Hello Iiris

Hello Iiris

Post 02 Feb 2012 08:09

Avatar tsikalas14
Posts: 1
I want to ask u somethink about Retri Paladin...
1st. What is the priority stat?
2st. How much dps u done at Death Wing?
Cheak http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... ent/simple this is my player. Answer me plz

Re: Hello Iiris

Post 02 Feb 2012 09:50

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357
I am no Paladin expert at all but I will try to help a little. The priority stat for a plate melee class should always be Strength. It seems like Mastery is also fairly good when I look at the reforging Iiris has done.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/l ... s/advanced

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs

Re: Hello Iiris

Post 05 Feb 2012 20:20

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
Hi tsikalas14

1. Like meth said you want as much strength as possible. Mastery is the best secondary stat when hit & expertise capped and then you can go for haste or crit. Some sources say haste is better and some go for crit, whichever stat you choose wont matter much and I can't really tell you the right answer.

2. Last week I did 65k but I think there is room for plenty of improvement, like utilizing spellweave better and timing my cooldowns. I don't really care about damage meters here that much since you can pad the meters so much with useless aoe damage to the bloods which wont help your raid more than your single target damage.