Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 2
ya sorry.... i did word it kind of bad i guess. I was just wondering if my gear was anywhere near the point where MM>survival was true. And your response clarified it sort of. It was kinda of a dumb question in the first place, some people were telling me though that id pull horrible dps in MM with my gear.
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 5
xipho wrote:hey man, from what I remember,
2pc i245 and 2pc i251 t10 is better than 4pc i251 t10.
4pc i264 is better than 2pc i245 and 2pc i251 and 2pc i245 and 2pc i264
2pc i258 and 2pc i264 t10 is better than 4pc i264 t10
4pc i277 t10 = win
So my 4 i264 im having on now is better then the tier9 and 10 bonus
im still getting 2set bonus from tier10
xipho wrote:Hope that helps, Also. if your keeping needle encrusted scorpion trinket don't forget that you only need to get to a apren rating of... ~720ish anymore is a dps loss and better in agi gems
What you are saying is that if i gem arp up til 720 with encrusted scorpion my dps will go up `? :)
And thanks for help so far
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 5
Panth wrote:i was wondering about armor penetration and haste cap ?
Do any of you hunters care about the haste cap ?
I'll say it like this "Haste is a Waste". As a Markmanship Hunter you don't need any Haste rating
so basically all the Haste you get on your gear is useless. The reason for that is because you have
5/5 in Improved Aspect of the Hawk it will give you enough haste to get your Steady Shots at 1.5sec.
So much mail gear has haste on it ,,, will try to awoid it :)
Thx for help m8
Hunter question (Who could have guessed ?)
- Posts: 1
Hello and congratulations with your extremely good success in ICC paragon.
Now to my problem. According to (a easy access spreadsheet) I should be doing about 8.5k dps raid buffed with my gear. But unfortunately thats not the fact. Currently I am trying to farm the needle from FoS but still after 2 weeks of farming I've got no success.
I am also farming some money to swap my blue armpen gems to a 20+ agi ones, but I don't think that only is causing my low dps.
What could I be doing wrong ? (I'm Trölli btw SV specced)
Armory: ... r%C3%B6lli
Also another hunter that is usually raiding in the same raids (unfortunately couldn't come to this exact continuation that is in the WoL link) and should only be dealing about 400-600 more dps than I according to is actually dealing 2-2.5k more dps than I am in the same raids.
The other hunters armory: ... &cn=Kapina
What could I do to increase my dps ? I've also got a MM specc but since my dps is even lesser than my SV dps, I'm not using that.
Also I know its none of the raid buffs / dots thats making the other hunter get more dps than me since I have the same buffs.
If anyone can point me on something that will increase my dps allot it would be so awesome.
Good luck in ICC 25HC!
Edit: Also my shotrotation is KillShot-ExplosiveShot-BlackArrow-SerpentSting-AaimedShot-Steadyshot
Now to my problem. According to (a easy access spreadsheet) I should be doing about 8.5k dps raid buffed with my gear. But unfortunately thats not the fact. Currently I am trying to farm the needle from FoS but still after 2 weeks of farming I've got no success.
I am also farming some money to swap my blue armpen gems to a 20+ agi ones, but I don't think that only is causing my low dps.
What could I be doing wrong ? (I'm Trölli btw SV specced)
Armory: ... r%C3%B6lli
Also another hunter that is usually raiding in the same raids (unfortunately couldn't come to this exact continuation that is in the WoL link) and should only be dealing about 400-600 more dps than I according to is actually dealing 2-2.5k more dps than I am in the same raids.
The other hunters armory: ... &cn=Kapina
What could I do to increase my dps ? I've also got a MM specc but since my dps is even lesser than my SV dps, I'm not using that.
Also I know its none of the raid buffs / dots thats making the other hunter get more dps than me since I have the same buffs.
If anyone can point me on something that will increase my dps allot it would be so awesome.
Good luck in ICC 25HC!
Edit: Also my shotrotation is KillShot-ExplosiveShot-BlackArrow-SerpentSting-AaimedShot-Steadyshot
Re: Hunter question (Who could have guessed ?)
- Posts: 8
hi m8,
u havent mention how much dps u are doing now.
anyway... ur itemization is not very good.
1) take 2 pc of t9 and 2 for t10.
2) leave that crap trinket from fos alone and get greatness.
3) make sure u have swing timer to track ur auto shot and try to not miss any auto shot.
