Goodmorning Fellow Shadow Priests,
We are at the moment progressing on Madness HC and with the order we do platforms we always have +20% haste buff + timezone.
With DI from our lock plus the +20% haste buff i reach something like 65% haste. Should i reforge all my haste? And if yes should i choose mastery for better Mind Spike - Mind Blast on Parasite and Bolt ? OR should i go for full Crit in order to have Shadowfiend up more and proc the 4set bonus more often ?
Please let me hear your thoughts on this one.
Thanks in advance for your time and help.
Madness Heroic
Madness Heroic
- Posts: 11
Re: Madness Heroic
- Posts: 158
Since you have DI haste is safe bet to go for, only fight in DS I dont go for full haste is spine.
Hating with passion
2 posts -