Totally Disappointed

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 02:52

Avatar deboner
Posts: 5
mdizZZZzle wrote:lol moar QQ plz you guys got shown up thats basically all there is too say now be a man and say it stop saying garbage about 2 raid reset's you guys are being sore losers that's it man up, shut the fuck up, /gquit /slitwrists

This has to be the dumbest post ever

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 03:11

Avatar deboner
Posts: 5
I haven't read a single post from a Paragon member complain about double resets. I haven't read a single post from a Paragon member bash ANY other guild. I do remember Diamondtear congradulating KIN for their kill.

To call this race "fair" is laughable. You can't ban guilds for 8 days and them call the outcome fair. This so called "race" was tainted from the beginning and it will always be viewed that way from reasonable people.

I doubt KIN members would have the gall to call themselves the best. They deserve a pat on the back, but not a trophy.

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 03:28

Avatar deboner
Posts: 5
I'm steamed, in rage, I'm freaking out and my desk!!

I guess time will heal all this rage I have, unfortunately no amount of time will fix your lack of intelligence to grasp simple concepts.

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 07:12

Avatar Mjollnir
Posts: 19
deboner wrote:I haven't read a single post from a Paragon member complain about double resets. I haven't read a single post from a Paragon member bash ANY other guild. I do remember Diamondtear congradulating KIN for their kill.

To call this race "fair" is laughable. You can't ban guilds for 8 days and them call the outcome fair. This so called "race" was tainted from the beginning and it will always be viewed that way from reasonable people.

I doubt KIN members would have the gall to call themselves the best. They deserve a pat on the back, but not a trophy.
I couldn't agree more. Paragon, Method, Ensidia, and Envy were all taken out of the race by having an 8 day late start. The true contenders for world first. Blizzard is going to see that catering to whiners and drama queens is going to be their downfall.

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 09:14

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357
Mjollnir wrote:Paragon, Method, Ensidia, and Envy were all taken out of the race by having an 8 day late start. The true contenders for world first. Blizzard is going to see that catering to whiners and drama queens is going to be their downfall.

I have to disagree with the "true contenders" definition. They are the usual contenders, because their names have been on the top of the charts in the past, but they are not "truer" contenders than KIN Raiders, Stars or in Extremis.

If this would not be the last raid of the current expansion it would be interesting to see how KIN are doing in the next one. Remember when Paragon came out of nowhere and kicked Nihilum off the throne? We might witness the same. Not in the same extreme fashion, but a new and serious contender might have come up and a name we'll have to get used to in the WF Race.

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 11:07

Avatar Epitok
Posts: 3
Yes. And previous decisions to NOT exploit have cost us world firsts. Luckily, we've managed to make up for the difference and get the end boss kills first regardless in the past.

There's guilds exploiting even now and Blizzard has resumed business as usual. No bans handed out, as there's no massive public outcry to do such a thing. There's guilds who abused getting "free" legendaries and as far as I know, nothing was done to them either.

That's exactly what I was worrying about. Blizzard does the right thing and goes heavy handed for such a minor exploit, but then ignores much more obnoxious cases of abuse that have a real impact. What's needed is consistency. Right now there's none.

This kind of post rejecting responsibilities on Blizzard feels awkward. Your "victim" tone just don't cut it Synti. You guys are among the best players, you are well known for getting LEGIT kills even when a boss is "unkillable".
You should apologize again for exploiting and not complain about Blizzard ban-policies. OBVIOUSLY Blizzard is gonna punish the top guilds and especially you, they perfectly know how much impact it will have on the community. The popularity of this website speaks for itself.
Like it was said earlier, it' s never gonna be fair, Blizzard can not and won't be everywhere, everytime. It's just physically impossible to watch and punish every single exploiting guild in the world, but much easier to punish the ones that are looked upon by the community. Get used to it.

You guys ARE an example for the raid community, keep that in mind when you lower yourselves to bug exploit. In a way, I'm happy that it costs you the first place.

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 17:52

Avatar blu
Posts: 2
@ Epitok - defending blizzard is retarded . no reason to even start reasoning this up . the rules should be appliable to everyone or no-one . it`s easy as that . u can`t possibly say paragon / method / ensidia deserves to be banned more than a top 10.000 guild or the other way around . and u`re telling us now that out of the sudden , over the night blizzard decided to become fair and square banning paragon / method / ensidia for 8 days at begining of a WF race ? u`re much more naive than one would consider . IF madness would`ve been harder - eg. raggy , def more time spent trying to get WF + took 1 month or more for another guild to get 2nd world kill - then yes , this bans would`ve been meeeh , okish . but considering how fast madness was killed an 8 day ban is an insane handicap . why blame the top guilds for the fact blizzard hires mentally handicapped game developers ? in addition to this , consider all top guilds are practically the ones that are doing the beta testing for blizzard`s shit . for free . and whenever the wind blows from a different direction blizzards decides to screw one over and blame it on w/e exploits / bugs and whatnot .

for KIN raiders , sure , congrats for their WF . they took advantage of their situation and gg for them . but as some1 already stated in this thread , i`m sure their happiness isn`t as full as it would`ve been in a real race . cause what`s the purpose of every top guild if not to beat the previous champion in fair fight ? too bad KIN raiders were in a race in which most of the running lanes were empty .

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 19:29

Avatar Extor
Posts: 1
Blizzard's decision is definitely questionnable, they didn't choose the best solution. In my opinion, they should have recognized the LFR exploit, repaired it and awaited the END of the race for World First before taking any actions against the Clans. Like banning Paragon and Method for 8 days now that they cleaned DS.

But who cares now ? Paragon and Method definitely proved that the WF was within their reach and we saw amazing korean newcomers. I know for sure that when you put so much time and dedication in the race, 1st place or 4th place is not the same, but for me all of you are all skilled players who proved their value many many times. Just enjoy the rest of your vacations and stop blaming people, the end of the year is supposed to be a great and cheerful moment with your friends and family.

Best wishes,

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 20:37

User avatarDiamondTear
Posts: 317
Epitok wrote: OBVIOUSLY

If only.

Re: Totally Disappointed

Post 27 Dec 2011 21:39

Avatar Sevyn
Posts: 1
You know, I'm sorry but I am going to have to agree with Blizzard on this one. It doesn't matter if other people get away with it or not. Just because they get away with it and you didn't STILL doesn't make it right to try and do it and then when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar call party foul. You guys talk about a fair race... well It wouldn't have been fair if you guys would have been allowed to go on with the exploit even if it was just a "minor" exploit. As a guild that is supposed to set an example for not cheating I don't understand why so many of you call foul or whatever and act more ashamed for trying to do something like this, just lost a lot of respect for you guys just from this thread alone.

One the flip side... I do find it rather ridiculous that by now Blizzard can't properly test and debug their stuff based on how huge they are... I mean as an established 8? or however long it's been out game you'd think they'd have it down to a science by now. Ah well, everyone's human and makes mistakes.

I know I'll probably get flamed and trolled for my post but it's alright, I'm sure you guys will do great in the next xpac/tier and will do great things. Just keep your noises clean and do things legit regardless of what other guilds do and set an example like you guys supposedly have been.