4) track ur sniper training buff and keep it up all the time.
5) use best arrows.
6) get more gear with crit + arp on it aka raid gear 245 and above if u want to spec MM
7) leave haste alone it gives u ****.
8) be hit caped 264 u dont need more than that. get other stats instead.
9) we dont know if u have a guild that can help u out gearing up.. what is the content u can actually exp hence the gear u can possibly my previous guild couldnt go icc25 hc so i was capped by the gear i could accuire in icc25 etc...
10) practice practice practice - all good hunters start from some low point. none became an elite in a week or so.
12) approaching boss - when going to raid boss u should always think "how could i do it better?". know where u could push it further and do more dmg next time u get there.
u havent mention how much dps u are doing now.
anyway... ur itemization is not very good.
1) take 2 pc of t9 and 2 for t10.
2) leave that crap trinket from fos alone and get greatness.
3) make sure u have swing timer to track ur auto shot and try to not miss any auto shot.
4) track ur sniper training buff and keep it up all the time.
5) use best arrows.
6) get more gear with crit + arp on it aka raid gear 245 and above if u want to spec MM
7) leave haste alone it gives u ****.
8) be hit caped 264 u dont need more than that. get other stats instead.
9) we dont know if u have a guild that can help u out gearing up.. what is the content u can actually exp hence the gear u can possibly my previous guild couldnt go icc25 hc so i was capped by the gear i could accuire in icc25 etc...
10) practice practice practice - all good hunters start from some low point. none became an elite in a week or so.
12) approaching boss - when going to raid boss u should always think "how could i do it better?". know where u could push it further and do more dmg next time u get there.
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 473
Stingway wrote:i was wondering about armor penetration and haste cap ?
Do any of you hunters care about the haste cap ?
Armor penetration cap is 1400. Haste is such a bad stat that you shouldn't have enough of it to worry about the (soft)cap.
Some comments on your gear and talents:
- Way above hitcap
- NES sucks, get any other decent trinket instead
- Replace that agi/stam gem with something useful
- Wrong metagem
- Use the Nightmare Tear to get a socket bonus you otherwise would miss
- Wrong enchant on wrists
- Why put a point in Focused Aim when you're already over hitcap
- Move that point from Shark Attack to Wild Hunt on your wolf pet
Last edited by Kruf on 15 Mar 2010 15:28, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 473
xipho wrote:hey man, from what I remember,
2pc i245 and 2pc i251 t10 is better than 4pc i251 t10.
4pc i264 is better than 2pc i245 and 2pc i251 and 2pc i245 and 2pc i264
2pc i258 and 2pc i264 t10 is better than 4pc i264 t10
4pc i277 t10 = win
It's not quite that simple. The 4T10 setbonus is definitely worse than 2T9, however there's much more stats on T10, and part of why 2T9 is so good is being able to roll the optimal sting on your target, which isn't true for half the bosses in ICC. If you can't keep the same sting (applied with all procs up) rolling for the whole fight the value of the bonus is much less. Also note that the value of the setbonus changes with gemming, as you will have much less agi and thus much less crit with full arpen gemming.
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 473
Panth wrote:The reason for that is because you have
5/5 in Improved Aspect of the Hawk it will give you enough haste to get your Steady Shots at 1.5sec.
While IAotH does make haste less desirable stat, it isn't the only reason why haste is such a "bad" stat for hunters. The other big issue is that haste only affects auto and steady shots, which are less than 50% of the damage output.
Re: Hunter question (Who could have guessed ?)
- Posts: 473
oliprik121 wrote:<questions>
Okay, let's see, some comments on gear first:
- Way above hitcap and gemming hit
- What's up with those rare arpen gems?
- Replace that agi/stam gem with Nightmare Tear
- Neither 2T9 nor 2T10 setbonus - both are very good
- Missing head enchant
- Bad enchant on boots
- Bad enchant on shoulders
- Bad enchant on gloves
- Horrible trinkets, hit trinket when you're so far over hitcap makes no sense
As to why the other hunter does more dps, it's a bit hard to say when the log only has short wipe tries in it, but he seems to be hitting for much harder than you. You can't expect the dps difference to match on a very short fight though, since on a short fight critrates and cooldowns won't average out properly.
Last edited by Kruf on 15 Mar 2010 15:27, edited 1 time in total.