Hunter Pet MinMaxing
Hunter Pet MinMaxing
- Posts: 12
Hello I'm new to a SV hunter and I know the basics like rotation but what I don't know what is the best pet? Also with that pet what abilities to I macro into my attacks and stuff like that. If this was already talked about I'm sorry in advance!
Re: Hunter Pet MinMaxing
- Posts: 29 ... al_hunter/
Ferocity pet is usually best(if you can get all other raid buffs from other classes).
Macro Rabid to your explosive shot/cobra shot since the pet is too dumb to use it always on cooldown.
Take Call of the Wild off from auto cast and use it stacked with other cooldowns.
Ferocity pet is usually best(if you can get all other raid buffs from other classes).
Macro Rabid to your explosive shot/cobra shot since the pet is too dumb to use it always on cooldown.
Take Call of the Wild off from auto cast and use it stacked with other cooldowns.
The dance of angry feet.
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