Hi paragon
I want to know how to get the massive damage in 10man raid like most of top player in world of log because their DPS are alot higher than my dps in every fight.
So are there any special tactic??
For example in Ultraxion fight I saw that top shadow priest dps i nnormal mode now is 77025 while the best I got is only around 29K so how can they got that high??I am so confuse T^T
sorry if my english is poor.
Thany you for help
How to increase DPS
How to increase DPS
- Posts: 3
Re: How to increase DPS
- Posts: 18
- Location: Maryland
Ignore the top shadow priest log. If you look at it you can see that the successful kill log only lasted 30 seconds and he only did 2 million damage. So, I'm not completely sure, but it seems that they started logging near the end of the fight which would cause the 'dps' to skyrocket. The legit top dps on ultraxion 10 normal seems to be Selur on EU-Stormrage at 43.8k which certainly seems realistic. Although, that number is still quite larger than your own, factor in the fact that he has the legendary and im sure some bis gear on top of that, the fight probably lasted much shorter than your own which would result in higher dps, and he probably has everything min/maxed and knows the fight to perfection for his own playstyle (not sure whether you do or not without logs or armory). However, that is just my input more-so on the mechanics/log confusion. A shadowpriest would be able to help you min/max, rotation, and help you with some tricks.
Re: How to increase DPS
- Posts: 3
Thank you for your reply but maybe I will still need more information from other player also :)
Re: How to increase DPS
- Posts: 158
Hard to say without seeing any kinda of logs or armory, if you are able to get us some world of logs report it would be easier to see if there is some flaws in your play or if it´s a gear issue.
But there really isn´t that "special tactics" or tricks which would give you a big dps boost.
But there really isn´t that "special tactics" or tricks which would give you a big dps boost.
Hating with passion
5 posts -