Thank you for the quick reply.
I do plan to go MM, so looks like i have quite a lot of work ahead of me :).
Thank you for the gear tips, it'll definatly put me in the right direction to start.
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 3
Hunter Question
- Posts: 1
Hey there,
well here is my armory link ... kunkadodle
I just want to know what i should change: whether is be talents or what gear piece i should be aiming for.
I'd also like to know if i can make any changes to Gem slots etc.
My rotation at the moment on bosses is HM, SerS, ArcanS + SilencS (macro), AimS, CS, and then SteadyS whenever availible.
well here is my armory link ... kunkadodle
I just want to know what i should change: whether is be talents or what gear piece i should be aiming for.
I'd also like to know if i can make any changes to Gem slots etc.
My rotation at the moment on bosses is HM, SerS, ArcanS + SilencS (macro), AimS, CS, and then SteadyS whenever availible.
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 1
Okay, First I would get rid of that stamina gem replace that with armor pen.
Gear seems fine.
Id say drop that rotation all together. Your talent build seems fine. try going with
#showtooltip Aimed shot
/cast !auto shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Aimed Shot - Macro wise add that with your other shots using aimed for example so for SS you would use the same except #showtooltip Serpent Sting and obviously the /cast Serpent sting
You shouldn't be using arcane shot in your rotation, as its one of the least priorities for your damage, its good to use it tho, if your moving and your shots are on cd.
trying doing Serpent sting, Chimera shot, Aimed shot, Steady shot, I then use after steady shot my Rapid Fire macro which trigger my readiness & blood fury, in your case berserk, then just go back to chimera, aimed and repeat steady about 4 until your chimera is Finished on CD, then aimed shot usually is finished around the same time, rinse and repeat. There's a bit about Chimera shot glyph vs Kill shot/ Totally up to you I use kill shot.
Another thing I had noticed, is your wolfs talents, your build for carmen should end up 2 in cobra, 1 in dash, 3 for spiked collar, 1 in boar's speed, 3 in culling the herd, 3 in spiders bit, 1 in rabid, and 1 for call of the wild and 1 for Wild Hunt, Your missing some of those for the lick your wounds, heart of the phoenix which shouldn't be a problem within a raid, as my wolf rarely dies, and you will benefit more form the extra dps your pet can put out rather then whatyou have now.
So to sum it up, change the stam gem to arp
Enchants - a Must - 10+stats to chest tusk vitality for your feet & back enchant
your wolfs talent build, which I hope your using in your raids :P
Your Rotation...
Almost forgot, Silencing shots, added in your macros as well
#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/cast Berserking
/cast Silencing Shot
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Readiness
/cast Steady Shot
#showtooltip Chimera Shot
/cast !auto Shot
/cast Silencing Shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Chimera Shot
Most your Macros should look like the chimera shot, you may use a haste or crit potion Not sure, but its decent if you can add it in with your rapid fire macro, or use them while bloodlust occurs.
Rotation: Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire macro above, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Steady x4 which Chimera shot should be up, followed by Aimed rinse and repeat. Kill shot should be top priority when available.
hopefully it helps ya out. oh! are you a clicker? lol
Gear seems fine.
Id say drop that rotation all together. Your talent build seems fine. try going with
#showtooltip Aimed shot
/cast !auto shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Aimed Shot - Macro wise add that with your other shots using aimed for example so for SS you would use the same except #showtooltip Serpent Sting and obviously the /cast Serpent sting
You shouldn't be using arcane shot in your rotation, as its one of the least priorities for your damage, its good to use it tho, if your moving and your shots are on cd.
trying doing Serpent sting, Chimera shot, Aimed shot, Steady shot, I then use after steady shot my Rapid Fire macro which trigger my readiness & blood fury, in your case berserk, then just go back to chimera, aimed and repeat steady about 4 until your chimera is Finished on CD, then aimed shot usually is finished around the same time, rinse and repeat. There's a bit about Chimera shot glyph vs Kill shot/ Totally up to you I use kill shot.
