damage relative to other mages.
Based on this there is certainly something to improve on:
Last thing I want to mention is that your group is missing some buffs. For instance you are missing 3% damage buff, which certainly hurts your dps.
Your 4th attempt stands out because of an amazing combustion at the start. That alone did about 700k damage. Really strong. Your second combustion was much weaker doing only 200k damage. I realize the second is generally lower, but I think you are capable of more (with a little bit of good RNG).
You are clipping Living Bomb explosions. Make sure that you refresh Living Bomb after it falls off, not before. Huge dps loss. Also, avoid casting Scorch while Critical Mass is already applied.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for being patient! I'm a little confused why you want to download my UI before you've seen it, but here is a link. Let me know if it causes you any problems.
Here is a link to a picture of my current UI:
Here is a link to my addons folder (deleted DBM and Power Auras because they were too big). Link expires in 7 days. http://www.filefactory.com/file/c27a008/n/AddOns_(2).zip
Here is a link to my WTF folder. I only included the settings for my main character. Rename the file as your characters name. Also expires in 7 days.
Your reforging looks good except you should have at least 1505 haste. Change this one item to make it perfect.
Back : MasteryRating -> HasteRating
Here is a link to a website that tracks your damage relative to other mages.
Based on this there is certainly something to improve on:
- Glyph of Mirror Images is a DPS loss.
- Combustion is a huge problem for your dps. On your 5 minute long H Morchok kill Combustion did only 240k damage. If you did 800k more damage with Combustion you would have done 3k more dps. 23k is still not great though, so there's more to this issue. Check out my ignite guide that I just updated (2/10/12) for some information on making combustion do more damage. The guide is now called Dream Combustion.
- Use Living Bomb on the pull. Not the first thing you do, but it's worth keeping up. You waited 15 seconds to use Living Bomb on Morchok. On H Morchok you can dot Morchok and Kohcom when they first spawn and it's worth doing.
- If you can acquire it, the neck from Major Domo (Heroic) is better with an epic gem than what you are using. FlowForn Choker is the name of the neck.
- Avoid casting Flame orb while your haste trinket is procced. Exceptions apply (like during movement).
- While the haste trinket is procced, be willing to take a slightly smaller ignite value. Not a lot smaller, but slightly smaller because the extra ticks will help to supplement the damage.
- Flame Orb is worth using, so attempt to use it on CD or close to that.
Last thing I want to mention is that your group is missing some buffs. For instance you are missing 3% damage buff, which certainly hurts your dps.
Your 4th attempt stands out because of an amazing combustion at the start. That alone did about 700k damage. Really strong. Your second combustion was much weaker doing only 200k damage. I realize the second is generally lower, but I think you are capable of more (with a little bit of good RNG).
You are clipping Living Bomb explosions. Make sure that you refresh Living Bomb after it falls off, not before. Huge dps loss. Also, avoid casting Scorch while Critical Mass is already applied.
Hope this helps,
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 10
Oh, Thanks Guromin, I though I had asked for a printscreen as well, anyways ty.
Btw, can you tell me if I have any things wrong there?
my toon is : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... n/advanced
Edit: I alrdy download the files u posted, but I think the WTF folder is not completed since u only uploaded from the part where it shows the Character name, so the configs didnt come as well. I think u have to upload the whole WTF folder , because it haves configs and config.cache , etc. before the folder with the character name :|
Btw, can you tell me if I have any things wrong there?
my toon is : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... n/advanced
Edit: I alrdy download the files u posted, but I think the WTF folder is not completed since u only uploaded from the part where it shows the Character name, so the configs didnt come as well. I think u have to upload the whole WTF folder , because it haves configs and config.cache , etc. before the folder with the character name :|
Last edited by Littleown on 11 Feb 2012 11:24, edited 3 times in total.
Re: 4.3 Brief Fire Guide
- Posts: 190
You really need better trinkets! Try obtaining Foul Gift of the Demon Lord (378) or cross your fingers for something from LFR. You could also run Firelands for Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor.
Here is more optimal reforging:
Head : HasteRating -> HitRating
Neck : HasteRating -> CritRating
Shoulders : MasteryRating -> HitRating
Chest : HasteRating -> CritRating
Waist : HasteRating -> HitRating
Legs : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Feet : HitRating -> CritRating
Wrists : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Hands : HasteRating -> HitRating
Ring1 : HitRating -> CritRating
Ring2 : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Trinket1 : HitRating -> CritRating
Trinket2 : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Back : MasteryRating -> CritRating
MainHand : HitRating -> CritRating
Ranged : HitRating -> CritRating
Otherwise your gear looks good. Sorry about the old link. I was attempting to keep the file size small. Here is a link to the full file:
BiS list (same as before, just forgot to include it)

You really need better trinkets! Try obtaining Foul Gift of the Demon Lord (378) or cross your fingers for something from LFR. You could also run Firelands for Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor.
Here is more optimal reforging:
Head : HasteRating -> HitRating
Neck : HasteRating -> CritRating
Shoulders : MasteryRating -> HitRating
Chest : HasteRating -> CritRating
Waist : HasteRating -> HitRating
Legs : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Feet : HitRating -> CritRating
Wrists : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Hands : HasteRating -> HitRating
Ring1 : HitRating -> CritRating
Ring2 : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Trinket1 : HitRating -> CritRating
Trinket2 : MasteryRating -> CritRating
Back : MasteryRating -> CritRating
MainHand : HitRating -> CritRating
Ranged : HitRating -> CritRating
Otherwise your gear looks good. Sorry about the old link. I was attempting to keep the file size small. Here is a link to the full file:
BiS list (same as before, just forgot to include it)