Another thing I had noticed, is your wolfs talents, your build for carmen should end up 2 in cobra, 1 in dash, 3 for spiked collar, 1 in boar's speed, 3 in culling the herd, 3 in spiders bit, 1 in rabid, and 1 for call of the wild and 1 for Wild Hunt, Your missing some of those for the lick your wounds, heart of the phoenix which shouldn't be a problem within a raid, as my wolf rarely dies, and you will benefit more form the extra dps your pet can put out rather then whatyou have now.
So to sum it up, change the stam gem to arp
Enchants - a Must - 10+stats to chest tusk vitality for your feet & back enchant
your wolfs talent build, which I hope your using in your raids :P
Your Rotation...
Almost forgot, Silencing shots, added in your macros as well
#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/cast Berserking
/cast Silencing Shot
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Readiness
/cast Steady Shot
#showtooltip Chimera Shot
/cast !auto Shot
/cast Silencing Shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/cast Chimera Shot
Most your Macros should look like the chimera shot, you may use a haste or crit potion Not sure, but its decent if you can add it in with your rapid fire macro, or use them while bloodlust occurs.
Rotation: Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire macro above, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Steady x4 which Chimera shot should be up, followed by Aimed rinse and repeat. Kill shot should be top priority when available.
hopefully it helps ya out. oh! are you a clicker? lol
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 473
Skunkadodle wrote:
What's up with the missing enchants, wrong enchants and that stamina gem? You're not hitcapped either, fix that ASAP. Also, you'd get better socket bonus with that nightmare tear from the leggings. Gemming agi instead of arp would give about 80dps more with that gear, probably not worth regemming everything since you'll want to go arp eventually anyway.
Skunkadodle wrote:I just want to know what i should change: whether is be talents or what gear piece i should be aiming for.
Spec is the cookie cutter MM spec, that's fine. Aim for T10 shoulders, they're one of the best T10 pieces and the 2piece setbonus is good.
Skunkadodle wrote:My rotation at the moment on bosses is HM, SerS, ArcanS + SilencS (macro), AimS, CS, and then SteadyS whenever availible.
That's quite wrong. Chimera has always the highest priority, so once the initial casts (Hunter's Mark (preferably cast before the pull when possible) and Serpent Sting) are done you should instantly hit Chimera.
To recap, the priority list is: Kill Shot > Chimera > Aimed > Steady. Do not use Arcane Shot unless you have both Improved Arcane Shot specced and low ilevel gear. (In which case you should probably be SV anyway...) Macro Silencing Shot to Aimed Shot if you're not using Aimed Shot glyph.
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 473
Jaggid wrote:/cast !auto shot
I heard TBC was demanding to have his old macros back... This is completely pointless nowadays.
Jaggid wrote:#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/cast Berserking
/cast Silencing Shot
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Readiness
/cast Steady Shot
What's up with this crap? Why would you want to cast a filler, Steady Shot, right after Readiness, which resets the CDs of your best damage dealing abilities? Additionally, stacking Berserking with Rapid Fire does not make sense unless you otherwise just barely miss the cooldown when the boss dies.
Jaggid wrote:Most your Macros should look like the chimera shot, you may use a haste or crit potion Not sure, but its decent if you can add it in with your rapid fire macro, or use them while bloodlust occurs.
Using haste pot stacked with Bloodlust does not make sense either, as your steady casts will get shorter than GCD and you'll be "wasting" a part of the haste. Much better stack the pot with trinket procs. (Same goes with Rapid Fire if you can delay it and still get it as many times before the boss dies.)
Jaggid wrote:Rotation: Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire macro above, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Steady x4 which Chimera shot should be up, followed by Aimed rinse and repeat.
I'm strictly against these "Steady x4" rotations, you should never count your shots, always look at the remaining CD on the better ones and fill with Steady if nothing is up.
Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 5
Hello guys.
And Gz on LK 10 man kill :)
i was wondering about armor penetration and haste cap ?
Do any of you hunters care about the haste cap ?
My gear is allmost ready for me to go for the arp, ill know i have to stick to my hit cap.
With this spec and gear i can put out around 10.5 k dps on festergut 25, if im lucky not to get gas vile often.
Would my dps increase if ill go arp with 4 tier 10 ... n=Stingway
Anyone can help me with advise here ?
And a req for kruf :)
Any chance of you can link a screenshot of your UI ?
And Gz on LK 10 man kill :)
i was wondering about armor penetration and haste cap ?
Do any of you hunters care about the haste cap ?
My gear is allmost ready for me to go for the arp, ill know i have to stick to my hit cap.
With this spec and gear i can put out around 10.5 k dps on festergut 25, if im lucky not to get gas vile often.
Would my dps increase if ill go arp with 4 tier 10 ... n=Stingway
Anyone can help me with advise here ?
And a req for kruf :)
Any chance of you can link a screenshot of your UI ?
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 1
hey man, from what I remember,
2pc i245 and 2pc i251 t10 is better than 4pc i251 t10.
4pc i264 is better than 2pc i245 and 2pc i251 and 2pc i245 and 2pc i264
2pc i258 and 2pc i264 t10 is better than 4pc i264 t10
4pc i277 t10 = win
Hope that helps, Also. if your keeping needle encrusted scorpion trinket don't forget that you only need to get to a apren rating of... ~720ish anymore is a dps loss and better in agi gems
One thing i did just notice, you got the t10 legs, your better off with the crafted ones or the ones of lady deathwhisper. the teir ones suck :/
2pc i245 and 2pc i251 t10 is better than 4pc i251 t10.
4pc i264 is better than 2pc i245 and 2pc i251 and 2pc i245 and 2pc i264
2pc i258 and 2pc i264 t10 is better than 4pc i264 t10
4pc i277 t10 = win
Hope that helps, Also. if your keeping needle encrusted scorpion trinket don't forget that you only need to get to a apren rating of... ~720ish anymore is a dps loss and better in agi gems
One thing i did just notice, you got the t10 legs, your better off with the crafted ones or the ones of lady deathwhisper. the teir ones suck :/
Re: Hunter Question again :)
- Posts: 1
i was wondering about armor penetration and haste cap ?
Do any of you hunters care about the haste cap ?
I'll say it like this "Haste is a Waste". As a Markmanship Hunter you don't need any Haste rating
so basically all the Haste you get on your gear is useless. The reason for that is because you have
5/5 in Improved Aspect of the Hawk it will give you enough haste to get your Steady Shots at 1.5sec.
Hunter Question
- Posts: 2
MY hunter hit 80 about 3 weeks ago, and i decided to gem for arpen and go MM recently because i thought i was getting close to the point where MM would be better. I figured if i got a new weapon and 2 or 3 more items with arpen MM would be better. Except after reading a few guides and threads im starting to think i was wrong. I was jsut wondering if i was any where to close to MM being better or if im still way off and should just go bak to survival for a while. I was pulling 7-8k when my gear was gemmed with agi in survival. ... cn=Aokcows ... cn=Aokcows
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 8
i dont get ur question.. it sems u already gemmed for arp.
u have have decent gear for MM though not the best. considering u are 3 weks into 80 it seems u have are in the way to get the adequate gear.
as MM go for better weapon, and get 1 of the 2:
1) arp trinket and kep current gems
2) more agi gems (though , if u are not competitive the diff is not huge so up to ur gold m8)
u have have decent gear for MM though not the best. considering u are 3 weks into 80 it seems u have are in the way to get the adequate gear.
as MM go for better weapon, and get 1 of the 2:
1) arp trinket and kep current gems
2) more agi gems (though , if u are not competitive the diff is not huge so up to ur gold m8)